Review: Best Standing Desk Risers

Review: Best Standing Desk Risers

Choosing the Best Sit Stand Desk Riser for Your Body or Corporate Standard

So many options, so what is a Facilities Manager, HR Generalist, Risk Manager, Director of Purchasing, OT, PT, Chiropractor, or an Individual in Pain to Do?

 Since we published our original comparison in 2016 even more products have entered an over saturated Sit to Stand Arena. How does one select the best way to retrofit a workstation that correctly offers anyone to easily sit and stand in the most spot-on, comfortable and ergonomic posture?

Pull out the measuring tape. It is vital that you determine the height of the user & the height of the desk. You may ask why is so crucial? The answer will amaze you. If you do not know the heights you can opt for a product that may be either too tall for the person in their seated position nor not tall enough in their standing position. So many companies taught they have the greatest product but when you see how it physically alters the user to be in a dangerous position, we feel this to be unfortunate.

Sitting and Standing throughout the work day will have tremendous health benefits. Be careful since many businesses will only share the bare minimum technical specifications to create an inaccurate proposition that their item is the most ideal. Our goal at is to assist you in finding the best justification for a Sit to Stand Workstation that meet your particular needs. 

 This guide this is to provide the most comprehensive and balanced overview. It is our sincerest intent to show an extensive summary of the product (including the ideal height range for each solution). One of the most important factors when choosing a retrofit for the workstation is that you are able to sit and stand in the most ergonomic and comfortable posture as possible. We have added two images from Dr. Hedge of the Cornell School of Ergonomics that will provide a helpful visual & convey information to understanding the importance of a proper set-up.

One of our greatest concerns which rarely is addressed with any desk-on-desk riser, is that they truly limit the users if the keyboard tray does not meet their seated ergonomic typing posture (see below). A very large population must utilize a keyboard tray that adjusts below the work-surface due to their height in the seated position and the height of their existing static desk.

 We’ve enclosed two graphics from the Cornell University School of Ergonomics of the ideal typing posture. We married Cornell’s ergonomic workstation guideline with the average female and male anthropometric dimensions while seated and standing. This will give you an idea of what workstations will work for your height. Knowledge is power; we truly believe that when one understands the correct seated, standing & eye height parameters, you will be amazed how important the technical specifications will determine which Sit to Stand Workstation is best for EVERYONE.

 In this updated review, we have assisted by demonstrating proper ergonomic posture (green lines) and poor posture that may end up causing musculoskeletal issues (red lines).

Most contract furniture work surfaces are between 28” and 30” tall which is ideal for the 6’ to 6’1” user. Our greatest concern are the 4’11” to 5’10” users and our taller 6’2” to 6’6” users. Most of the on-desk solutions do not ergonomically meet these users’ ideal seated and standing ergonomic positions.

 A perfect example of our concern is in the above and below images. In the above picture, in its tallest position the keyboard tray is still too low, as well as his monitor is too while in his standing position.  In his seated position, the keyboard tray is too tall because the riser ads height to the typing surface (desk is 29” most risers add between ¾” to 1” and your keyboard adds between ½” to 2” if your keyboard is split (Microsoft)position this desk. That typing from 30.25” to 32” off the floor). His Monitor is too tall as well. THIS IS NOT A GOOD SOLUTION FOR THIS YOUNG MAN.

 The young lady below has three options due to her height and the riser’s height in a seated position to type. One is to Shrug 4”-5” (virtually impossible to maintain that position), the second is to Slump over and push the keyboard as forward as possible. The third position what she’s doing in the picture {semi slump right side digging her arm in the corner to mouse and her left arm virtually in the red position in the below image}. Now consider the dangers of these positions PLUS repetition. This is a potential recordable and Workers Comp Case.

We have developed a height graph that should give you an idea of your seated and standing elbow and eye height so you can decide which solution makes the best sense for you or the end-user (as stated from Cornell University Human Factors and Engineering).

