Q&A for Eliademy shutdown
Dear all, please accept our sincere apologies for the shutdown of Eliademy's service. We gave a warning 4 months ago on our blog about the upcoming failure. Do accept that such a situation is never easy for anyone, especially for the remaining founder and employees. We understand the concerns of our customers and users and we will try to do the best, taking into account the limitations. Do accept that due to financial reasons our options are very limited to non-existent.
Here is a list of questions received and our answers:
1.Why the service was closed so abruptly?
We gave a warning in a blog post 4 months ago in order to minimize the damage. We posted on Twitter and other social media platforms. The reason for not putting a final day was based on our false belief that we could have made a breakthrough, keeping the service alive. Unfortunately, our bank creditor had different opinions and decided without a warning to cut our single line of credit. That meant the end of the service as we knew it, cruelly & abruptly.
2. What happens to my courses and student data?
Your data are stored in our shutdown servers, the servers have not been deleted. Your data are safe for the time being. You can send a request to support@eliademy.com in order to request a back up in PDF or export the course in Moodle format. However, this backup retrieval service is manual work and we need to pay someone to do it. Thus we will need to charge you 500 euros for all your courses. Eliademy didn't have an export course function, we did not think that we need one.
3. I love Eliademy interface and want to continue using the service, how?
You can order a white label Eliademy server. That would be a dedicated server with your logo, powered by Eliademy experience and user interface. The annual cost for such a service is 6000 euros per year. We will transfer your existing courses there at no extra costs.
4. If I don't want to pay, what shall I do?
We are afraid that we don't have any other option to provide to you. Once the servers are deleted, your data will be deleted forever if not retrieved. We are sad about that, especially for the 55.000 teachers that created over 90.000 free courses to educate the 750.000 users community of Eliademy. Startups are a high-risk business and this is not the first time that a startup collapses by bruising the feelings of its customers. Sincerely, the pain is not affecting only you but also us, seeing our dreams evaporating within a millisecond.
5. I'm a Premium customer and have paid annual prepayment, do I get a refund?
We are not in a position to offer any refunds. All money that we could get would be used to bring back the servers. That would be for your benefit as well.
6. We would like to sue you. Who is the new administrator?
We understand your frustration, believe us. There was nothing that we could do to change the situation, it is all about money and we have none. Suing us won't help the situation either. Our terms of service, the one that you accepted when you start using Eliademy, explicitly states that you indemnify us from any legal action. Even in the case that you lost data, or subsequently, a business that you made on top of the platform. Just accept our sincere apologies and know that we are equally hurt. Once we know the name of the new administrator we will let you know. We are searching as we speak to find one in order to do debt restructuring that will allow some minimal service to come back online.
7. Are you going to sell the student data in order to make a profit?
No, never. We will not use or sell the data to anyone, even under this situation. Once the servers are deleted, the data will be deleted as well. We might, however, send emails to our users informing them about future plans, once the email server starts functioning. We take pride in being one of the few internet services that protected your data for so long, without making a penny by selling data to 3rd parties. Maybe that is also one reason for our failure, of not doing what everybody else is doing. Probably too idealistic but rest assured that we go down with our principles unchanged.
8. Are you going to open source code?
Yes. Eliademy White label now is open-sourced and code can be found by clicking here. That will allow the Moodle community to take our User Interface and reuse it. In this way, Eliademy will live forever as part of the bigger Moodle community. So we encourage them to copy our code or user interface into the Moodle heart.
This move also allows IT, managers, to install our code to their own private servers. We can offer the same, as service for 6000 euros per year. If you are an open-source fan and want to contribute to the maintenance of the code, this is the right time to contact us. Please remember that volunteering to an open-source project increases chances to be employed by big software houses, like Google, Nokia, etc. If you are an IT professor, you can assign to your student class the maintenance, as a real-life practice. Don't hesitate to contact support@eliademy.com for more information. Educational institutions can save up to 100.000 euros per annum if you install Eliademy white label.
Note that we will be offering consultancy over the code as paid service. So let us recycle a dead service and create something new. Warning: Eliademy logo is copyrighted and trademarked and cannot be used without written permission, the PaaS version is now open to the public.
9. How much is your debt and how much to buy the whole thing?
The company behind Eliademy owns zero money to personnel, all social contributions, for them, are paid. Only the founders worked unpaid for many years. We own roughly 40.000 to Nordea bank and also to a small loan taken from the Finnish Innovation Fund (Business Finland), backed by the European Union.
Probably we own less than 8000 euros to teachers that sold courses with us. There are also customers that have used the service on credit and they own us some money, we never tried to collect those. As far as we are aware, we don't own to tax authorities. We have contributed so far to the wellbeing of the Finnish society, with more than 500.000 euros in social contributions and another 500k in salaries, by hiring 21 Nokia unemployed people. Funnily enough, we even paid taxes over profit during our first year.
We believe that our credit exposure is small and we don't own anything to our 3rd party suppliers. If someone would like to buy the company, the starting price is 250.000 euros plus the debt that is accumulated. Eliademy still is on the top 20 global eLearning brands with a good Alexa ranking.
10. We want to give you some money to continue your mission of “Democratizing education with technology”. How can we do that?
Eliademy is based in Finland with very strict rules related to donations. To put it simply, without permission we cannot accept money as a donation, only for service. Wikipedia like business model is not easy to do in Finland. So if you want to help, just buy course backup service at 500euros. We only need 1000 euros per month to run the servers, so go ahead and help us gather that money by buying our services.
11. What is the future of the founding members of Eliademy?
We are happy(?) to report that only Sotiris Makrygiannis stay until the bitter end, looks like he has that habit. Now it's time for him to reflect on this failure. Soon will start a new life journey in order to pay his bills and Eliademy bank loan guarantees. Accountable until the end, one can understand the pressure that this situation has given him.
He wants to thank every single person that loved Eliademy and trusted us for so long. He co-created Eliademy because as a young boy never had the money to be educated properly thus became a high school drop out. Now counts the 10 million learning hours (per year) delivered to 190 countries, a very solid result. He hopes that he has helped to change the life of at least one person by offering a free service. That alone would be his biggest achievement during the Eliademy journey.
If you love what we have done so far, share on social media a big LOVE for us as a goodbye or simply a word of encouragement, hating us won't make the world better. Please accept also his sincere apologies for our failure, he failed as startup CEO and Founder, but he is not a failure.
He is available for interviews related to the lessons learned and for new challenging missions. Has an incredible story that must be shared with the world so new entrepreneurs know what was done right and what to avoid.
Finally, as more questions are gathered, we will create new posts with answers. Since we cannot use the Eliademy.com domain all future communication will be coming from www.sotirism.com blog until we bring the servers back.
Product Development Manager & CISO at Tosibox
4yGod speed Eliademy! It was great while it lasted.
CEO @ Signove | D.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
4yKeep up Sotirios! It is not easy to say goodbye, but we all recognize how bold you have been investing your time in the company.
Kämpfen nicht gut, aber wenn kämpfen, dann gewinnen.
4yI tried to get advise from support for the 500 Euros solution but no reaction anyway. Thats a real problem. No backup (I requested still in 2018) and now closed Server, locked data, no support, even not for some fat 500 Euros (really a big commitment). Thats not ok, really not ok! I need my courses (as many others do) to do my job!
Tough days Sotirios ❤️ Shutdown is a difficult moment for everyone involved. Happy to read of your open sourcing decision. Maybe there is a seed planted for new learning foundation/co-operative.
Kämpfen nicht gut, aber wenn kämpfen, dann gewinnen.
4yIts really not nice, but it is the way it is.