RANT: Sales and Marketing Do NOT Have To Be Sleazy and Manipulative!
Please hear this...Sales and Marketing do NOT have to be sleazy and manipulative!
I just finished a Facebook Live on Mindset and not 2 seconds later someone was complaining to me about the sleaze factor in sales and marketing.
(I had to pull a "Byron Katie" on her... If you aren't familiar with Byron Katie, google her. Great stuff for cutting through the muck of our minds.)
So, I asked her: Really? Is that true?
Her: Yes! It is!
Me: Can you absolutely know without a shadow of a doubt that it's true?
Her: Well...maybe not ALWAYS.
Me: Berzackly. So, how do you react when you believe that thought?
(She gave me a long litany of things that have her pushing against the very core of her business.)
Me: So, who would you be without that belief or thought?
That's what I want to focus on here...
One of the ways I've learned to know what's NOT my truth is how something feels to me. And the thought that sales and marketing are sleazy sure doesn't feel good to me!
So if you too hold the belief that sales and marketing have to be sleazy and manipulative, I invite you to look at the limiting beliefs you hold about sales and marketing.
Usually those beliefs come from past experiences. I get it. I've had them too.
However, as a coach, healer or spiritual entrepreneur, if you hold that perspective, I promise you it is crippling your business and your success.
So I'd like to dispel this myth right here and now.
Let's look at exactly what Sales and Marketing really are.
Let’s say that I announced I’m going to be offering you a coupon you can redeem for a month of free 1-on-1 mentoring sessions with me that are going to have a major impact on your business.
And during those sessions we’ll be looking at your overall business, where you currently are, what it will take to get you on your way to a sustainable six figure business over the next few months.
Together we’re going to create a crystal clear vision for your success, uncover limiting beliefs and hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your ability to make changes that last or that are slowing down your progress.
And you will leave inspired to turn your business into a massive money maker that has you doing only what you love while making a positive impact in the world.
So. What did I just do?
All I did was identified who might be interested in my coupon for free mentoring with me. Look at it like this. I simply offered an 'appetizer' to as many folks at my 'party' as I could reach right now and invited them to self-select themselves, if they were interested in my appetizer.
If we were at that party right now, you might have been one of the folks who expressed an interest in my appetizer. Or you might not have been interested.
And that’s okay.
Because all I wanted to know is who IS interested in this appetizer. That’s it.
And those at my party self-selected to let me know.
Make sense?
So, have I made any sales in my business yet?
That was Marketing.
All Marketing is, is finding out who is interested in what you have to offer. And you do it by first creating relationship with those in your Divine Market and then passing your appetizer tray around.
When I was describing my appetizer to you I was talking about things like why you might want it and how it would benefit you.
When you pass around your appetizer tray, some will self select now. Some will not. Some won’t for now, but will later. And then there will be new folks who enter the room and you’ll pass your appetizer tray around again.
So in this case, there is no sleazy manipulation. You aren’t trying to force anyone into anything. Everyone you reach out to is respected and appreciated – whether they self select or not.
Now let's talk about Sales.
Because when you shift your perspective around Sales, it can be just as easy and pure in energy as Marketing - which is simply creating relationships and making your offers to see who is interested.
The difference is you then provide the avenue for your interested potential clients to become happy paying clients.
So let’s start by getting out some of those horrific, nightmarish, dreadful thoughts and beliefs we hold about Sales.
Things like:
- Selling is a sleazy game and only sleazy people play it
- People will think I’m just out for the money
- I have to trick people into buying something they really don’t want.
- No one will want what I have to offer.
- People will think I'm being pushy.
- It’s bad to take other people’s money,even though I can help them.
- Add yours here
Okay. Got the picture?
Now, ask yourself: Is this actually true? Can I know without a shadow of a doubt it’s true?
Of course it isn’t.
There is a school of thought that says there are 2 types of people in business:
- One group gets great numbers in sales, but they ruthlessly stop at nothing to get them.
- Then there is the group who are kind and have generous spirits, but they don’t get the results, they struggle in business and have a terrible time creating income.
No one wants to be in either of these groups!
Especially spiritual entrepreneurs and coaches who don’t want to be an imposition on others. They are afraid of being rejected and having others think poorly of them.
And so they'd rather give up clients and income, and even give up on their dream of having a successful business rather than get into the sales game…
Neither of these is any way to live.
So what if you created a whole new perspective and story around what Sales means.
What if it were the opportunity of a lifetime for you to be able to make a powerful difference in the world by offering massive value to others.
What if you were so clear about your value and the value you have to offer that you loved talking about it and sharing it with enthusiasm and joy!
What if your focus was on making a valuable contribution to whoever you were talking to and took the focus off you and put it on the other person?
When in doubt focus out.
You have a huge opportunity to transform lives!
So begin by valuing yourself and get excited about what you have to offer and helping people...and have fun with it!
That’s what people respond to!
Value your products and services...they help change people’s lives!
Value everyone you come into contact with and recognize they all have dreams and aspirations just like you do.
And realize that most folks want to contribute to life.
That’s all any of you are doing when you’re willing to simply create relationship with those in your Divine Market, share openly and enthusiastically about what you have to offer and allow them to self select who is interested in the delicious appetizer you have to offer!
I hope you can see the critical importance of understanding the true meaning and definition of Sales and Marketing - and the energy and intent, integrity and Spirit that makes it empowering and powerful, NOT sleazy and manipulative.
Because the cost of holding a limiting belief that marketing and sales are sleazy and manipulative could cost you your business, your self esteem, your confidence, your ability to be the catalyst for change and good you are meant to be in the world.
It will keep you in struggle and strife rather than living a life you are meant to live - with a business that is meant to be massively successful - while you make phenomenal money that is well deserved from clients who are grateful and honored to have the opportunity to work with you!
So your work is to look at your business and what you’re about and ask yourself: Is this something I truly believe in?
If so, can you see its value to others? What is the value or impact for them?
It's important that you have something that you take a stand for, something you find valuable.
And then you serve others by offering it in a way that is respectful and honoring.
This is how you feel good about sharing what you’re about and what you have to offer - in a way that comes from your values and Spirit.
And always remember...you get to do it your way; a way that feels good to you.
So you can toss all the old thoughts and limiting beliefs about Marketing and Sales out the window!
You’re simply communicating from Soul to Soul. Soul is the part of us that comes from Higher Purpose, authenticity and offers a meaningful contribution.
You’re simply offering your product or service in such a clear and inviting way that people see the value in it for themselves.
No pressure. No manipulation. A whole lot of love!
Put an "AMEN!" in the comments section if you agree.
Big heart hugs and lots of love to you!
About Eva
Eva Gregory is a mentor to spiritual entrepreneurs, coaches and holistic practitioners, Law of Attraction expert, speaker and author. Her passion is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to tap into their own inner guidance and merge it with the practical steps to create healthy sustainable businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE REPORT: “Massive Success For Spiritual Entrepreneurs” here. Learn more about how Eva can help you at www.EvaGregory.com.
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