Question we need to ask politicians

I wrote this for the management exchange in 2015.

Government support: Who gets it? Why do they get it? What do they get? How do they get it?

Who pays? Why do they pay? What do the pay? How do they pay? Does anyone pay?

If it sounds too good to be true, is it? Are politicians asking for our vote; or, are they buying it?

When we get more people on the government dole is our county really successful? How will we pay for our government’s debt? Will all these give support programs bring our country to bankruptcy? Will we bring up our children to believe the government will provide? If so, why try to succeed? Will this lead to the next generation being called the “Couch Potato Generation?” Is this view of government reality or fantasy?

Will we get back to the concept of personal responsibly? Does everyone want a college education? Does everyone need a college education? Should we pay for it for everyone? If a senior citizen wants a college should we pay for it? Will we have the most highly educated assembly line workers in the world? Would an apprentice program, like some socialist counties, be better than college? If the college education is free will it be valued as a high school education is now?

Should government confiscate all wealth above a personal certain amount? Is greed so bad? Is personal achievement not a worthwhile goal if it leads a personal wealth? Should our government just allow one car, one house, one television, one IPad, one computer, one phone, one doctor, one hospital, for each citizen or illegal? Will we become a country of ration as we did during the Second World War?

These questions sound far fetched, but are they? Did American individuality and ingenuity build this country? Did our government create our wealth? Is our government the answer to our future, or is the individual? When did our belief in American Free Enterprise system become the evil capitalist system? Will our government move to socialism; then to communism? Will individualism be replaced by governmentalism? Have we given up on ourselves? As in Russia under communism, will workers in America say, “The government makes like it pays us; we make like we work.” Is this what truly brought down communism in Russia? Will the decision we make about who will be our President determine our future?

Are we losers? Are we Winners? Who will they be? Who makes that decision, “We the People” or our government? Is the choice ours, or politicians?

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