S2S Sit Stand Workstation:

Cost: Single Monitor $489.99 & Dual Monitor $589.99

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 4’11” to 6’6” tall

The S2S Sit Stand Workstation is one of the newest desk riser to hit the market. It is clear that they did their homework to be the leader in the sit stand 2.0 era. It’s the only desk riser that meets ANSI/HFES 100-2007 health standards (the keyboard tray adjusts 7.31” below the work surface which) as well as it meets BIFMA GI-2013.

 Our main focus for the consumer is to convey how truly ergonomic is the product they are considering. It is imperative that you work as pain-free as possible because it increases productivity which is ideal for the end-user and organization.  We are very impressed that the S2S offers such a dynamic range of adjustments.                                                                                              

 Additional Positives of the S2S Sit Stand Workstation:

  • Meets HFES 100-2007: That means this is one of the only desk risers that works ideally for people at each height spectrum (4’11”’ to 5’6” or 6’1 to 6’7”). This makes it easy for corporations because you meet virtually 95% of all users where others cannot come close.
  • 22” Arm Adjustment, with an additional 3.25” of independent keyboard tray adjustment which gives you 25.25” of total adjustment. On a 29” tall work surface, the S2S Workstation can adjust from a 21.69” seated typing height to a 50.31” standing surface height.
  • Keyboard tray tilts 19” (-15/+4 degrees) this is very important to at a small negative position. It puts you in a comfortable typing position
  • The monitor independently adjusts 9.5” which makes setting the ideal monitor height easy for every user
  • Weight capacity 5lbs to 25 lbs. (total)
  • Keyboard tray and shelf made of ultra-thin and sleek metal, not plastic
  • The keyboard tray can flip up and it along with the 2nd shelf can swing away which allows access to the top of the desk
  • Ample keyboard tray & shelf space both are 28" L x 9.2” D
  • Single Monitor LCD Independently pans and swivels from the keyboard tray. This makes it very easy to collaborate with others
  • LCD Tilt 40˚ (+40/-5)
  • Excellent cable management
  • Available in 3 colors – Black, Silver, White
  • Cycles tested: 20,000 which is 10,000 more than others
  • 5 Year Warranty

Potential Issues of the S2S sit Stand Workstation:

  • It’s priced a bit on the higher side $489.99 for single monitor & $589.99 for a dual monitor solution.
  • Since this is a cantilever fashion, in the standing position you get a slight movement if you type hard. Not bad at all, but an ever so slight movement.

Varidesk Pro Plus:

Cost: Pro Plus 36 $395.00/Pro Plus 48 $495.00

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 6’ to 6’1” tall

The photos of the young woman (2) above and the gentleman (1) below are both using a Varidesk Pro Plus 36. Both are using the identical Microsoft Sculpt keyboard, both are viewing a Samsung 24” Monitor Model Number S24D300H. Both are utilizing the same 29” desk. 

A picture is worth a thousand words. We believe that with these visuals one has a much clearer understanding of how this 5’2” female is hurting herself in many ways. If you look at the image of her on the left we have outlined in red the health hazards. Starting with the task chair (this is a Humanscale Freedom Chair with standard cylinder and Standard Durham Arms) she is losing all contact with the back of the chair. Since the equipment & the desk are far too tall for her in her seated height she is shrugging her shoulders and her neck has virtually disappeared. Just consider working this position, and now consider what she is doing to the muscles in her body. She is a perfect candidate for a repetitive stress injury. The monitor is not appropriately in alignment. Now look at the same individual in the 2nd image. She relocated the keyboard but she is still suffers from incorrect posture. Granted her back is closer to engaging with the back of the chair but not completely supportive. Her shoulders are still elevated. But know look at her forearms and the posture of that body part. She will be suffering from Contact Stress (this results from occasional, repeated or continuous contact between soft body tissue and a hard or sharp object, such as workstation edges). Contact stress commonly affects the soft tissue on the fingers, palms and forearms. This contact creates pressure over a small area of the that can inhibit blood flow, tendon and muscle movement, and nerve function. Contact stress may lead to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) when tendons that are being used or nerves or blood vessels in vulnerable locations are compressed. Contact stress can restrict the movement of the tendon, which will then require greater effort and could result in inflammation of the tendon and surrounding tissues. Contact stress that pushes sharply into deeper tissues may also reduce blood flow and result in early muscle fatigue. Tissue that is compressed for prolonged periods of time may be damaged. Monitors need to be roughly the arm lengths distance.

