The R.E.A.C.H. Collective is OPEN!
We're starting a new community on FB today called The R.E.A.C.H. Collective.
This is for you if the following are your deal (and I think this applies to just about everyone):
This goes beyond podcasting and is part of some exciting new ways we're applying the R.E.A.C.H. Principles to other forms and methods of marketing.
For the "deep dive" into podcasting and the chance to share your episodes every Thursday, the Everything Podcasting group is continuing to grow.
We'll cover podcasting in The R.E.A.C.H. Collective too, but we'll be expanding into listbuilding, branding, and how to make actual friends (not just connections) on social media.
This specifically includes how to slide into the DMs (on any social platform) without being seen as a spamming dweeb ;-)
Oh and one more thing - I used the word "everyone" above, but I swear, a solemn oath, I WILL NEVER use the @everyone tag.
So there's that.
Come on in - the weather's fine!