The Roadmap - for "Blockchain for Medical Research"​, Chapter 15
Cover art from Blockchain for Medical Research: Accelerating Trust in Healthcare by Manion & Bizouati-Kennedy, CRC Press 2020

The Roadmap - for "Blockchain for Medical Research", Chapter 15

Generally you don't want to give away the end of the story, but the world is in a time of crisis and we think this can help. These are the key portions of the last chapter of our book, Blockchain for Medical Research: Accelerating Trust in Healthcare, outlining an assessment of the current state, a vision for the future and the backbone of a plan to get there. Thanks to my co-author Yaël Bizouati-Kennedy and publisher CRC Press for their permissions to post such critical and extensive excerpts so soon after publication. Take this information and do great things (especially those of you in the ConsenSys Health STOP Covid-19 Hackathon). The book is available at CRC PressAmazon and Barnes & Noble. (Please note this version of the text was taken from a pre-proof version written in late 2019 and has been modified to facilitate transfer and fit the formatting. Any and all errors and typos introduced in the transfer are my own. ~ Sean).

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Chapter 15 - The Roadmap

The current system of science is ad hoc, messy, wasteful and still one of the finest systems humans have ever created. Because it is so valuable, we sometimes avoid or forget to look at how we can improve it. But as we have seen, there is tremendous room for improvement using the framework of Open Science along with new tools of blockchain and other emerging tech.

Getting there from here

What we propose here is a vision of the future of science and what this can look like, along with a rough strategic plan of how to get there. By necessity, this is over-simplified as a way to begin the discussion, planning, execution and implementation of better science. To keep things straightforward, we’ll stay primarily focused on the system of federally funded academic health research in the U.S., which serves as both global engine and model for much of the remainder of health research. Extrapolation and future expansion of this vision will enable it to be incorporated into other health research systems. We have to start somewhere.

Whenever looking to the future to articulate a vision and map how to get there, it is critical to know where you are now. Once you know where you are and where you want to go, the potential path or paths between the two points become clearer. This can be achieved by using basic project planning principles: identify goal, scope, stakeholders, resources and timeline; assess risks; outline phases; define tasks and subtasks; create milestones and metrics to assess progress; and finally assign tasks and execute. Of course, there are variations to this process, but given the expansive scope and nascent state, we start simply. Here is a preliminary project plan:


Table 15.1 [modified format] Preliminary Project Plan for Better Health Research via Blockchain     

Goal: Better health science, improved health  outcomes

Scope: Federally funded health research in the United States

Stakeholders: Researchers, Administrators, Funders, Regulators, Publishers, End Users (e.g. Hospitals, Pharma), Public, Congress

Resources: TBD

Timeline: 5-10 years [Sean's note: this was written pre-Covid; this could be accelerated to 24-36 months with the right funding and coordination]

Phases and Major Tasks:

Early phase - 1. Education, 2. Stakeholder engagement, 3. Develop standards; 

Active phase - 4. Develop future framework, 5. Administrative pilots, 6. Research pilots; 

Final phase - 7. Refinement and implementation, 8. Staged shift to distributed autonomous function


Cross-agency working groups, % university engagement, IEEE/NIST standards, future framework, successful admin pilot, successful research pilots, enterprise  deployment, stages to DAO


Number of agencies/programs in working group, number of universities engaged, number of fields with data standards, % buy-in future framework, number of pilots and % success, data quality, speed of access, reproducibility, real-time tracking speed, translation time, health $ saved, health outcomes 


This plan is meant as a notional jumping-off point for those stakeholders involved to adjust and build from. Some elements, such as resources, have been left for future discussion, while others represent efforts already underway. Here is a look at some of the early phase blockchain and health research-related activities already in progress:

Education - Starting with the Health & Human Services (HHS) Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) white paper contest for blockchain applications in health and research in 2016, there has been a steady stream of education events for blockchain in healthcare with some focus on research throughout the U.S. and around the world. A few of these have even focused exclusively on research applications such as IEEE clinical trials forums and the Georgetown University/Science Distributed Blockchain for Health Research events. Along with a host of articles in popular literature and on websites on the topic, increasing amounts of peer-reviewed literature has been devoted to the topic of blockchain and research in blockchain-focused journals: Ledger, Blockchain in Healthcare Today, Journal of the British Blockchain Association, Frontiers in Blockchain (including the special topic area Frontiers: Blockchain for Science). Additional literature on the topic has also been published in traditional journals from PLoS to Nature Communications. HIMSS Blockchain Task Force has established a library that includes research related items. This book aims to be an expanded and accessible education tool on the topic as well.

