Reflections on Gratitude & Hope - Finding beauty in the eye of the storm.
As I write this it’s the 27th of March my mother’s birthday, my mom and dad are in Spain, my younger brother in Ireland and I am in the United Arab Emirates. However, I am feeling positive, upbeat and grateful, we are all in good health 'thankfully' and I’m just grateful to spend some time over a video call, chatting, laughing and seeing their smiling faces looking back at me.
With the current situation, I am finding myself reading and having time to reflect a lot more, this is also helping me with my mental health as I live alone. Below are some of my thoughts which I would like to share with my network.
Leader of your pack
Being connected is more important now, than ever before. There are over 2.5 billion people in some sort of lockdown across the globe. Countries are being put to the absolute test with front liners bearing the brunt of this. It would appear nobody in the world can turn a blind eye, we are all truly in this together. In these moments it’s important to be the “leader of your pack”. Reach out to friends, family, people in your network, share positivity, gratitude, listen to their concerns, be their source of joy. Be the person you want to meet.
“I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion--and where it isn't, that's where my work lies.”
Ram Dass
I am because we are
“Ubunto”, I have heard this word used before from our CEO, Jeff Weiner. But never really reflected on its true meaning. It’s a Zulu word that translates as “Humanity” or 'I am because we are'. We live in a world that is so noisy, constantly on the go, catching up on emails, to endlessly scrolling on our phones. We pass people on the street without making eye contact, like ships passing in the night. We have almost forgotten what it's like to be human. But this pandemic has pulled the curtain back, so we can no longer hide. We must act now for the greater good of humanity, whether young or old, compromised immune systems or not. We must look outside of ourselves, our immediate circle and look at what we can do for the collective. We all have a part to play and no part is too small, pay it forward.
"For the world is in a bad state, but everything will become still worse unless each of us does his best."
Victor Frankl
Embrace the emotional spiral and let it pass
It’s natural to feel anxious, frustrated, sad, fearful, lonely. I too miss catching up with friends, going to the gym, walking by the beach, the slightest cough making us feel uneasy, you're not alone. The uncertainty of what the future holds drives negative thoughts around our heads like a fly that won't go away. This is a process and each of us has to go through it. But it’s also teaching us to be grateful for those moments which once felt like a given and now feels like a gift. Whats helped me, is to focus on the things I do have, my family, my friends, colleagues, the community. Look at ways you can grow and help others grow with you, just because you are stuck inside doest not mean you are stuck in time. This will pass and we will all come out stronger and kinder people.
“Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose.” Questioning how your stress serves you may help you let it go.
Eckhart Tolle
Happiness in the small things
I have interpreted the line below from Franz Kafka as the following; we can also find happiness in the smaller things in life. Maybe things that went unnoticed previously. When you still your mind you start to notice the beauty all around you. The sunrise in the morning, the gentle breeze coming through your open windows, the quietness in the streets, the chirping bird landing on your windowsill. When we can't change our situation we must change the way we see the world. Allow yourself to see the beauty all around you.
"It is not necessary that you leave the house. Remain at your table and listen. Do not even listen, only wait. Do not even wait, be wholly still and alone. The world will present itself to you for its unmasking, it can do no other, in ecstasy it will writhe at your feet.”
Franz Kafka
I know these are testing times and for some more than others and I have compassion for you all. I hope some of these points can help you in some way, as they have helped me, I hope you can see light at the end of the tunnel, I hope you can see the beauty around you, I hope you are safe and well.
Be the change you want to see, whether it's just connecting with a friend, giving gratitude for 3 things in your life or just stopping for a moment to sit in your thoughts. Now is the time.
Wishing you all, positivity, safety and good health.
Conor Hyland
Sharing Thoughts & Ideas.
Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist
4yHey Conor !! Well said and I would imagine that all of us need to use this pause button that Mother Earth has used on us now; to be grateful and introspective for all the small things we enjoy, a meal, family, relationships, time to unwind and appreciate all the things we did take for granted all along!!!
Shifting our thinking from everything at rest, to everything in motion with Confluent | Enterprise Account Executive
4yBeautifully written Conor! Cheers to it all, and cheers to positivity !
Senior Vice President OVG Middle East -EEA Distinguished Leadership Award- UN Women USA Rise & Raise Others Award- Female CEO of the Year - Top 50 Global Inspirational Women - Board Member-Doctorate EIU Paris France
4yWonderful heartwarming article Conor. A time for us all to take note and remember what’s really important. Stay positive, encourage, be kind, care for others. We will get through this together. We all have our own role to play and to contribute positively in the name of humanity. Stay safe and well 🙏🏻
Learning Strategic Advisor @LinkedIn| Qualified Lawyer
4yThanks Conor. I enjoyed reading your article. Stay positive. Keep breathing.