Now the 6’1” young man shown on the left can use this piece of equipment. But we caution that if he were any taller than there would be safety issues of Head & Neck Flexion caused by looking down at the monitor. A suggestion for a taller person would be to elevate the monitor with a monitor mount or even a book (but be careful as to how high the monitor would be in relation to the standing eye height of the user). Also for a taller person the keyboard tray would be too low and would not allow the individual to have their shoulders relaxed, their upper arms are resting against their torso, their elbows are bent to around 90 degrees and their wrists and fingers are straight. The optimal wrist posture should be slightly negative (similar to the way a pianist looks while playing the piano).

The Varidesk Pro Plus series is without question the most popular desk riser solution in the market. Being one of the first desk risers to the market as well as they have done an amazing job marketing makes them the number one top of mind desk riser.

We would like to start off on a positive note with our comparison of the Varidesk. It’s incredibly easy to set up, all you need to do is pull it out of the box and lay it on your desk (we suggest you use a partner when lifting out of the box, it’s a bit on the heavy side).

The Varidesk offers 11 height positions to choose from.

Additional Positives of the Varidesk:

  • The Varidesk is competitively priced
  • Offers the best total weight capacity from 0-35 lbs.
  • Good size keyboard tray 14.25” x 36” or 14.25” x 48”
  • Fairly sturdy

Potential Issues with the Varidesk:

  • he Varidesk Pro adds 0.75” to the top of your work surface. The average height of contract furniture is 29” tall, thus the typing surface of the Varidesk Pro Plus on a 29” tall table is 29.75”. Add your keyboard and you are looking at typing over 30” off the floor while seated and 43.5” standing. This makes the Pro Plus Ergonomically Ideal for sitting and standing if you average between 6’ and 6’1” tall which is a very small population of most users. Our suggestion is that if you are 6’ or taller and you have an average size monitor, that you buy their monitor arm to get the monitor in the proper eye level position.
  • Back to the ideal height issue -the other issue we see is that there is so little space from the keyboard tray to the top shelf. The keyboard tray in the highest position is 14” above the work-surface (that’s 43” tall from the floor which is the ergonomic typing max for someone 6’ to 6’1” tall). The top shelf is only 4” tall maxing out at 18” above the desk and only 47” tall. A standard 24” monitor’s screen tops out at 16” above the work-surface. That’s 63” when sitting on the top shelf of a standard Varidesk. A 6’ users standing eye level is around 67” which is concern for potential head and neck flexion.
  • The location on the desk consumes a tremendous amount of valuable space and the desktop cannot be used for writing or other important usage.
  • Keyboard surface does not offer a negative tilt (see above image) which offers a more neutral typing position.
  • Can damage mice and keyboard USB cords if closed on. We recommend that you use wireless keyboards and mice
  • VARIDESKS come with a limited, one-year product warranty from the date of purchase through

Ergotron Workfit-T:

Cost: Office Depot Cost: $467.99

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 6’ to 6’3” tall

The Workfit-T is Ergotron’s answer to the popular Varidesk line. This unit fits on the desk top and offers more monitor options than the Varidesk, which include Single Monitor Kit, Single Heavy-Duty Monitor Kit, Dual Monitor Kit and an LCD & Laptop Kit.

The Ergotron Workfit offers a stable workstation that adjusts 15” from seated to standing height (29.75” to 45.75” tall which is ideal for 6’ to 6’3” tall.

Additional Positives of the Workfit-T Pros:

  • Ergotron Brand
  • Fairly sturdy
  • 5 Year Warranty, which is 4 more years than the Varidesk.
  • Ships fully assembled – no tool adjustments needed, which makes it easy to retrofit your desk quickly. We suggest you have two people to install. The shipping weight is over 58 lbs.