Stakeholder engagement (and early pilots) - There are numerous interested parties across federally agencies along with industry, university, and non-profit partners discussing, designing, developing and deploying blockchain solutions that are just beginning to achieve some of the promise and value we have outlined. To date, these efforts have been largely bottoming up with only a small amount of coordination. HHS has led the way with its successful Accelerate program for acquisition, and associated engagement of leadership, industry, and internal federal stakeholders at HHS and other federal agencies. Other HHS divisions such as the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) have actively been exploring projects for everything from food safety, to pharma supply chain, and different solutions relating to the opioid crisis. 

These pockets of interest have begun coalescing into communities of interest across existing working groups relating to areas like precision medicine and supply chain management, along with new health and research focused groups such as those coordinated by the American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC) and the National Institutes of Health. The Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) has created a blockchain task force that has had an increasing level of prominence at its large annual conference (30,000+ attendees) and across its worldwide membership (50,000+) of stakeholders across health fields over the past few years.

Research specific engagement is still largely a subset of the health-related interest in blockchain. Early exploration has begun in the pharma industry [15-1] and academia [15-2] with respect to clinical trials. Blockchain and healthcare interest have begun to intersect with organizations more broadly interested in the technology’s promise across scientific research such as the non-profits Blockchain for Science and Open Science Organization, as well as the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Blockchain’s sub-topic, Blockchain for Science. Numerous start-up pilots have begun exploring research related blockchain applications, especially in the area of publishing [15-3], along with pilots at more established companies such as Springer Nature and Elsevier. 

Develop standards (and future framework) - At a Defense Health Agency (DHA) Industry Day briefing by Dr. Manion about the potential of blockchain in health and research in November 2017, the DHA panel agreed on the promise, but noted that widespread piloting and adoption would be unlikely until there was 1) more guidance on the tech from agencies such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 2) more clarity on how blockchain was categorized (e.g. software, infrastructure, etc.) with respect to federal acquisition and cybersecurity standards, 3) more input from federal health regulators and human research protections specialists, and 4) progress on standards for the technology by established organizations such as IEEE.

Work toward these basic criteria is underway for blockchain and its application to health and research. NIST has provided an overview and guidance relating to blockchain [15-4], the FDA has included the tech in its future planning [15-5], and the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation has commissioned a report on applications relating to the opioid crisis [15-6] in coordination with the CDC. 

When the HHS blockchain-based Accelerate program received its authority to operate in Dec 2018, it established federal acquisition and cybersecurity standards for the tech. A recent policy review paper published by Frontiers, “Compliance by Design: Regulatory Considerations for Blockchain in Clinical Research” [15-7] gives a comprehensive review on the topic of regulatory considerations along with recommendations for researchers, regulators and policy makers with respect to the tech. It has prompted dialogue on related regulatory issues at several federal agencies.

a. The IEEE Standards Association has also begun leading the way for both tech and data standards for blockchain in healthcare and research with its working group P2418.6 - Standard for the Framework of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Use in Healthcare and the Life and Social Sciences. This group is developing tech and data standards that align with existing healthcare standards such as FHIR as well as developing blockchain and healthcare standards being developed by other standards agencies such as the International Organization for Standards [15-8]. The IEEE P2418.6 group has also initiated a research sub-working group to explore research-specific data standards that might be required across the more than 200 specialty areas of health and life sciences, such as the common data elements and standards developed for the autism research database NDAR or the traumatic brain injury research database FITBIR. Harmonizing with these established standards in these individual areas and facilitating the development of similar standards for those health research areas that lack them will be crucial for realizing the value that blockchain can bring to research data sharing.

