Releasing Stuck Emotions That Create Self-Sabotage in Your Business
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Releasing Stuck Emotions That Create Self-Sabotage in Your Business

In my article Identity Shift Drama, I talked about how important it is when in the midst of an identity shift NOT to dissipate the energy of the emotions that the identity shift was bringing up, but instead to use them to fuel the shift. You do this by not engaging the emotions, but instead releasing them. A reader asked how to do this and this is what I'm going to explain in this article.

Emotions you don't express when you experience them become stuck in the body. These emotions build up over time adding stress to your system and can form belief structures that become self-sabotage mechanisms - both in your life and your business.

Releasing stuck emotions is as simple as letting them run through you. How is this different from engaging, you ask? Here's how it works:

If you engage an emotion, you're trying to figure out WHY you're feeling that way. You're going into the story of what you think caused you to feel this way. This is NOT helpful.

Releasing the stored emotions means simply allowing yourself to feel them. Let the tears flow - without worrying about WHY you are crying. Let out the anger and frustration by beating on your bed with a pool noodle (make sure to smudge it when you're done, you don't want to sleep in that) or visiting a rage room. But don't think about WHY you're angry.

Going into the WHY amplifies your story. The ultimate goal is to transcend those stories, so engaging them just adds more fuel to their fire. Make sense? Besides, if you're like most of my clients, you've been stuffing those emotions for decades. You will not remember what they were attached to anyway. So just feel them and let them go.

Moving through identity shifts and any other spiritual growth process is complex. There are many angles to consider and a lot to take into account. If you're looking for help with your process - not just to get through it, but also to accelerate the process while making it easier - I can help. Sign up for a Discovery call and we'll discuss the right path for you.

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