Restarting it is not easy.
After 6 years since I left my country for new opportunities and learning experiences in a new culture, a new language, in other words, everything new, the text below sums up well what it is like to "let go of everything" and "restart."
It’s not easy to muster the courage to undo the ties that bind you. It’s easy to pack your bags, buy a ticket, and follow your destiny to another country. What’s difficult is accepting the new reality during this time.
Because when you leave, you need to be prepared to rebuild yourself, to accept that it’s “now or never,” to find yourself, to know yourself, and to define who you want to be even though you’re already grown. You need to have the courage to let go of some habits and create strong wings that will help you take one of the most important flights of your life. You need to let go of prejudices and learn once and for all the meaning of respect.
Moving to another country is, almost always, fleeing from some problems, only to find yourself surrounded by a thousand others. It's like living on a roller coaster when you’re afraid of heights. The first few months bring the same feeling as the climb: excitement, happiness, and pride in being there. And then one day you wake up and realize that rebuilding your life isn’t as beautiful as it seemed; it’s difficult, exhausting, and tiring. But you’re at the top; the investment was expensive, and your friends, your family, and everyone who didn’t come are there, watching you from afar. You can’t turn off the machine, and you don’t dare ask to get off. You smile and hide the despair. You close your eyes and go. With fear and not knowing if it will work out,
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Some give up after the first descent. Others get used to the adrenaline and decide to continue. Because there’s nothing better than discovering that you are capable.
Living abroad isn’t about recognizing your limits; it’s about stretching them a little more, day after day. It’s discovering that you can go much further. It’s working hard to be recognized where you are just one more.
Living abroad is giving birth to a new “you,” It’s being both a mother and a father to yourself. It’s suffering to create yourself alone and be proud of the adult you recreated. It’s accepting that you will never be the same if you ever decide to return to your homeland.