Current State of Health Research

The current state of health research is good, but as we explored earlier, can be improved. This plan is focusing primarily on the $40 billion in U.S. federally funded biomedical/health research executed annually. Briefly, new ideas are generated by 10,000s of principal investigators (PIs) and their 100,000s of post-docs, students, and research staff at university, federal, industry and non-profit labs and clinics based on their background knowledge and study of existing literature, knowledge of other ongoing research, and personal observation of lab and clinic phenomena. These ideas are developed with collaborators into proposals for intramural (government to government lab) or extramural (government to non-government lab) funding and submitted into the systems specific to the funding agency. This proposal submission is sometimes in response to a specific call for proposals and other times is for more general windows of proposal submission. Proposals are generally vetted and signed off by several administrative and regulatory offices at the PIs’ affiliated institutions prior to submission. 

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Figure 15.2 Current System - Key stakeholders and connections of the current system with a highlight on critical stakeholders

In addition to the roughly $40 billion available in federal research funds each year, there is an even greater level of internal industry funding (mostly pharma) for advanced R&D that is based similarly on the existing literature but is frequently not widely reported as it is proprietary and focused on developing drugs or devices for sale. For the purposes of this environmental scan we will not be looking directly at this bucket of research. How and where proprietary industry research fits into this picture is a different and more complex picture that will be tackled in later work. Proposals that seek to simply push this market driven proprietary research into the transparent public sphere with academic research overlook the simple fact that elimination of the existing profit motive for industry would also eliminate the motivation to invest in this costly and high-risk research. It is an important part of the ecosystem that we should keep in mind but is a different phylum entirely.

There are also smaller amounts of academic and non-profit funds available for research. These can be treated as augmentations to the federally funded research dollars as though some specifics of the funding awards may differ, the results generally contribute to the same overall output and body of literature. It should be noted that many non-profits that fund research have a specific health issue as their mission. This concentrated area of focus for these non-profit organizations and their associated patient, advocate, provider, and researcher community of interests can sometimes make them faster to move as a network into new areas of innovation. These organizations will be pivotal later when we describe the path to future goals. Their early adoption can accelerate the enterprise-wide evaluation and implementation of blockchain-based solutions.

Moving back to the system of science, proposals are screened by administrative staff for completeness and programmatic fit and then assigned to volunteer subject matter experts (SMEs) for review. The SMEs score the proposals and then convene to discuss and rank the proposals for funding, generally based on predetermined guidelines relating to quality, feasibility and impact. PIs and their affiliated organizations are notified of their award, funds are distributed often with a significant percentage of overhead costs (10-50+%) also going to the affiliated organization to cover administrative and infrastructure costs.

Funded research proposals are developed into formal research protocols, outlining all specific details of the research to be undertaken. Before research can begin, PIs must receive formal approval from the university’s appropriate research regulatory body, the IRB for human research or the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee for basic animal research. Even research looking at existing healthcare and/or human research data requires regulatory sign-off to confirm appropriate privacy protections for patients, though this is often expedited. This approval can in different circumstances be sought and even received before the proposal is funded, though any changes made to the associated protocol must be approved by the regulatory body as an amendment or updated and approved as a new protocol.

As research execution gets underway, there are wide variations in details and time frame depending on the research specifics. Basically, experiments or clinical observations are conducted, and data is collected based on a predetermined data governance plan outlined in the protocol. In cases of prospective clinical research, patients must be recruited and consented for their involvement. In the case of research involving retrospective looks at existing data sometimes additional steps are required to access the data, especially if it sits in a different institution. This usually requires demonstration of regulatory approval, details of the planned research, and demonstration of feasibility or competency.

Once the data has been gathered or accessed, and sometimes at interim steps (e.g. 50%) along the way in some longer studies, analysis begins based on plan described in the protocol. Initial data management sometimes requires data processing including combining data, data cleaning, standardization, normalization, or other general steps. There are quality control and assurance checks along the way as outlined in the protocol.

