REFLECTIONS: Divine Providence
Marlaine F. Iserson
This is a reflection paper of the book, Divine Providence, presented by four authors who are Peter Kjoss Helseth (Reformed tradition), William Lane Craig (the Molonist middle knowledge tradition), Ronald Highfield (the Restorationist tradition), and Gregory Boyd (Open Theism). The need for discussion on this topic is that unbelievers and believers, when the horrors of life are revealed, there becomes an immediate desire to reconcile these events with God. It is very common that an unbeliever will use this as an excuse not to believe in God. It is also an excuse for a lukewarm believer to become cold. When the discussion board how would console a little girl regarding the death of her mother were mostly speechless regarding these circumstances. The truth is with all the love we have to offer, it will be left to the inward decision that this little girl makes in regards to her relationship with God. She is at the turning point of life. If she decides God is cruel, she may choose all kinds of worldly things to make up for the loss of her mother. If she chooses God, she will be a great witness to all those who know her. As pastors, we need to arm ourselves with the facts so, when tragedy strikes, we can have the answers in part to comfort those about us. We start with a definition of what Divine Providence is.
Divine Providence means that God, who is the creator of the entire universe, is powered by His sovereign guidance and control. This means that all control is meant for our best and our God, who plays the role of loving Father, works all things to our good. God is perfect, omniscient, omnipresent and immutable. He does not learn anything new because all things are created by Him, for Him and through Him. Anything that is possible to know, found or discovered is already known by Him. God is perfectly good under all circumstances, and all situations whether human beings can comprehend these things or not. Ultimately God does not need us to understand anything but only to seek Him for guidance, solutions, wisdom and nurturance. God is far more glorious than we can possibly understand. [1] No matter how horrific one’s circumstances are, God still performs miracles today that can paradigm shift anyone’s selfish universe into an exquisite life of Glorifying Him. This transformation of one’s life has the power of bringing others to His counsel. God is never surprised, dismayed, or disappointed with our lives since He made us and formulated who we were before we were born.
I agree with Paul Kjoss Helseth as he uses “Stonewall” Jackson’s reason for his bravery.[2] Knowing, loving and believing in a God that created and put the universe in motion is very comforting when we are going into battle no matter what that battle may be. The author agreed that their desires need to be that absolute dependence on God where trust and relationship are formed into an unbreakable bond.[3] It is the author’s opinion with Helseth that “providence is growing more foreign in a culture that is increasingly beholden to pagan assumptions about God.”[4] In addition, to that, well-meaning people such as Dr. Boyd try to make Good and Evil more culturally acceptable forgetting that He is King and is not to be made small. The point of Salvation comes when people realize that there is not one thing that God does not understand. William Craig Lane is a Molonist and, however seemingly nice and loving, he wants to make his beliefs known they make no sense to author.[5] As he talks about infinite worlds, circumstances and outcomes all the author feels is dizzy.[6] It is more simplified to understand and know that when there was nothing God created everything.
Since this is so close to Divine Foreknowledge, the author will add a personal experience to demonstrate Divine Providence. The author’s son at four years old began to tell me about before he was born. He told me stories about how he stood in line to pick out the perfect mother. He had four choices and he picked the author because she was the most loving and she would answer all his questions. The author also remembers before she was born and it was quite a different experience. The author did not want to leave heaven because she knew that it was going to be a super painful existence. However, she was going to accomplish something important for the family she was born into and for God, because His love is for none to perish. The author’s son’s life was not perfect but his mother is very loving and she so far answered all his questions. The author’s life was about being raped and tortured to almost death repeatedly until her parents for some reason decided to move away to Houston, Texas. The author could not walk at fourteen and began to be sick with arthritis. The doctors had suggested that the author would fare better in warmer weather.
