The reality of 1000 cuts and the 2016 Election
I see possibility and opportunity all around me. It is why I am an entrepreneur and founded a company that is building a new investing paradigm with better outcomes for both investors and companies. I believe the future can be better so I spend my time and money on building it.
Despite my strong sense of optimism, the presidential election has infused me with a deep pessimism that I am unable to shake. This election has permanently changed how I experience the world. Just like with 9/11, the world felt different after that day because it was different. Our lives are permanently changed with a Trump presidency.
We lost our precious vision and path to create the future we imagined with our government by our side. We accepted a radical cultural shift in our society that allows name-calling, hatred and the blatant spreading of lies and propaganda.
As with any serious loss, I have had the stages that come in a predictable sequence: denial, anger, bargaining to see what can be salvaged of the dream, and finally the acceptance that there is a new reality. As much as I’d like to be able to mourn the loss and move on, I know it won’t happen in this case. That makes it all the worse. These are not normal times and the usual things will no longer work. I finally realized why my despair and pessimism has taken such hold. It can be attributed to these reasons.
There will be no forgiveness so we can’t move on. Forgiveness is important for healing to occur. But this election is not like a fight with a loved one when the heat of the battle subsidies and there are apologies and regrets for bad behavior and cruel words. DJT will not apologize or admit mistakes because he is incapable of that. He may soften his stance but you can never trust a person who does not live up to his word even if you did not agree with him.
There is no finality or end point for this loss. Because there is no death here, no completion you can’t let go of or move on from. Even worse, this election birthed something ugly, evil and insidious that will be with us and grow. DJT will lead and behave as the man we have seen. What you see is what you get.
We will live with continual assaults to our very nature and beliefs. There will be 1000 cuts. We will stand in disbelief and horror as the cuts go on and on with appointments to positions of power and the dismantling of programs and laws that we have built over decades. The baby goes out with the bathwater to give way for something else that will create greater unrest and misery.
Our sense of reality and truth will be bombarded with lies and propaganda with an unchecked media and a lack of rules. We have never lived with a president who kept secrets by not sharing basic information like his tax returns so we can’t verify what is the truth from his proclamations. We will be fed propaganda from our public leaders that will confuse us even more and separate us from the reality we know. The problems are so complex that we will be like a deer in the headlight, afraid and not sure how to move.
For my whole life I participated in all kinds of political, personal and career actions that contributed to my belief that I had a key role in directing my future. Many times I turned despair into action as a way out. It worked many times and when I took action with others it was even better.
What is the antidote to our individual and collective despair and pessimism brought on by the election? It starts with a dose of faith and belief that it can be better even if you don’t see how at the moment. Then there is action. You must play a part as an individual or group to influence and direct your future.
Stand vigilant. Find your voice. Every time you see something wrong be bold and call it out. Don’t be silenced. The world needs you to speak up. It helps others find their voice. Make new hash tags like #evil when you see inhumane acts and dishonesty.
Rethink you. Everyone bears some responsibility for our political and economic system. Don’t blame others-the media, the candidate. What was your part in this—either small or large that made this reality come about. Are you in a bubble of like-minded people who are better off than most? Are you contributing to what causes income inequality in our country? We can’t change others but we do have a chance to change ourselves.
Work to improve our democracy. If you want to express your dissatisfaction with our government, there are plenty of ways to do that: take to the streets, protest in Washington, run for office, work to modernize the Constitution. Don’t wait for the next election to participate in our democracy. Find out why nearly half of the eligible people didn’t even vote in the election.
Most importantly, be honest with yourself and decide what chance you have of making any difference by using the same strategies and tactics. We all know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. Why not put aside your usual methods and ways to effect change and look to some new options?
Change your priorities and take risks to grow. With crisis comes growth and opportunity. We care too much to stand down. We need to redefine what we can do and how we will do it. Our time and money is limited. Be conscious and evaluate where you spend your units of energy and money. Be honest with yourself if you are seeing the magnitude of change that you are looking for.
A few years back, I did an inventory of my commitments. I knew I had to make a hard and radical shift. In retrospect, it was one of the best things I ever did because I found clarity and direction that brought me much closer to my deepest self. I moved off several non-profit boards that were filling my hours but fell short of achieving the change I was looking for in the world. I looked away from my comfort zone and made a conscious commitment to found and build a company to bring more money to entrepreneurs, especially women who are often left out of the funding game.
It is time to think beyond our government to build our future and beyond non-profits to take care of the fallen from our capitalist system. We have the resources, both financial and our human capital, to bring about massive change. We just never fully realized the power that we can have to shape the future when we invest in companies that we want to see in the world. Invest in purpose-driven private companies that you believe in. We have technology that has not unleashed its full potential. We have innovation and new companies that can change every aspect of our lives-- health care, education, the environment and economic security. These are all the areas an optimist like me can get excited about.
Add that to the realization that women are founding companies that will bring about change faster than our political system. They are building new cultures and welcoming more perspectives. Women are in leadership positions. They sit on the boards and in the C- Suites of new companies. They accrue financial independence and freedom as their companies succeed.
Today, right now, you can have a role. You can be inspired and you can find a seat at the table as we are making a new more inclusive space that is apart from the negative realities of government and politics. This is not philanthropy either. Our members are investing their time, money and personal reputations to advance inclusive companies that are creating new products and services that will enhance our lives. It is the future we are building with inclusion and leveraging technology and our best selves. This is the direct action you can take right now that will bring back your sense of optimism and hope in the new reality. You have a shot at making money as you create the future by investing in companies founded by women and inclusive teams.
You can use small or large amounts of money to invest but you can also contribute even more. You can give your expertise and use your valuable connections to bring about success for the companies you believe in. You don’t need to rely on our government or others to have the impact you want. You don’t have to fight an endless uphill battle. You can even supplement your political activity with investing.
Own your identity as an investor and meaningfully direct your capital for the future you want to see. Be part of the community of the thinkers and change agents. Invest with us in visionary founders launching and building the companies of the future. It may be the most patriotic and uplifting thing you can do right now.
Thank you for your leadership. I, for one, will be putting into action your suggestions.
Founder / Principal at startupTA Executive Search Agents
8yWhat a great terrific article Deborah for everyone to take notice of. Turning pessimism into optimism is a great message and I will be sure to pass it along, especially to my three daughters. Thank you for sharing this!
Educator, Entrepreneur, CEO, Board Member
8yPassionate and inspiring. Thank you, Deborah for articulating what so many of us are feeling. Lots of work ahead.
Serial Entrepreneur
8yYears ago, a friend who is a successful VC shared with me that he looks for disruption as part of his investments. Today it is so helpful to think of his words when I look at the election results. I believe this is a big change that will inspire and engage women everywhere to step up and be the change they want. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Investor, Advisor
8yThank you Deborah for this frank and inspiring piece. It is uplifting and empowering at a most needed time. Congratulations on the work you are doing.