Data analysis can vary but should follow the prescribed statistical tests outlined in the protocol, testing against the initial hypotheses. This adherence to include additional test with appropriate justification and notation, is critical to provide valuable and reproducible research. Simply running an array of tests on a data set until something interesting or statistically significant shows up (commonly referred to as p-hacking) is far too frequently done without understanding (or not caring) that resulting “significant” results are more likely false positives. This is quietly one of the most prominent weak points in research, resulting in the perpetuation of questionable results.

Results of the statistical analyses, often retested for validation, are then looked at in the context of the study and other research to interpret what it means. These findings are based on the analysis of the study data, but also known limitations to the study as well as support or contradiction of other findings in the literature. Much like the initial ideas and hypotheses, this step in the research has some of the most subjectivity and creativity from the PI and senior researchers. It is also an area of potential over (or sometimes under) estimation of what the results mean in real world terms. It is here that interaction with colleagues and other experts in the particular sub-field is critical to help confirm, refine, or reject the initial determination of findings.

This peer interaction happens in several steps, first locally or with known colleagues involved in similar research. Through personal communications, lab meetings, and local presentation of findings, feedback is received to refine how the research results are interpreted. If a major oversight is noticed it can mean revisiting or even reproducing the research. Generally solid research done with full knowledge of the supporting body of literature will move forward to next being presented at the national or international level with the broader community of interest at a professional conference or some other venue. This allows more refinement and feedback, as well as beginning to inform colleagues about the new findings.

At this point, research findings are ready for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. This is an intensive process of formal preparation with the context and reference to the supporting body of literature. The goal of this formal process of publication is to introduce the findings to the broader community as a fixed and appropriately supported addition to the overall body of knowledge from which all future research will be launched. This body of peer-reviewed literature is the immutable ledger, or blockchain of science. As noted in the brief thought experiment post, “Proof of Science,” [15-9]:

“The Blockchain of Science has been running for 300 years. It is not exactly tech, though significant portions have been digitized. It is the ad-hoc collection of scientific papers published in the peer-reviewed body of literature. These are hashed (i.e. referenced) and represented in subsequent blocks (i.e. papers) to form a chain (i.e. body of knowledge). The consensus mechanism? Peer-review. Proof of Science.”
“This isn't a mere thought experiment or loose analogy. This is a conceptual framework for those that [sic] understand blockchain/distributed ledger technology (DLT) to understand what science is at its core, and for scientists to understand what the newly maturing field of blockchain/DLT can do for science.”

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Figure 15.3 4-Sided Platform of Science


Future Vision of Health Research

The possibilities and potential pitfalls of the future are endless. It isn’t necessarily new ideas that will transform science, as much as it will be existing ideas combined with the capabilities that new technological tools can bring. In the near term, 5 to 10 years, an Open Science framework combined with the capabilities of blockchain working in synergy with other emerging tech tools such as machine learning can provide a host of rapid improvement of the speed, cost and quality of health research. This will accelerate the advancement of medicine and improve our ability to save lives and improve health outcomes and quality of life. 

The biggest barriers will also be old ideas: bureaucracy, resistance to change, and lack of political will from leadership in all types of organizations involved in research and knowledge translation. To overcome these, we’ll need to see external validation of the value of blockchain applied to other industries and areas of healthcare. We have already begun to see this over the last few years. In 2016, prior to the HHS ONC white paper contest exploring the possibilities for blockchain in health and research, not many in these areas had heard the word, much less had a sense of the myriad ways it could transform the industry. Now, just a few years later the state of blockchain in healthcare has gone from conceptual to real world applications at HHS and across the industry, already transforming everything from purchasing (HHS Accelerate) and insurance remittance (Change Healthcare) to tracking medical devices/adverse events (Spiritus Partners) and providing cancer drugs that would otherwise be thrown away to those most in need (Good Shepherd Pharmacy and RemediChain). Given the potential for research, it seems inevitable that transformation will sweep through health research and its current challenges. The only question is how quickly.

