Recruit to Lead

Recruit to Lead

Recruit to Lead

Recruiting staff is one of the most important activities in an organisation and requires time, research and diligence. It’s human nature to be drawn to people who we feel familiar and comfortable with, however we need to recruit future leaders who focus on values and culture with an approach that goes beyond the ‘normal way to recruit.’ Re-assess your processes and recruit to lead for your future business success!

“People are not your most important asset. The right people are”
– Jim Collins

Bad Bosses Stay

In my blog“Bad bosses stay and what to do about it,” I ask, why do we keep, promote or accept poor leaders, horrible bosses and bad managers? How many of us have worked for a horrible boss? I have! Most people have at some point worked for a bad boss. In fact, when it comes to the performance of managers and leaders, the norm is incompetence rather than competence. This is why so many people are disengaged, looking for other jobs, and ditching employment to work for themselves instead. Today I am hearing more and more stories from people who are even more frustrated with their managers now they are working from home. A whole new level of leadership skills are required here too. ‘Poor leadership can break a business.’

Many businesses and organisations struggle to accept this. After all, they are in charge of selecting effective managers and leaders, and admitting that their leadership choices are poor is perhaps a step too far. So, what stops businesses from simply replacing them with more talented people who will enable their teams to go from frustration, stress and alienation to inspiration, engagement and productivity? It is five things:

  • Attracting and hiring the wrong people
  • An unwillingness to invest in leadership development and coaching at all levels.
  • The inability to measure the performance of their leaders
  • The influence of toxic politics and poor culture
  • Companies who focus on the wrong soft skills: confidence rather than competence, charisma rather than humility and courage and narcissism rather than integrity and kindness

Also organisations and especially our HR leaders and hiring managers must learn to use the right hiring methods even when the results run counter to one’s intuition. They must spend time getting to know values and motives of potential leaders and how they fit into the culture of an organisation.


In my blog“Recruiting with the whole brain,” I show that in any business, you are only as good as your team, so recruiting staff is one of the most important activities and requires time, research and diligence. One of the common recruiting mistakes is hiring in your own image, or ‘mirror hiring’. It’s human nature to be drawn to people who we feel familiar and comfortable with. Having similar education or experience, attitudes and even physical appearance increase natural connections between newly introduced parties, and the interview room is no different.

Successful teams contain people who challenge and inspire each other, come from different angles and push each other out of their comfort zones to achieve more than they ever thought they could. If you hire clones of yourself variety and diversity is lost, the risk of missing opportunities increases and finding solutions when problems arise are a greater challenge. Even worse, your practices could be seen as discriminatory if it can be proven that you exclude people who are different you could find yourself in legal difficulty. So what’s the solution? Recruit hard and manage easy.

Lou Adler, rated one of LinkedIn’s top 100 influencers and with 35 years’ experience as a recruiter recommends the Whole Brain Interview, instead of the purely emotional strategy many people use in recruitment that results in ‘mirror hiring’ and other common mistakes.

A 4 step process is recommended by Adler to overcome and avoid all potential mistakes in the recruiting process, regardless of your left or right brain leanings:

  • Suspend judgement 
  • Use a screening Interview 
  • Gauge problem solving skills 
  • Score the talent 

A positive gut reaction has its place in the recruitment process, but only when backed by thorough screening, background and reference checking and personality assessment.

Values based recruitment and leadership

Through McDonald Inc., we ensure that the key to great recruitment is great leadership. The McDonald Inc. solution will “empower everyone to choose a workplace and leader where they thrive.” The team at McDonald Inc. partners with organisations to make sure they only get the best talent in the market. McDonald Inc. have high standards where we truly partner with companies who are that Employer of Choice or strive to be. Great talent and leader’s means great business. Our Four Points of Difference are:

  • Values Based Recruitment
  • Three Months of Coaching and Transition for new hires included in all engagements
  • One of the Most Connected Consulting Firms
  • And most importantly we are your Trusted Advisors

We work in partnership with you to understand your leadership, culture and strategy inside out.

Stay Kind. Stay Courageous.

Sonia x

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