Technology rules, information has never been so accessible and a new culture has been shaped. We are living what I call an intersection era when most of the dominant players of the old system try hard to change their speeches but are unable to change their mindset and acts.A new generation is emerging with unimaginable power to change the status quo but still lacking reliable institutions and guidance.
PURPOSE has become the new “trend”. It’s in everyone’s agenda but unfortunately still addressed with hypocrisy and short term vision.
That’s why most of the challenges we face at the moment can be expressed as failures of trust. We lost our idols, our role models. We miss inspiration and thrustable sources of information. Every institution is “naked” and we are all lost. Weaponization of information through bots, fake news, and recommendation algorithms plus good old-fashioned advertising undermines any consensus about the very nature of truth. Trust is the glue that binds communities and societies toward a common purpose; without it, we are adrift.We don’t believe our leaders, scientists and journalists anymore. We watch corporations exploit who they claim to serve and we see our fates increasingly in the hands of hypocrite old fashion leaders.
What to do?
Developing new perspectives around PURPOSE supported by a global community of change makers, high quality content and technologies of trust will be a powerful way to make PURPOSE not only a trend but a life style in the coming years.
We don’t have a choice.