The purpose of purpose
The purpose of purpose - Tim Connor, CSP
You would be amazed at how many people live each day without any sense of purpose or meaning – they just go from day to day, same stuff different day – same routines, same outcomes, and same activities. Don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with routine, but the question is – are your routines leading you to greater happiness, success, contentment, and results?
If they are – go for it – keep at them, but if they are not - consider that maybe your major challenge is finding and living with a greater purpose, one greater than yourself!
Purpose - the reason for which something exists or for which it has been done or made, the goal or intended outcome of something.
In one of the greatest self-help books of all time, Thank and Grow Rich, Hill discusses the idea of – definite major purpose. I have to tell you that after reading that book multiple times I finally got it – what is my purpose in life? I won’t bore you with my answer – just that this purpose that I developed over forty years ago still drives my attitudes, actions, decisions and behavior – and with God’s help, it always will.
Without purpose – and it can be anything – we are doomed to live a life of emptiness, confusion, disappointment, regret, aimlessness and stress.
What is purpose? In a nutshell it is a philosophy that determines or is the benchmark for all of your actions and decisions. This doesn’t mean you will always make right or the best decisions or always take the right actions, but when you don’t you will be more aware of the inconsistencies that are the outcome as a result.
Purpose is like a roadmap (I know I should say Google here). You know the destination and the map gives you the possible routes and you decide which ones to take given your time, resources and desires. You have a choice - you can take the fastest route, the best route or the route that gives you time to just take in the scenery and enjoy the journey – but this choice is yours in the end.
Purpose is what grounds you and keeps you focused. It guides you through obstacles, failure, uncertainty and challenges. It becomes your best friend as you listen to its guidance. It tells you what to do and what to avoid, but again – you can listen and heed its messages or go your “own way” driven by fear, ego, the need for approval or your arrogance.
But, in the end a life without purpose is just that – a life without direction, specific goals and confidence and one that leads you to unknown places, ones you often wish you didn’t find yourself in.
How to you develop (discover) your purpose? How do you live each day (moment) with purpose? How do you carry on with purpose when you are daily bombarded with problems, unknowns and uncertainty? One thing I have learned is that without a sense of purpose dealing with these outside-in issues will always be more difficult and will lead to more of the same or even the increase of pressure from the same ones over time.
How to you develop (discover) your purpose? A lifelong purpose should not be chosen quickly or with little or casual self-evaluation. It should be developed after careful analysis of your dreams, desires and what you want your life to stand for. It should not be ruled by your current condition, roles, resources, circumstances, talent, experience, or the desires or demands of others.
Purpose is not a goal but the underlying foundation for the goals that you set and work towards. Purpose is developed from deep inside your spirit and soul keeping in mind the journey ahead regardless of your current age or circumstances.
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It is impossible to know what the future holds regardless of how well-defined your purpose is. Life is filled with constant uncertainty and obstacles. The purpose of purpose is to help you navigate through these with passion, courage, faith, and confidence. And these take time to cultivate and demonstrate.
You find your purpose by listening, observing, attention and awareness. And when it comes to you – you will know it – believe me – it will speak to you.
How do you live each day (each moment) with purpose?
First you have to sink this purpose deep in your mind so that it keeps reminding you each moment as life keeps asking you – are you living with this purpose now?
Next you have to find the courage to honor this purpose regardless of your circumstances and the rejection, advice, criticism or suggestions of others.
If you can accomplish these two the next one is to use your purpose as a template against all of your decisions and actions – am I living this purpose or is it just a phrase?
You don’t change it as the years pass regardless of your failures or successes.
None of these are easy tasks but in the end, you will arrive at your desired destination with – inner peace, gratitude, contentment and calm.
How do you carry on with purpose when you are daily bombarded with problems, unknowns and uncertainty?
Life is uncertain. We all will face trials and tribulations. These are not meant to break us but strengthen us – the question is – what do we do with them? Going through difficult times without purpose is like trying to travel to a destination not knowing what or where the destination is.
A vital activity necessary while following (living) your purpose is to surround yourself with people who believe in you, support you and want you to achieve your goals and dreams. It is also necessary you keep filling your mind with validating information that supports your journey. This means developing a life filled with learning, growing and discovering.
My life purpose (if you are interested) – To learn everything God wants me to learn and to share that learning with everyone who crosses my path.