To Be Rich You Have To SEE Rich 👀
//Michael Phelps has won more olympic medals than any athlete in its history. 🏅
He attributes visualization to his success. Sitting down and mentally picturing his races, competitions, etc., and seeing himself win at the end. 🏊♂️
If you want to hack your wealth, you have to be able to see it like your own movie.
I want to share a trick to help you do that.
Maybe you have seen my vision board in the background on some of my other videos.
This board is one of the ways that I can visualize my wealth, my goals, and my successes.
I kind of thought vision boards were a little ‘out there’ - I had never created one before. I joined a men’s group with Josh Axe, or Dr. Axe and he firmly believes in vision boards and has been doing them for a number of years.
You can find Dr. Axe here:
He challenged all of us in the group to create one.
The way it works is that you see it every day, and you visualize your goals every single day. Your brain starts to believe that it is real.
Once it becomes your reality, you start working towards achieving these things.
It works very similar to writing down your goals, but it is a visual reminder every day. 📔
Do you have a vision board? Have you ever created one? Tell us in the comments what you think about it!
Be sure to watch the video here!
#wealthhackwednesday #visualization #draxe