Thanks to the original writer and article :
- POST — Create
- like form submit, to send data to server. (PUT is idempotent, POST is not)
- GET — Read
- (No Request Body)
- PUT — Update / Replace
- (No Response Body)
- Create or replace (can return 200/204/201)
- PATCH — Update / Modify
- DELETE — Delete
- (May Have Request / Response Body But Generally No)
- OPTIONS — Permitted Communication Operations
- (No Request Body, Has Response Body)
- HEAD — Headers
- (No Request / Response Body)
- for file size or content length
- TRACE — Debugging
- (No Request / Response Body)
- loopback
- CONNECT — 2 way communication (SSL/TCP)
- (No Request Body, Has Response Body)
- 1xx => informational
- 2xx => success
- 3xx => redirection
- 4xx => client error
- 5xx => server error
Popular Status Codes and Their Reasons:
- 100 -> Continue
- 200 -> OK
- 201 -> Created
- 204 -> No Content
- 301 -> Moved Permanently
- 400 -> Bad Request => validation errors
- 401 -> Unauthorized => when authorization fails
- 403 -> Forbidden
- 404 -> Not Found
- 405 -> Method Not Allowed
- 412 -> Precondition Failed
- 429 -> Too Many Requests => can use for throttling
- 500 -> Internal Server Error
- 503 -> Server Not Available
- Always think about the consumers.
- Use proper HTTP request methods & Return status codes accordingly.
- Prepare both your success and error response models (Exception Handler with “@ControllerAdvice” in Spring Boot).
- Write documentation (Swagger or OpenAPI)
- No secure info in the URI
- Use plurals (can use hyphen separated lower-case )
- /user ❌
- /users ✔️
- /sea-cargo ✔️
- Use nouns for resources
- /delete-account ❌
- DELETE /accounts/845 ✔️
- Define a consistent approach
- GET /account/256/purchases
- Semicolon, or, more frequently, the comma should be used in lists
- /users/{id1},{id2} ✔️
- Use camelCase for parameters, Hyphenated-Pascal-Case for HTTP Headers
- Add “Accept” Request Headers
- Support versioning
- in URI as /v1/account or in a header parameter as X-API-VERSION
- HATEOAS => Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State
- In summary, you send API Urls in the response for the consumer to use for showing the next steps (actions) from there. Like, in a web page, you list products and you click on a product to get its details. In your list products’ API response, you also return GET API Urls for each product so front-end does not have to build up the urls.
- loose coupling => If a consumer of a REST service needs to hard-code all the resource URLs, then it is tightly coupled with your service implementation.
I am here just to share any new knowledge with you so keep reading everyday and happy learning!
Seasoned Laravel Engineer | Exploring GoLang | ex-Ulula | ex-AllshoreTalent | LaravelPals | Remote Consultant | VueJs | Pinia | MySQL | InertiaJs | REST Apis | Sanctum
2yRizwan Ashraf