At forty-seven the author remembered her suppressed childhood. The author began highly effective pastoral counseling that has forever changed her. In this prayer process the author had to pray for all generation lines past, present and future. Perhaps this was part of God’s eternal plan, the author was not sure. The author has helped many not commit suicide because the people helped deem her qualified to speak in the area of hopelessness. Going forward, the author will be able to impact, save and set free all those who have been unable to see or reach God. The author will be “qualified” in their eyes to teach and preach of how to forgive what has been so unforgivable in their lives. When there was talk of the nature of evil by Dr. Highfield, he sounded unreasonable.[7] Gregory A, Boyd agrees with me.[8] On page 180 it is unanimous that it is “manifestly absurd.” Why? Well God bless him, but like all of us we have educational knowledge in some areas while those with experience can be more effective. When evil happens and we are faced with it, it is different because it goes beyond the point of speculation. The author’s parents hate God. When they did what they did, they were certainly demonically possessed. Was it a surprise to God what Dr. Boyd likes to think? No, it was not. Through all the hard work the author has stopped the continuance of evil has stopped in our family and reversed it. Not only has God been victorious but He made the author a pastor and her son will never know what it’s like not being free and loved. The work of the Cross, when really understood and its depth felt, has the same impact. When the author heard the details of Christ’s death, and that he was tortured to death even death on the cross, the author started crying. Why? Because the author knew that Yeshua knows exactly what humiliation is (Isa. 50:6), and being beaten to almost death. Yeshua knows what looking at a band of evildoers looks like, just like the ones I saw in my childhood. (Ps.22:16-17). I believe what Dr. Highfield was trying to say is that there are purposes and reasons for evil that go beyond our understanding. The main point was not to blame God for the misfortune but with the power and might of God be victorious with Him. Is it easy to blame God for what was experienced by the author? YES! For many years Bitterness, Depression, and Hopelessness was the author’s companion. It was the pathway to freedom, which attracted the author to wholeness and healing. There was created a mental bridge to crossover through pastoral counseling without reservation to the absolute goodness of God. How that was achieved was when the author prayed, she saw in the spirit Him smashing all the horrible memories and she asked Him why and He said to her, “I did not approve of this.” She asked, “Why did you keep me alive?” Yeshua said, “It was my plan for you to live.” God’s sovereign plan for the author to be victorious was His will. He was not surprised by what happened. He was grieved. He did all He could to preserve one’s life for His purposes.
In conclusion, the authors views of what was explained in lecture Providence of God II matches the value system of the author. Dr. Harden stated that “in all our afflictions God comforts and sustains us so that we will not be crushed beyond measure and nothing can separate us from the love of God.”[9] It is admitted that at times, like Christ, the thought of can this pain please end without suffering even Yeshua said, “may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matt 26:39). With all that happens to us it is important to communicate to each other, our congregations and to the world that there is a God that understands and knows all your pains. He stands with arms open-wide to receive every individual into His love. People’s lives are not a surprise to Him and He wants to create in us a pure clean heart that will love, honor and adore Him forever. God’s sovereign control is meant for our best and our God who plays the role of loving Father works all things to our good. God was, is, and will always be perfect, omniscient, omnipresent and immutable. He does not learn anything new because all things are created by Him, for Him and through Him. It is impossible for the created to fully understand the Creator and in this knowledge, we must be comforted in our faith that God is just or spend the rest of our lives in painful confusion and torment trying to figure out theological abstracts that have nothing to do with being of help and service to others.
Harden, Robert. "Divine Providence II." Issues In Contemporary Theology. Waxahachie: Panopto Lecture Video, Sept 21, 2011.
Jowers, Stanley N Gundry and Dennis W. Four Views on Divine Providence. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011.
[1] Stanley N. Gundry and Dennis W. Jowers, eds. Four Views on Divine Providence, Zondervan, (Grand Rapids:2011) 10.
[2] Ibid; 25
[3] Ibid; 35
[4] Ibid; 38
[5] Ibid; 79-94
[6] Ibid; 95-98
[7] Stanley N. Gundry and Dennis W. Jowers, eds. Four Views on Divine Providence, Zondervan, (Grand Rapids:2011) 157-164.
[8] Ibid; 179-180.
[9] Harden, Robert, Issues in Contemporary Theology, Panopto Lecture Video: Divine Providence II, (Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX. 9/21/2011).