 Potential Issues of the Workfit-T:

  • The Workfit-T adds 0.75” to the top of your work surface.
  • Keyboard surface does not offer a negative tilt (see above image) which offers a more neutral typing position.

StandTall Desk Riser

Cost: StandTall ($349.00), 3M™ Precision Standing Office Depot (399.00), iMovr Ziplift ($349.00)

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 6’ to 6’3” tall

This is our favorite model that fits on the desk top and offers a taller top shelf than most that gives it a larger ergonomic user base. It’s also the only one that offers a negative keyboard tray tilt for a more ergonomic typing posture.                                                                                                                                                    The StandTall OEM offers a stable workstation that keyboard tray adjusts from seated to standing height (29.75” to 43.6 (45.5” tall with the keyboard tray in a negative tilt) which is ideal for 6’ to 6’3” tall.

Additional Positives of the StandTall OEM:

  • Fairly sturdy
  • Keyboard Tray is the only one that offers a negative tilt. That’s a winner for us at Ergoprise.
  • The primary work surface can be adjusted 20" above your desk.
  • Adjusting the StandTall is seamless and smooth and offers an infinite height adjustment, users can easily set it to their specifications.
  • The StandTall is compact enough to fit on a 24" deep workstation.
  • Easily holds two 24” monitors.
  • Easy to clamp most single or dual monitors.
  • Grommet for cables management
  • Ships fully assembled – no tool adjustments needed, which makes it easy to retrofit your desk quickly. We suggest you have two people to install. Weighs 40lbs.

 Potential Issues of this OEM:

  • This solution adds 0.75” to the top of your work surface.
  • The warranty is 3 years. There are some that offer 5 years.
  • Multiple brand names look for the best priced one with the adjustable keyboard tray.

Kangaroo Desk:

Cost: 1 Monitor 499.00  Dual Monitor 599.00 & Tri Monitor 799.00

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 6’ to 6’3” tall

The Kangaroo Pro standing desk riser was one of the first free standing desk risers in the market. It’s very similar to the Innovative Office Products desk riser The Winston. We do find that the Kangaroo is sturdier in its standing position than the Winston and it's made in the USA.  

Additional Features and Positives of the Kangaroo Pro:

  • Work-surface and monitor adjust separately offering you the capability for Dual Ergonomics like the S2S Sit Stand Workstation & Desk Riser. That is a true benefit when looking to procure a desk riser.
  • Work-surface measures 28" wide by 24" deep 
  • Work-surface can be raised to the exact same location every time you raise your standing desk by using our "stopping bolt" feature
  • VESA mounts offer "Tilt, Pan and Rotate" adjustability
  • The Monitors have 6.5" of adjustment independent from the work surface
  • Shortest height setting for the center-line of the monitor mount is approximately 14" from your existing desk, the tallest would be 36.5"
  • Recommended for Monitors up to 10 lbs. each without their bases attached and 25" wide (not diagonally) each
  • Solid Steel Base plate makes The Kangaroo Elite very stable and measures 17.5" wide by 16" deep
  • All units have one stabilization leg included which makes it one of the sturdier free standing desk risers

 Potential Issues

  • The surface is adjustable 16.5" above your desk which is 2” less than the S2S Desk Riser. This height is ergonomically ideal for up to 6’3” tall.
  • Not a fantastic solution for anyone under 5’11”

TaskMate Go with Suspended Keyboard Tray:

Single Monitor $529.00  & Dual Monitor 569.00

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 5’7” to 6’1” tall

The TaskMate Go standing desk with 4" extended keyboard tray with larger work surface is an ideal solution for people ranging from 5'7" to 6'1" tall when used on a standard 29" tall contract furniture.

·        Keyboard tray goes up to 4" below the work-surface which adds to the population of users that can ergonomically type in a seated and standing position. By offering a work-surface that adjusts 4” below the work-surface. They increase to an ergonomic user base of from 5’7” to 6’1” tall.

