Reframing Your Self Limiting Beliefs
You are what you think. Yes, its that simple.
If there is one thing I want you to take away from reading this quick article its that your thoughts unequivocally shape your life and experiences. I encourage you to GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY - TODAY!
Truthfully, more times than not, we are held back because of our self limiting beliefs - you only have to decide that it no longer serves you and I'm willing to bet if you are reading this; you know that your belief system needs a reframe.
First, let's speak some facts, particularly what is a belief?
A belief is just that—a belief.
Beliefs are not facts.
In fact, our beliefs are primarily based on past experiences and even influences outside of Self. You mind begins to believe stories that are on repeat, whether they are factual or not. If you continue to ruminate on certain thoughts, eventually your mind will take them as truth; this is where limitation lives. If we do not question why we feel a specific way or whether the belief is true or not, ultimately we end up reinforcing old patterns and beliefs; they become deeply rooted and harder to rip out and replace.
So, how do we reframe our self limiting beliefs?
Let me start with mentioning a key fact: our conversations with Self matter. What you choose to say ultimately determines your failures, challenges and equally so, your successes in life. I have a free e-book on "Decluttering Your Life" and when I say decluttering, I am not referring to your kitchen cabinets and closets but more so the limitations in your life including the “could haves”, “would haves”, and “should haves” - these are only catalysts to throw you right back into victimhood and lock you back into repetitive patterns of disbelief and limiting beliefs.
So, how do we remove ourselves, get out of the way then?
We are creator, we get to choose what we experience in life. This universe is in constant flow, and in that flow is energy which we know now through tons of science can never be destroyed. We are energy in motion.
Ask yourself, where is my energy and where am I placing it daily? If you seek more joy, more happiness and abundance of opportunity and experiences we first must locate where we are placing our energy. Once I figured out where I was placing my energy, I then realized I needed to move, specifically out of my own way and here is how I did it:
This universe responds to your energy, its neutral but loyal and subservient. You get what you order so-to-speak. It will respond to your energetic signature. You must make a vow, a promise, a declaration to yourself that you are ready to receive what you not only deserve but what you deeply desire in life.
- What do you want to experience in life?
- What is your why and purpose?
- What are you passionate about?
- What makes you heart soar?
When you make this declaration you will soon see that life starts to look and feel differently. Your creativity and curiosity starts to take front seat on this journey of life and fear now resides in the trunk! Speaking of fear ...
Fear can be a great ally, we can use fear to push us out of stagnant places and motivate us to move however, it can also keep us stuck and locked into our comfort zone where dreams, ambitions, goals, desires and gifts die. Fear vibrates at a frequency of 100 megahertz, its a suffering or just getting by state, its contraction not expansion. If you want to receive in your life, you must push past fear and stand in willingness. Willingness to unlearn, relearn and reframe your self limiting beliefs that are holding you back from showing up in all your glorious gifts. When we look fear in the face and expand through our comfort zone, we experience life, we open doors of opportunity and when we are intentional with our beliefs there is nothing we cannot achieve, obtain or experience. Nothing.
As I stated in #1, what is your why? Define it clearly. When we know the foundation of why we get out of bed, what fuels us, what makes our heart soar, life starts to respond to our frequency of love, joy and reason - now we've shifted our energy into frequencies of 400/500 megahertz as opposed to fear at 100. Doesn't that feel much better? Its one thing to know our why but the magic happens when we start to practice true visualization, where we not only see ourselves in that place of purpose but embody the emotions of it - to act as if its already happened! This is exactly how I won the lottery, built three dream companies and landed in all the places I desired to be.
- Where do you want to be?
- What do you want to feel?
- What do you want to experience?
I work with many people who often try the practice of speaking affirmations and even singing their incantations and almost 99% of these individuals come to me because they claim "its not working" and desire help. Truth is, the reason why its "not working" is because its all underpinned with disbelief. If you have even an ounce of disbelief, you will not receive. They do not share the same frequency nor space. If you want more joy, more creativity, opportunity and meaning in your life, you must believe you unequivocally deserve it; its already done. If somewhere along the way, you have woven thoughts through your belief system that you aren't worthy, educated enough, good enough, or any other self limiting thought or belief - it will hinder what you receive.
Conclusion: You are what you think, period.
Our life is truly in our own hands. Our thoughts and beliefs drive the vehicle in which we are operating, where do you want to go? We need to reframe our belief system, throw fear in the trunk and take the wheel. If you are reading this and feel stuck in a place of finite everything, this is for you. Today you are reminded that YOU are creator, YOU can choose which thoughts to feed and which to suffocate out. You get to choose what vibration you want to embody and start to create more meaning in life.
Important notes for reflection:
- Research and recent studies now indicate we have somewhere around 6,000 thoughts a day (not 60,000 as previously thought) and a majority aren't even ours but we unconsciously take them in and they take a front row seat in our subconscious. Reflect and investigate some of these as they are drivers.
- Suspend disbelief, you must unequivocally embody unwavering belief within.
- Let go of the "should haves" and "could haves" - open to receive and remove expectations.
- Throw fear in the trunk, take control of the wheel of your vehicle, your life.
- Visualization is an amazing practice, embody the emotion of how it would feel, and act as if its already happened (past tense).
- Make a vow TODAY and as you read this article, its an indication, a divine note reminding you that you have the power to reframe your self limiting beliefs and start to curate a life of joy, abundance, curiosity, creativity, purpose and a deeper sense of meaning. Remember, time is the ONLY luxury we have in life ----- show up today for you and all those who pray for people like you.
musico + Banca de inversiones Profesional Tecnico en Marketing Turistico (Unco+iesta, ministerio del interior de Italia. Milano)
2yThanks for sharing
Owner / Principal, Pinnacle Plus Career Services / Pinnacle Potential * Career Counselling, Career Coaching
2yReally interesting article Tara! However, I would have liked to know more about how to get past the fear. Many people get stuck on this.