The right marriage for you - how do you know it is? - Rabbi Dr. Gil Gershon Tivon
How do you know if your spouse is your right one that was decreed by God from heaven? –
Rabbi Dr. Gil Gershon Tivon
When God made man, he made man and woman together, as it says: “and He created them,
and He called their name man”, meaning man and woman together (Genesis 5, 2).
What does that mean?
It means that when God created man and woman, they are one and the same, so they comes down
to this world separately, the man and the woman.
The holy Zohar states that a man is “Palga the Gufa”, פלגא דגופא"”, meaning that he is only half the
body and his wife is the other half.
The question is how do we know if this is the right Zivug, זיווג, the right connection, and relationship
as it was ordained in Heavens by God?
We learn that the woman comes more from the דינים judgments and the man more from the חסדים from the compassionate kind part.
That doesn’t mean that the woman is not compassionate and kind, of course, she is! and that man
cannot be from the side of judgment, of course, he can be. What it does mean, however, is that within the two parts of the same soul, the man comes more of the kindness and the woman from
the judgmental part. The woman keeps the limits and boundaries of the home and does kindness mostly at home.
A good example of that is our forefather Abraham who was very kind and compassionate, while Sarah his wife was more judgmental compared to him, and guarded their home with limits. The man Expresses compassion to his children, but outwardly it can seem like judgment, as his real intention is to educate them and see to it that they should follow God’s path. As it says:”as a father has compassion towards his children” (Psalms 93, 13), and “because I (God) know him (Abraham) for he will direct (and instruct) his children and house after him, and they should keep the ways of God, to do acts of righteous and correct judgement…” (Genesis 18, 19), while concerning the woman it says:
”Listen my son to your mother’s Torah teaching, and do not leave your father’s morals and ethics” (Proverbs 1, 8).
The right blessed relationship by God
So, what can we do, and how can we know that this is the right שידוך, the right relationship approved by God?
If the couple has a sharing of minds, of interests, and a heart like, and in addition they love and like each other usually, and usually there is harmony between them, and they are best friends, and if they
are apart, they miss each other (Rabbi Moshe Haim Lutzato), that means that the divine presence resides between them and therefore this couple is blessed by God.
However, that doesn’t mean that they should have children together, such as the Rabbi of Lubavitch zt”l of blesses memory and his wife who didn’t; or it does not mean that they should have plenty of financial wealth, as Rabbi Chanina Ben Dosa and his wife were very poor and definitely lived together many years in harmony and love, for financial prosperity is whatever God decrees on that couple, and it is not a reflection on their blessing together by God.
Now, in order to “sweeten the judgments” as it were, usually, the husband is older than the wife, which means that his compassion and kindness can outweigh the judgments of the wife (if all other connections are there as explained above).
What is the age difference between husband and wife?
Of course, if it’s many years apart, such as in our day and age about over 20 years, they might be of a different generation and therefore of a different outlook on life, and different needs which will only separate between them and not connect them together.
It is true that in biblical times we find that usually, the husband was older than the wife.
For example, Abraham was older than Sarah for 10 years. Isaac was told after his bandage when he was 37 years of age, that Rebecca was just born.
But this was at different times than today where a large age difference can separate and not connect as above.
Moreover, the husband is usually taller than his wife. Why is that? Because the woman
subconsciously at least, would like to look up to a partner. Looking up is not only physically in height,
but mostly that she can learn from his ways, his wisdom, spirituality, maturity, depth, etc.
The other side of the coin is that the husband is being told that he should take a woman who is at least a bit lesser than him, so that she can look up to him and that she doesn’t overrule him or look down at him. "נחית דרגא, נסיב איתתא"- “Go down one step and marry your wife” (Tractate Yevamot 63a).
This can be financially or if she comes from a lineage that is more important than his, or if she is smarter than him when it comes to knowledge and wisdom.
Relations wise it’s a husband’s obligation to satisfy his wife’s needs otherwise it can become
To summarize, it is a complex combination that only God can create and bring together.
״קשה זיווגו של אדם כקריעת ים סוף״, a man’s finding his wife is as difficult as is the parting of the Red Sea, because it has to have God’s miraculous intervention in it.
God bless
Rabbi Dr. Gil Gershon Tivon
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