  • Quickly and securely attaches to most any work surface
  • Premium keyboard tray with room to mouse on one level
  • Easy height adjustment. No tension springs to adjust
  • Proudly made in the USA

Potential Issues:

  • Keyboard tray only travels 14” above the work-surface. That is ergonomically ideal for up to 6’1”ish tall
  • Takes up valuable work surface on your desk as it attaches to the front of the desk

 Humanscale Quick Stand – Large Tray:

Cost: $799.00

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: See Below

Humanscale is one of the most popular ergonomic furniture brands, and known for their quality and aesthetic sleekness of their product offerings. The Quick Stand is a well-made sit stand solution that is sleek and well built.

Per our guideline of pain free, ergonomic correct computing it misses all potential users by not offering a suspended keyboard tray. The solution works for someone over 6” seated. Here is where it gets interesting; the VESA mount raises 33” above the work surface which is 62” a 24” monitor will put your ideal eye level at 65” which is between 5’10” and 5’11” tall. We love Humanscale and their line, but they missed on this and needs to go back to their designers.

Additional Positives of the Quick Stand – Large Tray System Pros:

  • Constant Force Spring makes it glide easily from seated to standing position
  • Sleek and well crafted
  • Very Large Keyboard Tray 30” Deep x 36” Wide.
  • Sturdy
  • 5 Year Warranty

Potential Issues of the Quick Stand Large Tray System: 

  • Beautiful, but not ergonomic for most users. If you are tall enough not to require the tray to go below the work surface to type then you are too tall to stand ergonomically.
  • Sorry that we sound like a skipping record, but any desk riser that’s keyboard tray does not suspend below the work surface, eliminates a huge population of users, or puts them in a very bad typing position that can cause more problems than the unit assists
  • If you are less than 6” tall and want to add a keyboard tray system, you are now looking at over $1,000.00

S2S Sit Stand Desk Riser                        

Cost: Single Monitor: $429.00 & Dual Monitor: $499.99 

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 6’ to 6’4” tall

Easily transform your current desk into a dual monitor sit-stand desk with the all new rear (clamp, grommet or through hole) S2S Sit Stand Desk Riser. The S2S Dual Sit Stand Workstation utilizes a gas assist counter-balance arm to raise and lower the single surface workstation 18.5" of smooth acting height adjustment. This 18.5" of height adjustment is ideal for users up to 6'4" tall in their standing position when using a 29" tall standard desk. Utilizing an arm solution like the S2S Dual Sit Stand Desk Riser, allows you to swing it away when using your work surface.

Additional Positives:

  • We like rear mounted solutions because you can push them to the side so that you can utilize your  work-surface
  • Spacious work surface (28" wide x 18" deep).
  • You can pan your monitors 180 degrees in each direction
  • 6.3" of independent monitor height adjustment.
  • Weight Options (1.5lbs to 24.5lbs).
  • Supports up to 24" Dual Monitors.
  • Monitor can rotate and pan.
  • Grommet mount available.
  • Integrated cable management.
  • 5 Year Warranty.

Potential Issues:

  • Sturdy for a single gas arm solution, but not as a front locking desk riser.
  • The arm maxes out at 25lbs so if you have two monitors, it may be difficult to add a laptop on your work-surface as well.

 Ergotron Workfit-A (LD) Suspended Keyboard Tray System:

Cost: Single Monitor $583.99 (Office Depot) & Dual Monitor $591.99 (Office Depot)

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 5’7” to 6’ tall

The Ergotron Workfit-A was the first rear mounted desk riser in the marketplace. It was absolutely the rage with early adopters. We like the Workfit-A model over the Workfit-S because it can be easily pushed out of your way to utilize your work surface.

We chose the Workfit-A with suspended keyboard tray because it suspends the keyboard tray 4” under the work surface, which is 25” above the floor which is the ideal height for someone ranging around 5’7” tall.

