The RACHP Industry is forever changing; due to unsurmountable and far reaching regulations along with the need for addressing the environmental issues that surround us. We, as an industry should be very proud of our achievements thus far - we've only got to look at the RACHP industry's extensive response to the current Coronavirus Pandemic and the Lockdown that has a stronghold on UK PLC and the world globally!
In addition to applauding the NHS workers for taking EXCELLENT care of us - they've done a TREMENDOUS JOB:let's not forget the role of the RACHP Industry that has been working in the background to keep the UK economy thriving and food on the table for our survival. Much appreciation and gratitude goes to the RACHP engineers that have been keeping the Indoor Air Quality safe and at correct levels. Also , to the correct maintenance and efficient running of all the refrigeration systems out there. No doubt , they have been working 24/7 to ensure that all essential RACHP services have been well oiled!
The current Coronavirus Pandemic has certainly raised the profile of the Construction and the RACHP personnel and catapulted it into the forefront of everyone's minds.
Hats off to all the RACHP engineers and support staff that have and are contributing to the maintenance of systems that support the fight against the Pandemic.
Unfortunately, as a result of the forced Lockdown certain sectors of the RACHP Industry have been forced to reduce or even stop their activities and have been ultimately 'furloughed'.
One major sector of the RACHP Industry - RACHP Training and Assessment, has seen a reduction in activity :due to the engineers and apprentices being asked to carry out essential on site works and not being available for attendance onto normal training programmes. Training establishments have been under lockdown and no face- to- face training permitted due to social distancing and controlling the virus!
Most training establishments have sought different ways to access their engineers and apprentices and met the challenge head on; utilising new modes of communication methods and strategies: REMOTE TRAINING AND WEBINARS to ensure that the ONE THING that is VITAL: RACHP TRAINING- is continuously delivered as effectively as allowable.
RACHP Trainers and Assessors have very succinctly set up remote sessions via the plethora of platforms out there and kept in touch with their cohort of learners/apprenticeships.
We even saw the delivery and assessment of F GAS courses in unique styles from across the waters ; testament to the importance and vital role of RACHP Training and Assessment - globally.
Now, the F GAS Qualification or it's predecessors has been seen as a MANDATORY qualification in many cycles of RACHP training programmes...
I can recollect, that I took the first safe handling of refrigerants programme back in 1989 and this has been prescribed eversince! It has been incorporated into very many RACHP training and assessment programmes over that time. I have been in the RACHP Industry for over 40 years now- man and boy.
Like me, you may recollect the CG 2070 Refrigeration Mechanics and Advanced Mechanics Courses. Then, the various NATIONAL VOCATIONAL VOCATIONAL ( NVQ ) suite of courses. Many versions and course programmes have been designed, derived and then delivered. The delivery of these courses has always been down to qualified and competent RACHP Trainers and Assessors. I am very proud to be in this vital cohort and sector of the RACHP Industry.
However, do you know or have you considered who actually designs/derives these RACHP Training and Assessment Programmes? Most of you will probably think THE GOVERNMENT, and you would be partially correct; apparentaly, all RACHP Training and Assessment programmes are in fact, designed by the RACHP INDUSTRY FOR THE INDUSTRY!
I have been in the training sector since 1985 and been succumbed to delivering many RACHP training programmes.
And yet, I have never been allowed to participate at the designing stages of RACHP Training and Assessment Programmes! We, training providers are always invited to participate at the implementation stage; a stage when it is TOO LATE to make any useful and vital input!We trainers and assessors have always stated that we need to be involved at the early stages of the development of RACHP Training Programmes... BUT IT HAS FELL ON DEAF EARS!
When these programmes are designed, it has always been conveyed that RACHP Employers have been consulted and they have contributed to their development. Alas, when you speak to the majority of employers, they alarmingly convey that they were not.
Many times in the past ,we have had to make major changes to RACHP programmes ( at the last minute) because they have 'not been fit for purpose'! Ensuring that they are deliverable and achievable.
Our latest Apprenticeship qualification the RACHP ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN qualification Standard is now alive and is being delivered. It was started around about 2017 and is under progression around the UK.
I have to again say , that it is fraught with danger! In my opinion, there is still a LONG way to go , although some apprentices are due to take their END POINT ASSESSMENTS around about JUNE 2021. The Apprentices certainly are not yet ready! The Awarding Organisation - in this case City and Guilds are not yet ready. There are no Independent End point Assessors ( IEPAs) yet ready. There is NO End Point Assessment ( EPA ) venue yet ready.
The RACHP Trainers and Assessors are deeply frustrated and deeply concerned - once again- that we have a programme that is very difficult to deliver. The RACHP employers are duly concerned about what is happening to their apprentices. The trainers are again up against it to make it happen and some are even considering walking away ! We are extremely tired of not being allowed to have a vital input at the design stages of RACHP Training and Assessment qualifications! It seems that we are not being listened to.
We only wish to get involved so that we can support the RACHP Industry's apprentices and engineers present and future. After all, we'd like to think that we have a vital role to play within OUR Industry- to it's effectiveness.
History cannot keep repeating itself- to the detriment of our future! All of us trainers and assessors are very passionate about the RACHP Industry and are experts in our field ... of training and assessment. Something has to change.
It is with this frustration and passion that we have set up RACHP -TAG :REFRIGERATION, AIR CONDITIONING, HEAT PUMPS - TRAINERS and ASSESSORS GROUP.
RACHP- TAG currently has 55 members that include trainers, assessors and employers.
It is a GROUP set up in LinkedIn and on WORLD REFRIGERATION DAY;FRIDAY 26th JUNE we are looking to launch it officially. We are aiming to have a ZOOM meeting at 10:00AM. This meeting will be open to anyone that is truly passionate about the future training of the RACHP Industry.
We see RACHP- TAG as a very important and active group: THE VOICE of the RACHP Trainers and Assessors!
We invite you to join us and make a difference... have an impact!
Please contact me personally on 07734 926 747 or email me on pslall@outlook.com
The link below provides further details of the group.