Psychology and Vibration, Newsletter 20: Co-creation with Source - A massive idea (3).
01 Introduction
In the introduction of his book Power versus Force[1], the author David Hawkins refers to the individual human mind and compares it to a computer terminal connected to a giant database. He states that the database transcends time, space, and all limitations of individual consciousness. Hawkins notes furthermore that this quality of the human mind distinguishes it as a unique tool for future research and opens yet undreamed-of areas of possible investigation. He proposes that the database holds the prospect of the establishment of an objective basis for human values, behaviors, and belief systems. In fact, he continues, the information obtained by this method reveals a new paradigm for validating objective truth:
We have at our disposal a means of finding answers to previously unresolved personal and social problems. Falsehood needs no longer hold the sway over our lives. The unlimited information contained in the database has now been shown to be available to anyone in a few seconds at any time and in any place. This is indeed an astonishing discovery, bearing the power to change lives, both individually and collectively to a degree never yet anticipated (p. xxvii).
It has been shown in the previous newsletters that #EstherHicks, who is associated with the #AbrahamHicksPhenomenon, is a living exemplar of exactly someone who is able to convey the most updated information on any topic in the world within minutes. As such she reveals the marvel of the nature of reality: who we are and how to apply this “undreamed-of information” to understand how to live life to the full.
Esther does this with the greatest ease by allowing the mouthpiece of the database, Source Energy, or “Abraham[2],” to answer any question anyone asks in forums arranged specifically for that. She has been doing this for four decades now in seminars, mostly in America. There are many YouTube videos available that testify to this phenomenon. As will be debated in this newsletter, it seems that a right hemispheric #worldview clearly explains that we are in a close relationship with Non-physical and that the relationship is reverberating, reciprocal, and co-creative. Abraham discloses this fact in the following way[3]:
Even more than the material being that you have come to know as you – you are a Vibrational Being. When someone looks at you, they see you with their eyes and hear you with their ears, but you are presenting yourself to them, and to the #Universe, in a much more emphatic way than can be seen or heard: You are a vibrational transmitter, and you are broadcasting your signal in every moment of your existence.
As you are focused in this physical body, and while you are awake, you are constantly projecting a very specific, easily identifiable signal that is instantly received, understood, and answered. Immediately, your present and future circumstances begin to change in response to the signal you are offering now. And so, the entire Universe, right now, is affected by what you are offering. […] The personality that is You is really an eternal personality, but who you are right now, and what you are thinking right now, is causing a focusing of #Energy that is very powerful. This Energy that you are focusing is the same Energy that creates worlds. And it is, in this very moment, creating your world (Hicks & Hicks, 2004, pp. 39 & 40).
02 An evolutionary approach to #spirituality
Dr Iain #McGilchrist wrote two phenomenal books, The Master, and his Emissary (2009)[4] and The Matter with Things (2021)[5]. His last book is described as one of the most important books ever published. McGilchrist’s contribution, amongst others, is the idea that each hemisphere of our brains pays a quiet different type of attention to the world. McGilchrist postulates that when we are seeking to understand something, we have a choice; we can do it either via the narrow-beam, sharply focused attention of the left hemisphere, or by the right hemisphere, striving for the #holistic view.
In citing ancient and modern works (his bibliography in #TheMatterwithThings takes up more than five hundred pages) McGilchrist successfully weaves a range of knowledge and wisdom from philosophers, scientists, and literary agents, spanning the millennia, into a convincing argument which reveals an evolutionary approach to spirituality. In fact, a book, work, or thesis like this has never been written.
McGilchrist’s establishes a #hemispherehypothesis which comprises a differentiation between how the #righthemisphere and the #lefthemisphere respectively understands the world. His hemisphere hypothesis revives and illuminates insights that brings about new and fresh perspectives about the nature of reality. As Professor Charles Foster (2021) phrases it on the back cover of The Matter with Things,
what sort of creatures we are and what sort of place we inhabit.
When these insights and perspectives are moreover further examined within the framework of the Abraham Philosophy, we are invited (back) into a world that is alive with #mystery, #magic, #mystic and #miracles. What (on earth) we have been and currently still are missing (pun intended) are discussed in the next few paragraphs where an effort is made to integrate up to date “live” information from Non-physical, as per Abraham, and professionally researched, up to date information from the physical plane, as per McGilchrist.
03 The holistic view of the right hemisphere: process and flow
With his stance that the right hemisphere of our brains enables us to sense and imagine a holistic view on the nature of reality, McGilchrist restores a worldview where the Sacred has a foundational relationship with Its creation. He argues that the Universal Origin, Ground or Reason, became embodied as form. Form (things, matter, and embodied conscious beings) is thus a secondary, emergent property from the ground of #Being. In suspending the left hemisphere, it can be appreciated that
#Spirit and body are not distinct, or opposed, but discernibly different aspects of the same being (p 1211). […] A spirit that impels and rolls through all things. […] When I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of #God (p. 1238).
McGilchrist’s #hemispherehypothesis, and especially the #righthemisphericworldview, enables us now to acknowledge a reciprocal and reverberating process between non-physical and matter. According to McGilchrist this process indicates an in betweenness or relationship between Spirit and Matter that has been “flowing” forever and playing out as a continual realization of potentiality. In this regard McGilchrist (2021, p. 1174) refers to #evolution and explains it as
a spinning out, an unfolding of what is latent within.