Additional Positives of the Workfit-A Suspended Keyboard Tray:

  • Rear Mount that allows for you to swing the arm away and utilize your work surface.
  • Easy to move from seated to standing position with the touch of a finger.
  • Keyboard Tray suspends 4” below the work surface.
  • You can rotate your monitor 360 degrees while others usually rotate degrees.
  • Nice cable management
  • 5 Year Warranty

Potential Issues of the Workfit-A Suspended Keyboard Tray:

  • Keyboard tray is plastic and the arm shakes if you are a hard typist.
  • Weight capacity is between 10-20 lbs. This may become an issue if you buy one of these new incredibly light monitors. Make sure to look up your monitor model number and then check the tech specs for the weight of the monitor without the stand. Most keyboards and mice combos weigh less than 1.5lbs.
  • You cannot adjust your keyboard tray into an ergonomic negative tilt.

ESI Ergo Lift Sit Stand Workstation ($299.40), HON Directional

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 5’7 to 5’11” tall.

All-in-all a middle of the road solution that is sturdy enough to place a monitor with stand on without worrying about it falling off. You can mount a monitor arm as well.

The Lift offers 16” of height adjustment and can adhere to the front or rear of the desk.

On a standard 29” tall workstation the end-user can type as low as 25” off the floor to 42” high standing. This makes the Lift ideal for anyone between 5’7” to 5’11” tall.

Additional Positives of the Lift Sit Stand Workstation:

  • Cost Effective. $299.40.
  • Able to type comfortably 4” below your work surface.
  • Able to adhere to the front or back of your work surface.
  • User can use either monitor arm or standard monitor with stand.

Potential Issues of the Lift Sit Stand Workstation:

  • Ideal for a somewhat narrow population of users: users from 5’7” to 5’ 11” tall.
  • You cannot adjust your keyboard tray into an ergonomic negative tilt.Sit Stand

Converter Pro:

Cost: $399.00 Single Monitor & $499.00 Dual Monitor (iPad & Laptop Accessories Available)

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 5’ to 5’11” tall

The Sit Stand Converter Pro is the only solution with a separate keyboard tray and monitor arm, which makes it the most stable of the reviewed solutions.

The keyboard tray adjusts 19” (7” below and 12” above the work surface) which is ideal for users ranging from 5’ to 5’11” tall. The keyboard tray offers 15” of negative tilt which is a very important feature for typing in a neutral position.

The Sit Stand Converter Pro comes with a single arm. You can upgrade to a dual arm right away or add an arm in the future. They also offer an iPad and Laptop accessory.

The maximum weight per arm is 0-14 lbs. make sure your monitor weighs less than 14 lbs.

Additional Positives of the Sit Stand Converter Pro:

Perfect solution for users that are vertically challenged.

Keyboard Tray offers a 15-degree negative tilt.

Potential Issues of the Sit Stand Converter Pro: 

  • Keyboard Tray does not stow under the desk.
  • Maxes out for users 6’ and taller
  • Aesthetically not as attractive as some of the other solutions

IOP Winston Workstation:

Cost: $679.99 Single Monitor/$714.00 Dual Monitor/$854.00 Triple Monitor/$1,064.00 Quad Monitor

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 6’ to 6’4” tall

The Winston is offered in both free standing and clamp mount. The Winston is a bit more stable than some of the other solutions, you still get a little movement when typing. It closely resembles the Kangaroo Workstation without having the eyesore stabilization leg.

The Winston offers many options, from 1 to 4 monitors, standard LCD or Apple version. It comes in white, silver and black.

The Winston offers 17” of height adjustment which means that your seated typing surface height will be at 30.25” off the floor when seated (ideal for 6’ user) and max out at 47.25” (ideal for someone 6’4”).

The total weight capacity runs from 9 to 40 lbs.

