Results of the French "Convention pour le climat" a new experience in direct democracy about climate change
For the past 9 months France has been hosting a truly new experience in direct democracy.
The French government has launched end of 2019 the « Convention pour le climat »: an ambitious citizen participation process : 150 randomly-selected members of the public amongst representatives of all sections of the population have been asked to pit together a program to ensure that French carbon emissions would be reduced by 40 per cent in 2030
Aged 16-80, the "citizens" were geographically and demographically representative of France. Over 7 weekend sessions, they've met at the CES (Conseil Economique et Social) France's governmental civil society advisory chamber. They have also listened to and discussed with over 100 experts - businesspeople, administrators, lawyers (to put proposals into legalese) professors, researchers, politicians - including the President Emmanuel Macron and Nicolas Hulot, his former environment minister.
After 9 months of dedicated work, the «Convention pour le climat» has held its final debate this week-end and finalized their proposals
They are now passed to the government and President Emmanuel Macron for final consideration.
These proposals have been divided into categories including the Constitution, housing, food, consumption, transport, production, and work. Below are excerpts of the proposals, each chapter containing a series of operational proposals and sometimes suggestions of laws
For the full overview of measures in French, complete with detailed implementation guidelines and minority opinions:
On the Constitution
Throughout the process, the question of amending the Constitution, the text that governs the political organization of our country, was a hot topic. The final outcome was the adoption of four proposals for revising the Constitution to enshrine "the fight against climate change as an objective of the Republic".
On housing
Based on the observation that "housing and all constructions (including housing, buildings and infrastructures) together account directly or indirectly for two thirds of France's greenhouse gas emissions", the Convention proposes to "act massively and globally", following three objectives:
- Mandatory energy renovation by 2040.
- Limiting the energy consumption of buildings: this includes notably limiting "the use of heating and air-conditioning" to 19°C and 30°C respectively. The latter measure would not apply to hospitals, EHPADs doctors' surgeries and childcare facilities.
- Fighting against soil artificialization and urban sprawl: prohibiting any artificialization of land as long as commercial, craft or industrial rehabilitation or wasteland is possible within the existing urban envelope" or to "immediately taking measures to stop the development of peri-urban commercial areas that consume a lot of space".
On food
- making sure that everyone has access to the right information about the climate and health impacts of their purchase or consumption choices .
- - Strengthening the Egalim law: "
- - Transforming French agriculture with amongst other proposals a very ambitious target of 50% of land under agro-ecology by 2040 (the agricultural sector, accounts for 36% of France's greenhouse gas emissions),
- - Rethinking trade policy, including Ceta, the free trade treaty with Canada in order to integrate the climate objectives of the Paris agreement.
- Better training and information for consumers) and putting "incisive and striking" messages on products that are not recommended by this plan.
- Establishing a crime of ecocide. In order to protect the environment
On consumption
Consuming less in order to use fewer natural resources, less energy and generate fewer greenhouse gas emissions" and "consuming better by being better informed and by having access to alternatives that are financially accessible to all".
- Displaying the carbon footprint of products and services. similar to the Nutri-score which judges the nutritional quality of products.
- "Regulating advertising to reduce incentives for over-consumption."
- "Limiting overpackaging and the use of single-use plastic
On transportation
The movement of people and the transport of goods now account for 31% of France's greenhouse gas emissions. "This total is shared between cars (52% of the total), heavy goods vehicles (19%), commercial vehicles (19%) and domestic flights (4%),
- Decreasing solo car use by developing "other modes of transport than the private car",
- Reducing road transport.
- Transforming the French car fleet.
- "Limiting the harmful effects of air transport."
On production and work
For the members of the Citizen's Convention, "the transition to a carbon-free society implies a complete transformation of the production apparatus and the trades". "Many companies and individuals will see their activity disappear or at least be strongly affected. This transition can be an opportunity for the economy and employment, but without support and appropriate measures, many could suffer,"
- "Transforming the production tool." "promoting more responsible production, developing repair, recycling and waste management channels", "making repair of manufactured products sold in France compulsory ", "abolishing all single-use plastics from 2023", making any support for innovation conditional by 2025 on the logic of moving away from a carbon-based model, and demanding that "companies which distribute more than €10 million in annual dividends" participate "in the collective financing of the ecological transition, up to 4% of the amount of dividends distributed ".
- "Transforming employment and working conditions by creating a "new governance of the transition of jobs and skills at national and regional level ".
- Encouraging companies to improve their carbon footprint. "making public aid conditional on a positive evolution of the greenhouse gas balance "*, creating a notion on public procurement "of the most ecologically advantageous offer "*, setting up "departmental courts for the environment and public and private works" and to introduce a carbon tax - here renamed "carbon adjustment" - at the borders of the European Union.
The 150 randomly selected citizens have also called for three referendums: two constitutional changes and one to introduce the crime of ecocide in the French penal code. With these measures, the Citizens’ Convention on Climate aims to achieve a reduction of at least 40% of France’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, based on the levels of 1990.
All eyes are now on President Emmanuel Macron’s upcoming announcement on June 29th. He will indicate which proposals he intends to take up and submit to Parliament or to a referendum.
Marie France Fourrier
MBA, ICF Master Coach,