The Red Velvet Rope Concept (And How to Leverage It For Accelerated Growth and Development)
You’re here because you operate an established mortgage broking practice, already experienced success and wondering if you could or should take your practice to the next level.
The knowledge, skills and tools that you’ve accumulated to get to this point will not necessarily get you to where you’d like to be. If you truly want to grow, the journey ahead does take effort, and on occasion, it can be a testing or character-building experience.
With a host of different variables that influence deal flow, profitability, settlement volumes, asset value, work-life balance and your own sense of accomplishment, Ultimate Broker Insights will look at and discuss these variables so you can level up your broking practice.
Each article has been influenced by the pragmatic experience of working with mortgage brokers in Australia for over 9 years combined with the insights gained from having conducted over 8,500 one-on-one coaching sessions.
Hopefully they inspire you to realise your own potential so you too can operate a broking practice that provides a sense continued professional and personal reward.
Being intentional about attracting the right clients allows you to deliver the best outcomes to them. You’ll also be boosting the growth of your mortgage broking practice.
Many brokers agree to work with every potential client that comes their way.
If you’re just getting your practice off the ground, this might make sense as you cut your teeth on new scenarios, though if you want to streamline service delivery so you deliver a superior client experience, increase profitability and build your practice with and through more ideal clients, casting the net as far and wide as possible may not yield economies of scale.
It’s akin to the difference between being a general practitioner vs a dermatologist.
The GP sees a broad range of different people, yet their expertise in any one facet of medicine is relatively shallow, and the bulk bill (at least, mine does).
By comparison, when I need to know if I have any more my bcc's (skin cancers), and to get them cut out, I turn to my dermatologist, as that's her area of expertise, for which she charges accordingly.
Add to this the layers of complexity within the mortgage broking space right now, and it could be the difference between getting an all important approval, or as recently happened to a broker, spending an immense amount of time on a file that ended up going nowhere.
To avoid problems that can plague practice efficiency, conversion or the client journey, consider using the Red Velvet Rope concept when deciding who you will work with.
What is The Red Velvet Rope Concept?
With this concept, you’re only admitting clients whom you know will help you move your practice forward faster. The Red Velvet Rope Concept is about metaphorically using the rope to decide who you will say yes to and who may not be the right fit for your practice.
Consider it like this.
Law firms who operate with a no-win, no-fee policy apply the red velvet rope policy. Why? Because they have to be absolutely certain of winning the case if they commit to taking it on. One wrong case that the firm throws their resources at can almost be to bankrupt them - as more than one law firm has found out.
By embracing The Red Velvet Rope Concept, you’ll be less quick to say yes to some clients. At the same time, you’ll be more calibrated in deciding the clients who are the right fit for you. And you’ll be seeing high returns for your efforts.
Leveraging The Red Velvet Rope Concept
Leveraging The Red Velvet Rope Concept starts with identifying a set of qualities that you’ll look out for in potential clients. This will tell you if you should accept them as a client or not.
Here are a few qualities you should consider:
Quality #1. Commitment
What kind of attitude or responsiveness do they bring as they deal with you? Does it look like they’re engaged and enthusiastic about the transaction, or are they dragging things out, non responsiveness and difficult to deal with?
Clearly, it’s easier to work with people who are committed and don’t need to be convinced or coerced to get you what you need. Otherwise, you might find yourself getting physically and mentally stressed over chasing them around.
Quality #2. Status
Based on your experience, figure out the status of the clients whom you’ve delivered the best outcomes for. For example, are they white collar workers, train drivers or self-employed?
Whoever that group is, they might be your ideal clients.
Quality #3. Loan Size
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Your specialty might be in writing loans of certain sizes. Taking on clients with loan sizes out of your scope could impact the outcome you deliver for them.
Quality #4. Lifetime Value
You may choose to work with clients knowing the first transaction in and of itself isn’t significant, yet you can earn lifetime value based on the relationship and ongoing value you provide.
Quality #5. Advice & Strategy
Perhaps, the way you run your practice isn’t so much about whether they’re a FHB, multi-property investor or a medico. Perhaps your criteria is more about accepting clients who appreciate the value of good advice and a lending strategy. That way, you know you can deepen the relationship, conversation and support you provide to them.
Commonly, saying ‘no’ to some people can be difficult, and occasionally, there are jobs you do to feed the soul, not the bank account.
That said, you might feel uncomfortable politely saying ‘no’ or ‘not now’ to people who aren’t the right fit. If you find yourself in this position, consider advising them why and pointing the in the right direction so they have a clear next step.
On more than one occasion I’ve heard of brokers earning referrals out of people who they didn’t necessarily write a loan for.
This is partly due to remaining professional, respectful and people knowing your ideal clients so they can refer the right people to you.
Start Attracting The Right Clients
Contrary to what many brokers believe, saying yes to every client who approaches you for help may not yield you the efficiency, profitability or consistency that you desire.
Having seen others apply this method, they can end up being extremely busy without the result to show for it.
At worst it can end up being a very costly mistake, and has certainly caused some brokers to wear claw backs on clients who were very transactional and never really committed to a relationship.
And more than once recently I’ve noticed brokers consider to pack it all in and leave the industry because of frustrations that partly stemmed from client selection.
To avoid these challenges, consider using the Red Velvet Rope policy to be on your A-Game more often with more clients who bring joy to you & your team.
By qualifying potential leads that come your way and seeing if they have your preferred attributes, like the five mentioned above, so you know they’re a great fit for you, and vice versa.
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I’m James McCracken, Broker Growth Strategist, where for the past 10 years, I've coached brokers to grow their practices with structure and consistency.
Here are further ways I can help:
Speaking & Presenting Would you like a tailored presentation for your conference or PD Day so your brokers can grow their volumes? Send me a LinkedIn message to request my speaker kit.
Deal Flow Plan: Download a personalised plan that pinpoints growth inhibitors and options for operating with more structure, efficiency and consistency.
Ultimate Broker: For established mortgage brokers only, this service provides guided support to accelerate settlement volumes, improve operational efficiency and reduce worth hours.
Book an initial call to see if there is potentially a fit.
To your continued success!