The Question of WHAT?
Start with WHY to identify an overriding picture or purpose and then focus with the next important TRUTH, ‘WHAT?’ Where why is more philosophical, ‘what’ is more detailed and specific at getting at the facts. What is often used in question form to shield “why” questions from sounding too accusing or personally inquisitive.
‘What’ ends up producing more specific information as in, “what is your name” or “I’m not sure what you mean.” ‘What’ can also be used in clarifying an answer when the answer is not heard or completely understood.
My favorite way of using ‘what’ is in the basic inquiry of “WHAT is the TRUTH?” It has been the foundation of my current search for TRUTH in the world today. I have focused on different concepts, ideas, or words to study and research TRUTH.
WHY I established as my purpose for getting at the TRUTH, but ‘What’ defines TRUTH in terms of reasons, facts, methods, and specifics. 'What' is commonly known as a question word, but there is more depth to this word than you may be aware. It is also essential in determining the meaning and role of non-human objects for example, asking ‘what’ you want instead of “I want some water.” Other interpretations include explanations as in ‘what’ a beautiful day, choices, as in ‘what’ do you want to eat, and indirect questions as in can you tell me ‘What’ time it is?
What do you think? Can you think of other ways to help get at TRUTH, to use questions to reveal facts, evidence, or testimony? What are you doing differently to get at TRUTH?