The Role of Knowledge in Leadership
Post COVID-19, the demand for effective leaders will grow because people need help to navigate this new terrain – the demand for you to lead will increase in this season.
So, are you ready to lead? What simple skills can help sharpen your leadership edge? One such skill is: people knowledge. To lead well, you should know your people on these three levels.
Know People’s Dreams: Beyond qualifications, effective leaders take the time to know people’s dreams, hopes and aspirations. Good leaders open conversations to know if people’s dreams align with the organization’s vision. People’s dreams hold keys to unlocking their motivation. Generally, professionals are more invested in organizations that will help them achieve their dreams.
Know People’s Growth Level: Your leadership influence grows when you can gauge how much people have grown mentally and emotionally. Understanding how they think and respond to different scenarios would help you know mindsets that need shifting. Knowing people’s growth levels requires that you observe and have conversations.
Know People’s Competence: It is important to know people’s capacity for work. It helps to know their work ethics and skill level because in some cases, the curriculum vitae (CV) is shiny, but the competency does not measure up. Knowledge of people’s competency helps you assign tasks to the right people. Also, it helps you build a credible reward system that is based on merit.
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