Here are some of the main areas in health research where the application of blockchain technology will have the most impact in the next 5 to 10 years:

1. Sharing ideas/hypotheses - Currently, the ability of the average researcher or administrator to look across all ideas/hypotheses in the system of federal research begins at funding when information is available in sites like NIH Reporter and This system can be enhanced beyond the current state of self-report by automated extraction and processing via smart contract application. Further, with immutable timestamping to validate researcher contribution and real-time peer to peer sharing between researchers and admins akin to that between buyers in the HHS Accelerate program, ideas/hypotheses submitted for federal funding can be shared upon submission. This will allow for a host of new possibilities of coordination, collaboration, and avoiding undesired replication among researcher that in the current system may not even have been funded. Imagine not wasting hundreds of hours preparing a proposal for an idea that was already rejected or joining forces with another researcher with a similar idea for a successful bid/project.

2. Accelerated proposal review - Similar to the 2016 federal GSA pilot which demonstrated reduction in vendor proposal review time by 90%, a blockchain layer across the legacy systems involved in grant proposal review at federal agencies could significantly speed up submission to award time while reducing administrative costs. Tracking and validation of data elements involved in submitting a proposal could also allow for pre-population of new submissions, saving time and effort on the part of researchers reapplying from federal agencies. Cost savings could even be carried back to the universities as they integrate into the system, reducing administrative burden.

3. Funding innovations - There are a variety of innovations related to funding that could also be worked into the future state. These include more reliable and automated expenditure tracking for research grant dollars. This would provide reduction in waste and fraud in the short term, with a more accurate longitudinal picture of what grant dollars contribute directly and indirectly to medical advances and improved outcomes over years and multiple budget cycles. There would also be innovations in shared agency funding or even crowdfunding by non-profits, private companies, and individuals to support specific research.

4. Protocol development - Rapid, automated protocol development from data elements pulled from proposals and/or validated elements from previous research that are then processed and pre-populated via smart contract could reduce time and effort by researchers.

5. Regulatory value - Enhanced, automated facilitation of submissions for regulatory approval, in addition to more comprehensive document tracking via a shared ledger would significantly speed up the time for approval, while reducing the time and effort for researchers and regulators. Rapid, automated auditing of studies with less dependence on researcher self-report would greatly improve human research protection staff to ensure compliance without new burden on the researchers. 

6. Enhanced data sharing - The ability to share permissioned (automatic check for valid IRB approved) access to cloud-based data will allow for tremendous expansion of qualified research eyes on a health problem area. A distributed immutable ledger will allow a record of who created each data point, how it was collected, how it was analyzed, who has touched it since, and what hypotheses it has been tested against. This would be rapidly and cheaply auditable by researchers, admins, and regulators to quickly check and verify the validity of findings. This would also incorporate a system of timestamping and contribution tracking for those who have done work on every stage from ideation to peer-review of findings for appropriate credit. This would look something like a Wikipedia page for each data set, with authenticity and provenance of every data point. This data tracking would allow for cleaner and more appropriate data aggregation across studies and associated meta-analyses.

7. Methods and analyses tracking - Much like the HHS Accelerate program has allowed peer-to-peer sharing of purchasing details, providing strategic buying information to federal buyers at their fingertips, there could be a similar database for researchers in every area. This would allow rapid searching of automatically extracted data from every federally reviewed and/or funded study to see 1) what methods have been used with which variations, 2) by which researchers and where current capabilities are, and 3) with what success and contribution to shared databases. This would allow researchers to pre-select alignment to existing methodology where incremental contribution to the established research in the field is the goal, or deliberate divergence when new directions are warranted.

8. Pre-review of interpretations - Similar to currently available pre-publication sites like and, which allow individuals to get feedback on their work pre-publication, a crowd-sourced open network could expand this to interpretation of results feedback earlier in the process. A distributed layer of verification of identity of users would allow better weighting where appropriate (feedback from a seasoned researcher in the field may carry more weight than an inexperienced graduate student, though group feedback on comments from each could also shift this weight), while also giving an authenticated record of reviewer feedback that could be transferred to the formal peer-review process once the publication is ready; like transferring college credits. This system could incorporate existing identity solutions for users like ORCID iD or the federal contractor SAM system, or develop a new system as needed for identity verification and management.

