Quality Standards for Patient Education Released
The National Quality Forum has released national standards for decision aids – the essential tools for shared decision making between patients and doctors. Decision aids, which include videos and online guides, are evidence-based tools designed to help patients make health care choices. According to the NQF, national standards to evaluate decision aids are critical to ensuring that these resources offer accurate information to patients so they can evaluate healthcare choices that reflect their goals, values, and preferences. Click here to view the decision aids documents.
7yNurses do most of the education and yet there was only 1 on the panel? Is that correct or are there names missing?
Editorial Expert in Medical Education, Testing, & Research
8yEditorial principles for content and substance are critical to a decision aid's success. So glad to see the U.S. joining Canada in the development of healthcare-related decision aids.
quantitative storyteller and coach, geospatial data analyst, strategist creating narrative around climate science and the physical-cultural-ecological facilities required for sustainable operation of infrastructure.
8yI would also like to see a detailed "quality of evidence" scale inclusive of funding sources (listed) to better qualify "The patient decision aid or supporting document provides information about the evidence sources used."
CEO/Founder @ Beacon Advocates | Oncology, Healthcare Quality
8yThrilled to learn of the inroads and focus on standards surround patient decision aids used in patient education!