Additional Positives of the Winston Workstation:

  • · Offers multiple monitor options: single, dual, triple and quad monitor options available
  • · Standard LCD or Apple Version
  • Nice size Keyboard Tray 24.5” x 30”
  • Fairly sturdier than other models.
  • Comes in either C-clamp or Free Standing models
  • Cable locking Gas Cylinder
  • 5 Year Warranty

Potential Issues of the Winston:

  • The Winston adds 1.25” to the top of your work surface, which is the highest of any of the reviewed desk risers.
  • Keyboard surface does not offer a negative tilt (see above image) which offers a more neutral typing position.
  • Exposed Cable Management

Ergotron Workfit-S:

Cost: $553.99

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 5’7” to 6’ tall

The Ergotron Workfit-S was one the first front mounted desk riser in the marketplace. It too was absolutely the rage with both corporate and home office end-users.

The one feature we like about the Workfit-S with suspended keyboard tray, is that suspends the keyboard tray 4” under the work surface, which is 25” above the floor which is the ideal height for someone ranging around 5’7” tall.

The total weight capacity of the Workfit-S is 18 lbs. which should work for most modern LCD’s. We suggest you check your monitor model weight, especially if you plan to dock a notebook on the shelf.

Additional Positives of the Workfit-S Suspended Keyboard Tray:

  • Easy to move from seated to standing position with the touch of a finger.
  • Keyboard Tray suspends 4” below the work surface.
  • Able to adjust the keyboard tray at a 7.5-degree negative tilt.
  • 5 Year Warranty

Potential Issues of the Workfit-S Suspended Keyboard Tray:

  • Keyboard tray is plastic and the arm shakes if you are a hard typist.
  • Clamps onto the front of your desk thus makes it hard if you want to use your desks work surface when not computing.
  • The monitor is a bit too close for our liking. The rule of thumb is to reach for your monitor and barely be able to touch it.
  • Cable Management could be a bit better, but not a show stopper


A number of our corporate customers contact us looking for a desk riser solution and realize that what they are looking to accomplish does not meet corporate or facilities standards, thus we would like to intoroduce two desk bases that work ideally with most contract furniture.

S2S Standing Desk Base:

Cost: Dual Segment Desk Base: $399.00 & Three Segment Desk Base: $439.00

Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 5’4” to 6’6” tall

The all new S2S Desk line is incredibly priced for its outstanding commercial quality, so it can be procured by individuals for home offices as well as small to large corporations. Do not let the affordable price fool you, the quality of the desk is phenomenal. This unique offering not only saves the environment (reusing an existing top) it wallet friendly. The base is width adjustable so if the space needs change (i.e. utilizing the desk from an office space to a home office) the only new item to procure would be the top which is far less expensive than purchasing an entire new desk. The desk has tremendous height adjustment which makes the desk ideal for the petite to the very tall! 

The 2-Segment S2S Electric Height (27”-46.5”) & Width (37.5”-74”) Adjustable Desk Base (S2S-111) is a truly spectacular sit–to-stand desk. The under-top support beam is width adjustable; its telescoping frame gives you the freedom to change tabletop sizes without having to buy a new base!  There’s no crossbeam to interfere with knee clearance or gear and expands from 45” to 74”.  Only one base size to be considered with the use of multiple sized tops 80+ inches wide.   This is a very affordable component since most desks lines require the purchase of entire new desk if the space needs change. The S2S Height & Width Adjustable Desk Base is equipped with 2 durable legs (offered in charcoal gray or black) are powder coated which aid with scratch resistance. With its dual electric motor (each leg is motorized), this 3-stage system allows the desk to silently rise from a mere height of 23” to 50”. The desk offers a 353 lbs. lifting capacity (tested at 400lbs). Lastly, the desk is equipped with a standard up/down controller. There is a 4-position preset with digital LED height readout (quick touch presets - no need to hold the buttons down as with other desk lines). 