9. Crowdsourced peer-review - Building from the existing pre-publication approach and the earlier precursor of result interpretation feedback mentioned in #8, the process of open, crowdsourced, weighted peer-review could be widely integrated into the system. This three-stage system would have the effect of opening research to a wider audience at stages like 1) small lab meeting group feedback on interpretation of results, 2) conference type feedback on more comprehensive pre-publication findings, and 3) a crowdsourced weighted peer-review. The blockchain layer would simply provide authenticity of input at each layer with more rapid processing (e.g. weighted scoring) and auditable continuity.

10. Fractionalized publishing - Further advancing the speed with which health research is conducted would be a system of fractionalized publishing, or moving data, results, and findings to review and publication sooner and in smaller increments. Currently, publications lean toward larger studies and combined findings to meet a level of attention required to stand out from the crowd of competitors for higher ranked (and more often read) journals. This tendency in turn delays publications, can bias interpretations and frequently leaves out critical negative findings. The lack of negative findings reported in the literature is especially detrimental to progress and research funding return on investment, given that many studies that don’t produce actionable findings are repeated unnecessarily with no knowledge of or comparison to previous efforts that went unpublished. By breaking publication of findings into more bite-size increments and shifting the broader narrative to later stages of knowledge translation, we would shift to a system of building a foundation of scientific knowledge from pieces ranging from pebbles to boulders, to a more standardized size of bricks. 

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Figure 15.4 Future Vision - DAO of Science



As we saw in Table 15-1, there are a number of milestones that outline some of the basic steps toward this future goal. How quickly and widespread this is achieved will depend on key stakeholder engagement and coordination. This strategic plan toward better science, cheaper research and faster miracles is just an outline to get the discussion moving forward with a shared vision. The specifics of that vision and the granular steps to get there will be determined by individuals and groups involved, not by this book or any other singular vision. 

The most critical stakeholders are the researchers themselves, though funding agencies, publishers, university administrators, providers, hospitals, and healthcare systems are also necessary, particularly to determine how rapidly advances can occur. And of course, the patients and their advocates are the key group of end-users for driving the momentum forward. Of all the federal agencies, NIH will be the most crucial given that it manages the bulk of federal health funding, but other agencies, including the DoD and VA can also play a pivotal role in early adoption for health issues such as traumatic brain injury where there is already advanced infrastructure for coordination, the agencies have mission-related needs for more rapid medical advances, and the research areas are more tightly connected to the health delivery systems.

This roadmap is only a starting point, and these are a few markers and milestones for the later phases along the way:

1. Cross-agency, public-private, subject matter working groups - Dialogue across federal agencies is critical, and eventually these will need to occur along specific health subject matter/health issue lines to dive deeper into early use areas and facilitate adoption by associated research and advocacy groups. Traumatic brain injury and autism seem like potential early adopters based on their existing federal research registry framework and standardization. Other early candidates may come from health issues with strong advocacy groups and research networks like Cystic Fibrosis, Cerebral Palsy and Parkinson’s Disease.

2. University and research group engagement - There are nearly 300 universities along with hospitals, non-profit organizations and a few other private organizations that receive $10 million or more in federal health research funding each year. Engagement and early discussion with researchers, administrators, regulators and information technology staff at these locations will facilitate more rapid development and implementation of any plan. Getting 50-75 of these NIH funded organizations as early adopters involved in planning representing the larger, smaller, and unique types of organizations would provide a solid foundation for the active phase.

3. IEEE/NIST standards - Continued work on and development of standards will be critical. This will be most effective if the federal agencies involved along with the early adopting research organizations are also involved. Technical standards should be harmonized with other existing technology standards, and data and taxonomic standards should be individualized as needed to specific health areas with unique data elements. These should also be aligned with existing data standards for each area (e.g. C-DISC and FITBIR standards for TBI). Considerations for need of additional standards for each phase of science beyond data gathering, such as methodological and publishing should also be considered. This will be important toward development of future governance standards.