McGilchrist (2021, p. 1174) also refers to Bergson who pointed out that the concept of evolution can be conceived in two ways:
As like the unfolding of a lady’s fan, on which the painting is fixed and the process merely brings what was already there to our eyes; or as a genuinely creative act in which what is brought “out” is hitherto not just unknown but unknowable, because the evolution actually brings it into being for the first time.
McGilchrist (2021, p. 1174) expands on Bergson’s ideas and describes Nature as:
something that discovers what it is in the process of becoming what it is, and the point and purpose of which lies in itself: a free, exuberant creation, not a micro-controlled one. No algorithm, no programme, no robots: just and endless self-discovering act of creation.
In similar fashion Abraham also confirms evolution as expansion, continuation, and improvement and states that everything that exists today is an expansion and a new and improved expansion of something that was before[6]. Abraham elaborates furthermore that as the #Nonphysical is flowing forward with us, our role is to be the translators of the new and expanding ideas. Abraham reveals that this is, for example, where inventions and mathematical equations come from.
Abraham urges that nothing can be asserted into our experience if we do not allow the ideas from #Source in such a way that momentum can carry it into something meaningful. McGilchrist calls it a “listening to” or “giving attention to” - a task McGilchrist has awarded to the right hemisphere of our brains. Abraham elaborates on the topic and states that “giving attention to” actually means “becoming a vibrational equivalency with Source Energy,” which will enable us “to receive clues, impulses, words, and guidance from our Inner Being who knows the best way for us to go”, that is, what to do next and next and how to do it [7].
Abraham emphasizes that creation is a delicious and wonderful thing and movement toward #manifestation is supposed to be really fun for us. Abraham also urges us to get in the habit of enjoying the unfolding, enjoying the receptive mode, enjoying the clues and the hints that we receive, enjoying the rendezvousing with the others, enjoying the adding to it as we go along, enjoying the witnessing of the unfolding of what we are creating. In short, we should enjoy having our hands in the Universe’s clay.
04 The ground of Being
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God simply is, says McGilchrist. It requires that we understand God both to have Being and to be the ground of Being at one and the same time. McGilchrist refers to the philosopher Jean Gebser who describes the Origin as
the source from which all springs, but also that which Itself springs forth (McGilchrist, 2021, p. 1201).
McGilchrist also refers to Suzuki who states that
the pure source is everywhere. Each being is itself pure source, and pure source is nothing but each being (McGilchrist, 2021, p. 1201).
McGilchrist presents the following wager (which Abraham endorses fully in Ask and it is Given[8], Chapter 16 - You are co-creating within a magnificently diverse Universe):
If you accept that God is in process, as is the cosmos, […] and if you accept that God is an eternal Becoming, fulfilled as God through the response of his creation, and we, for our part, constantly more fulfilled through our response to God; then we are literally partners in the creation of the universe, even in the becoming of God (who is himself Becoming as much as Being).
05 Blue pill/Red Pill[9]
McGilchrist remarks on the front cover of his book The Matter with Things:
It seems that we have become mesmerized by a mechanistic, reductionist way of thinking, the product of a brain system which evolved not to help us understand, but merely to manipulate the world: that of the left hemisphere. We have become blind to what the subtler, more intelligent, and more perceptive right hemisphere sees. And consequently, we no longer seem to have the faintest idea who we are, what the world is, or how we relate to it. Indeed there is a sense in which we no longer live in a world at all, but exist in a simulacrum of our own making.
And with his last remarks in this epic work of his, he asserts:
Now I leave the matter to you.
I have nothing to add.
06 Conclusion
It seems that the whole Cosmos is an extravagantly creative, inventive, superabundant, self-delighting process, driving towards the realization of infinite potential. It is a constant becoming, something that is ever more coming into being, an unbroken chain of life that makes our existence possible.
Understanding it all from within the right hemisphere’s worldview, it is astonishing to realize that God is creating the whole world now, this instant. And, chuckles Abraham, since we are all eternal beings, is there any rush in our evolution? Evidently not.
[1] Hawkins D. R. (2002). Power vs. force: the hidden determinants of human behavior (Rev.). Hay House.
[2] Psychology and Vibration, Newsletter 2: The Eternal Stream of Collective Consciousness, Jan 15, 2022
[3] Hicks, E., & Hicks, J. (2004). Ask and it is given: learning to manifest your desires. Hay House.
[4] McGilchrist I. (2009). The Master and his emissary: the divided brain and the making of the western world. Yale University Press.
[5] McGilchrist I. (2021). The Matter with things: our brains, our delusions, and the unmaking of the world. Perspectiva Press.
[7] Manifest the divine. (2022, October 9). Abraham Hicks 2022 | Let go and let it flow and you will get it by the end of the Week [Video]. YouTube.
[8] Hicks, E., & Hicks, J. (2004). Ask and it is given: learning to manifest your desires. Hay House.
[9] The terms “blue pill” and “red pill” refer to a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in contented ignorance with the blue pill. The terms are associated with the 1999 film “The Matrix”.
CEO and Founder at Cooperative Systems | Founder at Pivot International
1yI love this article! Go right hemisphere!