Rational vs. Spiritual Timing in Life and Leadership: Why Life Unfolds When It’s Meant To
Many people don’t fully understand the concept of timing in life. There are two types:
1. Rational Timing (Suit)
Rational timing is when you plan things like buying a new house, changing careers, scheduling a meeting or simply going to soccer practice at 6 p.m.
2. Spiritual Timing (Monk)
Spiritual timing, however, is something you can’t predict, speed up, or force. It unfolds exactly when it’s meant to. Certain experiences or events, you cannot or will not be created today because you are supposed to experience them 1, 5 or 10 years from now. They are set on your journey to happen at a particular time. If you experience them too early, you may not be ready for them.
For example, a person who is unhappy in his/her marriage may consider a divorce. After the divorce, they may hope their next partner will be a soulmate who shares more aligned values.
But if, from a spiritual timing perspective, it’s not yet time for this person to meet his or her true love, it won’t happen, no matter how much it is desired.
This applies to all areas of life—love, success, health, achievement, and more.
You can try to force timing, but it will end up only in frustration. Because you will be working against your internal and external nature.
Why is that?
In Suited Monk philosophy, your life journey is about experiencing “the end of your search.” Everyone is searching for something—a better life, a better relationship, more money, better health, a better home, more fulfilment, and so on. Each day, you are on this journey, either consciously or unconsciously.
To grow, you need life experiences. Reading books alone isn’t enough; true growth comes from lived experiences.
In the case of the person wanting to find his true love, sometimes, you need to learn certain lessons before meeting your true love. If you met them today, you might not be ready to sustain that relationship because the connection could be too strong or intense. You may need one, two, or even three relationships first, each helping you grow in different ways before you’re ready for your true love.
This is spiritual timing. It will happen at the right moment. Not earlier, not later.
In my own life, I moved to Sydney, Australia, this June. There was no plan to move. We were supposed to be here for just a few months and then go back to Europe.
My rational plan was always to settle down in Spain after China, with a house in a peaceful area closer to nature, beaches and my family.
But spiritual timing led me on a different path, and I had to trust that journey.
Here’s what happened in the past few months:
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Wherever I went in Belgium, Spain or Sydney, there was construction. Life was telling me something. It made me move constantly.
So after arriving in Sydney and realizing the construction next door, we were looking for another place to live. One day we drove through a nice neighbourhood with a lot of trees and we saw a street sign ´house for sale´. We checked prices online which was within our budget. Even though we had no plan to buy, we loved the area. It had everything we wanted in life.
The house itself is on a dead-end street near a forest which gives me peace and quiet. The garden is ideal for running Suited Monk life journey workshops for business leaders, it´s close to amenities, and within 20 minutes of the CBD, just perfect.
Long story short, within 4 months after arriving in Sydney we found our dream home. What couldn't or didn't happen in 6 years in Barcelona, happened very quickly in Sydney.
My point is, looking backwards this was pure spiritual timing. I was meant to be in Sydney at this point. Life told me with all constructions for months, this is not the place you need to move. I couldn’t plan or foresee it, I was forced to move; it was simply meant to happen this way, and I had to trust the journey.
All of this will affect my career. I have no network in Sydney, no reputation, no corporate umbrella supporting me or my family. I arrive naked. Luckily, I have built a strong foundation and reputation with Suited Monk for the past 17 years which helps with integration. I´ll travel to Europe and Asia several times per year to run workshops there and in the meantime open the Australian market.
So, if you’re searching for something that hasn’t come to you yet—whether a new peaceful place to live a new relationship, or success as an entrepreneur that hasn´t come yet, it may be because there’s spiritual timing involved.
If I had arrived in Sydney earlier it wouldn't have happened because I was not with Michelle (who is from Sydney).
It´s about spiritual timing.
When you are not ready from a spiritual timing perspective, the opportunity for a career change, meeting true love or finding a new home will not arise. Only when you are ready, and spiritual timing is aligned your move can happen.
The most important focus in this process is simply on your journey, not the end result.
Outcomes like success, love, and inner peace are just results of living your true journey.
Focus on the internal work you need to do today, in which area do I need to grow? How can I bridge the gap between my Suit and my Monk? What tools do I need to grow spiritually? Do I need to develop my intuition? Do I need to overcome an internal mental blockage? Do I need to learn about emotional mastery?
All of these are important. Understand the real teaching of life, and everything else will follow.
This is the real philosophy of life—integrating philosophy with a business mindset.
If you’d like to dive deeper into these ideas, send me a message. I’d also be happy to share my Suited Monk philosophy book, there is no charge, just send a message and I will send it over which provides a more comprehensive framework on life’s teachings.
Warm regards, Raf
The Suited Monk – Life and Business Philosopher