4. Future framework - With early phase steps underway and learning from the above (#1-3), a more comprehensive strategic planning effort should be undertaken to develop a detailed future framework for an integrated, distributed system of health research. This should include representation from many of the above-mentioned groups, while balancing for broad input versus speed of development and consensus. It may be useful to draw from previously successful strategic planning efforts while avoiding the traditional pitfalls of “we’ve always done it this way.” An iterative, continuous integration approach to this will allow for early speed, with more broad input toward consensus achieved at later stages. This will become a learning template for later governance discussions.

5. Successful admin pilots - Just like the successful HHS Accelerate program, which was executed at cost of $2-3 million and a return on investment of 800-1000% and which went from concept to sandbox to live deployment in under a year, administrative pilots will be more easily achieved to build capabilities and develop trust in the technology. These can be encouraged through smaller bundles of funding but will also require buy-in of leadership and key stakeholders for each. Human-centered design incorporating existing processes and input from stakeholders has been a successful model that should be encouraged.

6. Regulatory engagement - Engagement and policy planning with health regulators must precede any widespread testing or adoption of clinical research applications involving population health information (PHI). An outline of what this looks like has been published in more detail in “Blockchain Compliance by Design: Regulatory Considerations for Blockchain for Clinical Research,” Charles et al.

7. Successful research pilots - Funding for rapid research pilots should be encouraged across health areas and individual institutions at NIH. Those involving multiple institutions and existing research networks will be most valuable. A variety of pilots should be rolled out with a coordinated system of sharing and lessons learned.

8. Enterprise deployment - Those models and networks that demonstrate success can become early templates for rolling out more comprehensive and integrated systems (i.e. administrative and data elements incorporating multiple blockchain applications in a single network). How and where this next level of deployment occurs should be more finely articulated in the future framework planning (#4) with the early pilots serving as subjects for something like an adaptive trial; certain milestones being met trigger advanced application and expansion.

9. Stages to DAO - As noted previously, there will be stages of development toward creation of a DAO, with many centralized portions remaining as scaffolding until there is consensus based on predetermined milestones that these can be disintermediated. Future planning in #4 can give a more detailed picture of what this looks like.


[Sean's note: This was written by Yaël and I pre-Covid-19 crisis. Much of it applies to the current situation, some of this is already underway but can be accelerated with the right focus and coordination. We hope this can help those innovators and decision-makers across the globe in the days ahead.]


Chapter 15 References

  1. Lynch, M. (2019, 14 February). Boehringer Ingelheim and IBM bring blockchain to clinical trials. Retrieved from: 
  2. Wong, DR et al. (2019, 22 Feb). Prototype of running clinical trials in an untrustworthy environment using blockchain. Nature Communications vol 10, Article number: 917. Retrieved from: 
  3. Mackey, TK et al. (2019, 30 October). A Framework Proposal for Blockchain-based Scientific Publishing using Shared Governance. Frontiers in Blockchain, Blockchain for Distributed Research. Retrieved from: 
  4. Yaga, D et al. (2018). Blockchain Technology Overview. National Institute of Standards and Technology Publications. Retrieved from:
  5. Aniyikaiye, E. (2019, 13 September). The FDA Looks Inward as It Tackles Interoperability. National Law Review. Retrieved from: 
  6. Dullabh, P et al. (pending) Potential Uses of Blockchain Technology for Outcomes Research on Opioids. HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. In progress
  7. Charles, W et al. (2019, 08 November). Blockchain Compliance by Design: Regulatory Considerations for Blockchain in Clinical Research. Frontiers in Blockchain, Blockchain for Science. Retrieved from: 
  8. P2418.6 - Standard for the Framework of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Use in Healthcare and the Life and Social Sciences: 
  9. Manion, ST. (2019, 16 January). Proof of Science. Science Distributed – Talk. Retrieved from: 

Adel Elmessiry, Ph.D.

Tech entrepreneur, published expert on AI and Blockchain with 20+ years Healthcare, Mentor, Advisors & Speaker.


I agree, let's push this out today!

Sean Manion

Neuroscience | Machine Intelligence | Cognition | Blockchain | Epistemology | Cybernetics | Systems Science | Military Medicine


Tel Aviv!

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