Quantify your value in 3 easy steps
If you had to summarize the value you bring to your company right now, what would you say?
I was shocked to find out that most people can’t answer that question; and if you can’t answer that question, how can you expect anyone else to?
Being able to quantify your value can be the difference between getting an offer letter or a rejection letter; or whether you get that promotion or a pink slip. It determines how fast you grow or how long you sit on the sidelines. The more the organization sees the value you deliver the more opportunity you have to make a big impact.
With so much on the line, people still have a hard time with the value conversation. Here are a few ways you can start to understand your value and make sure everyone else does too.
There are three areas you want to focus on when it comes to quantifying your value
1. The monetary impact you have on the organization
2. Your leadership ability to help their vision, mission and values come to life
3. Recent wins that align with the things the organization cares about the most
Before you start to think about your value, consider your employer a client. Forget what you get from them and for right now only focus on what they get from you.
Quantify your value in monetary terms
Quantifying your value in monetary terms can be difficult depending on where you are in the organization. If you are in sales, that’s easy. Look at your revenue numbers each month and there is your answer. If you are in a middle or back-office function things get a little trickier. Here’s how you put a number on what you do.
Middle office teams should focus on your impact on the customer, productivity, client retention, organic growth, product expansion, etc. Back-office teams should focus on cost reduction in terms of efficiency, processing speed, and 3 rd party supplier spending. Every person in every organization has an impact on the bottom line. Take the time to figure out yours.
Deliver on your company’s vision, mission, and values
The financial impact is important and without the leadership impact to go with it, you’re not packing the punch you could be. Make sure your leadership style is having the impact on the organization they expect.
How well does your leadership style align with what the company values most? How much of an impact can you make to deliver the success criteria that are on your boss’s scorecard as well as their boss’s scorecard? Are you part of the solution or are you part of the problem? When you know what success looks like up the chain of command and are a critical element to achieve that success your leadership value skyrockets.
Recent wins the organization cares about
You have to be good at the things your company cares about and frequent wins are essential to maintain your value to the organization. The miracle you pull off in February will be a distant memory by the time your year-end review hits in December. If your company is all about innovation then that’s where your focus and achievements should be. If they are about cost savings and avoiding risk then make sure your wins align with those goals.
What if you’re missing the mark and not adding as much value as you thought you were?
There’s no need to panic, everything is fixable! All you need to do is know your weak spots, prioritize the most important gaps to close, create your plan to close, and deliver like crazy. Once you have clarity and a plan the rest will come. It’s those pesky blind spots you need to worry about the most.
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We are often our own worst critics. Make sure you are holding yourself to a standard that is reasonable. You can do that by asking for feedback from others and just listening to what they have to say, comparing your performance against your peers, and thinking about how you would rank amongst the rest of the team. Trust me, your leader has already done this stack-ranking exercise so you should too.
What if you’re crushing it and no one seems to notice?
Self-promoting without coming across like a Grade-A jerk requires a bit of finesse. Here are a few easy ways to get a piece of the limelight without having to feel like you need a shower. Start by giving your team the credit. They did most of the work anyway. When you give them credit you acknowledge their efforts, are seen as a strong leader, and are associated with the win as well because you lead the effort. Strengthen your ability to lead through influence. You don’t need a title to lead and if you learn how to successfully lead up, down, and sideways it will be noticed by everyone in the organization. And lastly, be sure to keep a “thatta girl/guy” file handy and as much social proof of accolades from your peers and leaders as you possibly can. It all counts when it comes time to quantify your value.
When you focus on quantifying your monetary value, keep your wins fresh, close your value gaps, and take credit for your wins you will have a fulfilling career that rewards you for your talents and contributions.
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Passion to Boutique Business - burnout-free growth for successful solopreneurs (without turning into a manager, marketer or tech whiz) Author. Host of the award-winning Soul Touched by Dogs podcast.
2yKnowing what the value of our work really is does wonders for our confidence.
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2yAgreed, Tammy Alvarez We all benefit from knowing our value, what we bring to the table, whether we are employed or runs our on businesses.