Restaurant Commodities near Two Year Highs
Datum FS Advisors is hosting their monthly best practices webinar on June 25th on alternative foodservice sales channels including delivery and retail. Join Thomas Healey and Andrew Raabe as we dive into the opportunities and the impact on the supply chain. You can learn more and register here.
The Datum FS Foodservice Commodity Index this week is registering at its highest level in nearly two (think Kahleah Copper) years up 11 percent from June 2023. As we all know, beef and chicken are leading the charge due in part to supply challenges. But lets not forget about the counter-seasonal inflation in cheese prices this spring which has certainly been impressive.
As I noted last month, CME cheese block and barrel prices were trending well below the international markets earlier this year. And because of this U.S. cheese exports have surged. For those keeping score, and Celtics' fans have had fun doing so as of late, cheese exports in April were by far a record for the month and the second biggest for any month. No surprise (Sorry Gomer) that the cheese markets have reacted upward.
Want to learn how Datum FS can help you anticipate commodity volatility? Learn more at or direct message me. Thanks for reading.
Principal at Pacific Management Consulting Group, Restaurant Analyst and Management Consultant
7moPretty important note here for operators, planners and analysts everywhere in our space!