In Accord with Paul’s Divine Commission
Paul writes, “For this I was appointed a preacher and an apostle” (1 Timothy 2:7). Paul’s divine commission was based on the great truths that God is our Savior, Christ is our mediator, and Christ gave Himself as a ransom, as discussed in the preceding verses. “Preacher” derives from the verb kērusso, which means to herald, proclaim, or speak publicly. The ancient world had no news media, so announcements were made in the city square. Paul was a public herald proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. An apostle was a messenger, sent on behalf of Christ. If the Gospel message were exclusive, that would have undercut Paul’s calling.
We too are called to proclaim the Gospel to the lost world. That call, like Paul’s divine commission, is based on God’s desire that all be saved. Evangelistic prayer acknowledges our responsibility.
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The greatest example of evangelistic praying is our Lord Himself. Isaiah 53:12 tells us He “interceded for the transgressors.” On the cross He prayed, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). God answered those prayers with 3,000 converts on the Day of Pentecost and countless thousands more through the centuries.
Do you pray for the lost like that? Do you have the passion that inspired John Knox to cry out, “Give me Scotland or I die”? Is our attitude that of George Whitefield, who prayed, “O Lord, give me souls or take my soul”? Can we, like Henry Martyn, say, “I cannot endure existence if Jesus is to be so dishonored”?
God honors your prayers for the lost. Standing among those who killed Stephen was a young man named Saul of Tarsus. Could it be that the great apostle’s salvation was in answer to Stephen’s prayer, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them!” (Acts 7:60) Evangelism begins with prayer.
In conclusion, are you prepared to be alone with God? You are now armed to go into His presence with much to talk about. Jesus has given you the pattern to use, and the Apostle Paul has provided you with a list of priorities. I hope you’ll discover real power and passion as you pray according to these realities. As a result, may you grow to be more like Christ and to see many of the elect enter into the kingdom.