The 3-Segment S2S Electric Height (24”-49”) & Width (37.5”-74”) Adjustable Desk Base (S2S-111-3) is a truly spectacular sit–to-stand desk. The under-top support beam is width adjustable; its telescoping frame gives you the freedom to change tabletop sizes without having to buy a new base!  There’s no crossbeam to interfere with knee clearance or gear and expands from 45” to 74”.  Only one base size to be considered with the use of multiple sized tops 80+ inches wide.   This is a very affordable component since most desks lines require the purchase of entire new desk if the space needs change. The S2S Height & Width Adjustable Desk Base is equipped with 2 durable legs (offered in charcoal gray or black) are powder coated which aid with scratch resistance. With its dual electric motor (each leg is motorized), this 3-stage system allows the desk to silently rise from a mere height of 24” to 49”. The desk offers a 353 lbs. lifting capacity (tested at 400lbs). Lastly, the desk is equipped with a standard up/down controller. There is a 4-position preset with digital LED height readout (quick touch presets - no need to hold the buttons down as with other desk lines). 

S2S Desk Features:

  • Four position LED programmable controller 
  • Adjustable width telescoping frame that accommodates table tops from 35.5" to 80 plus."  
  • Desk Raises & Lowers at 1.5" per second speed.
  • 353 lbs. lift capacity - our desk base has been tested with various weights and this is where we set the max lift capacity. Our desk works with 385 lbs.
  • Our control box includes: soft start/stop, hall sensor for speed and alignment.
  • Dual Whisper Quiet Motors (one per leg).

High-end TAA Compliant Desk Base:

 Uprise Standing Desk Base:

Cost: 3 Segment C-leg base: 589.00

 Ergonomically ideal for people who range from: 5’4” to 6’6” tall

With its contemporary lifting columns, this standing desk base will amaze you with its functionality, reliability and unique components that will define itself amongst others in the marketplace.

Rather than lock yourself in any particular sized base the desk is both adjustable in height and width! The telescopes from 44.5" wide to 74" wide, so the base is ideal for work surfaces ranging from 46" wide to over 84" wide. The Uprise Desk is ideal for anyone whom wishes to sit, stand or even add a treadmill so you can sit, stand and walk at your desk.   

This desk with its three stage columns ranges in height from 24" to 49.75" (this includes a desktop). The Uprise Desk has been weight tested at over 400 lbs. Our base is certified at 800 Newton’s per lifting column which equates to 180lbs for a single column base, 360lbs for a two column base and 540lbs for the 3 column desk.         

With its sturdy 3 stroke lifting column the Uprise Desk moves at an astonishing 1.7" per second. Not only will you be surprised by the speed, you will immediately not hear the normal groaning and grinding noise associated with most desk motors. This desk outranks its rivals by offering an uncompromising noise level of only 39dB (whisper quiet) when being operated. The lack of noise is ideal for collaborative or cubicle settings & perfect for the home office environment as well.


  • Telescopes from 44.5” to 74” which accommodates desk tops from 46” to 80” plus wide
  • Speed: raises/lowers at 1.7” per seconds up to 180lbs (including table top) 1.4" per second at 230lbs to 275 lbs.
  • 3 stroke lifting column raises & lowers from 24” to 49.75” high
  • 360lbs lifting thrust
  • 39dB level (whisper quiet)
  • 0.06W standby power consumption (one of the most green electric desks in the market)       
  • Soft start/stop feature (least friction on the gears)
  • Anti-collision feature
  • Control Box: maximum output: 29V DC, 10.0A 
  • Overheat protection
  • Overload protection
  • Timeout/leg unbalance protection
  • Comes in black, silver & white bases
  • 5 year warranty 
  • 4 position LED Pre-set or save $20 with the up/down button controller

 In-depth Spreadsheet Comparison: Side-by-side Sit Stand Workstation Comparison 3-2-16

Note not all items listed in this overview are referenced in the comparison spreadsheet

 We are happy to help you find the most appropriate Sit to Stand Workstation. Please do not hesitate to contact us at 877-907-8688, or via live chat.

 Ergoprise: is a certified, woman-owned, multi-brand provider of high quality office, mobile, and industrial ergonomic tools located in Austin, Texas. Through our showroomwebsite, and sales team we offer a broad range of ergonomic products that have been selected to provide individuals with a comfortable working environment that delivers an excellent return on investment.



My riser desk is great! I bought from you several years ago.

Suzanne you are way to kind. Thank you.


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