Rules of Engagement:

Rules of Engagement:

Every successful business wants an environment where employees are satisfied, happy, and involved.  They also want their customers' expectations met or exceeded by fully engaging them with their priorities, needs, and desires.  In addition, the business would like to accomplish all this by having operational best practices and excellence.  It would be daunting to achieve all those mentioned above without fully understanding and applying the rules of engagement and their best practices. 

These rules are fundamental in roots and non-negotiable to achieve such goals. For this article, let’s focus first on worker engagement since today is Labor Day, and we are all celebrating and cherishing for a good reason.  The following two articles will discuss customer engagement and Operation Best Practices.

According to a Gallup survey, businesses with more engaged employees enjoy better customer engagement, retention, fewer accidents, and higher productivity. These companies are also an average of 21% more profitable.

Before we dive into this too deeply, I want to recite this story about a worker who dedicated his life for over 30 years to a company I previously worked for.  The worker was diagnosed with cancer and only had six months to live.  His doctor and his family had asked him to get his business in order and prepare.  One of his wishes was to return to work and spin the monthly wheel of fortune established based on performance, safety, quality, and service.  All the employees had a chance to win a prize based on performance.  This story left a deep impression on me, especially when I encountered a manager stating that these gimmicky stuff are not necessary, let alone effective.  I guess this manager never met Mr. Diaz and understood what made him engaged in his daily work.   

Another similar story was told by an employee when he asked me after he collected his bonus check.  He asked do you know why this check is so important to me? I asked him why. He replied that this check showed him the company and managers' overall level of success. He went on to say that the money had a second importance. What was important to the employee was that the management team was hitting all the notes, doing all the right stuff to engage their employees, and making the business more profitable. In other words, the bonus check was a strong sign that the management succeeded in the eyes of the employees.

To understand and set the rules for Employee Engagement, we will need to understand how employees become engaged and invest their energies (behavioral, cognitive, and emotional) in positive outcomes within their organization. Employee engagement goes beyond employee happiness or satisfaction, focusing on their motivation levels, emotional commitment, and involvement in their work. Engaged employees are more likely to perform their best at work and contribute to their employer's success.

An employee may be quite happy without putting forth the effort to work hard or be productive. They might find perks like game rooms or time off sufficient reasons to stay in the job, but that doesn't mean they are a real asset to the corporation. Similarly, a satisfied employee will likely show up for their shifts and do precisely what is expected of them without being highly engaged in their work.

Engaged employees showcase the following traits:

  1.  Enthusiasm about their work and finding meaning in their job duties
  2.  Use of individual strengths in their job role
  3.  Seeking out opportunities to learn and grow within the company
  4.  Willingness to make an extra effort in their performance
  5.  Responsibility for delivering results and seeking feedback from managers
  6.  Valuing teamwork and understanding their role in the larger organization

On the other hand, employees who are not engaged often avoid accountability, maintain the status quo and resist changes in the workplace.


List of Employee Engagement Best Practices for 2023

  1. Encourage Manager Buy-in – Managers are essential to understand and fully commit to employee engagement.
  2. Communicate with Employees Regularly – Daily, weekly, and monthly communication is essential to maintain full engagement from employees.
  3. Provide Plenty of Employee Feedback – Tools such as a suggestion box are important to provide the proper feedback to engaged employees.
  4. Make Building an Engagement Strategy a Priority - The company strategy must prioritize engagement from the beginning and top to bottom.
  5. Communicate Company and Employee Objectives – The best practice is to share the company's vision and mission, plus have clear objectives in alignment communicated in every aspect and activity throughout the company.
  6. Measure Employee Engagement- A scale that measures employee engagement to the bottom line is essential, and sharing the scale with the employees regularly allows them to understand their impact and engagement to the bottom line.
  7. Set up Employee Recognition Programs – Set up a recognition program such as the Wheels of Fortune or Bingo Bright Ideas program that recognizes employees with their ideas and contributions to the bottom line.
  8. Practice On-the-Spot Recognition – Having a small gift certificate to communicate a positive reinforcement message can go a long way with employees to encourage them to do the right stuff and to expect rewards as a result of the activities and accomplishments.
  9. Set Expectations for Employees – Having set expectations and accountability to be engaged is essential and, more importantly, how the communication takes place.
  10. Discover What Motivates Employees – Solicit ideas and information from employees that will encourage them to become more engaged and involved during individual and group meetings.
  11. Have Executives Set the Example – Having the top managers and executives of the company fully understand and have the tools to communicate on every occasion the importance of having fun, making money, and contributing to the communication by fully believing and engaging in the company's values, vision, and mission?
  12. Conduct “Stay” and “Exit” Interviews – This is important for the company to gain lessons learned to improve and for the employee to have closure and a say-so even after leaving the company.
  13. Offer Assistance When Needed -The company must show and practice care for the employees, including offering care, physical wellness, mental care, leave of absence, etc.
  14. Change up Your Rewards Options – It would be fresh and exciting if the company came up with new and improved reward options to keep the employees engaged at all levels.
  15. Invest in Management Training Programs - An example is establishing a program for star employees to collaborate on projects that benefit the company.
  16. Be Transparent – Employees are more engaged when they know the company managers are transparent with them, and there are no ulterior motives to get more out of the employees.
  17. Start Practicing Employment Activities from Day One – The best outcome is to start correctly from day one instead of a reaction to low performance.  The employees will embrace the rules and be more engaged from the start.
  18. Focus on Employee Health and Wellness – Healthy employees mentally and physically can allow them to maximize their engagement with company activities, adding success and profits to the bottom line.
  19. Strive for a Healthy Work Environment – A healthy work environment by supporting open communication and discouraging gossip and the company’s political innuendos is important to maintain a strong and healthy company.
  20. Encourage Employees to Collaborate – All activities must be collaborative-based and not individual-based.  An environment that encourages sharing, communicating, and training in a team environment is critical to maintaining a healthy pulse and outcome.
  21. Remember that One Size Doesn’t Fit All – Having complete understanding and willingness to adapt to individuals without sacrificing the health of the entire environment is essential to have full employee engagement.
  22. Hire New Employees with Care – Having the intention to hire new employees with the company’s culture in mind is important by hiring employees who will be in line and will be fully engaged in working as a team.
  23. Support Employees in Career Advancement- It is vital for employees to have a path to move forward and up to be promoted from within and to have robust succession planning by supporting and encouraging employees to advance and learn new skills or acquire a higher degree.
  24. Identify and Support Star Employees – Never shy away from maximizing the talent of the star employees. After all, they earned it, and they will benefit the company in the long run by strengthening the core of the company.
  25. Invest in Modern Technology – Having investment in modern technology that will make employees' jobs more accessible and more effective is essential. But more important is offering the time to train on such new technologies to reap the maximum benefits.  Performing surveys nowadays is becoming much easier by using new technology.
  26. Keep Practicing Engagement Processes – An engagement process is essential.  But what is more important is to sustain such a high level by practicing and preaching daily employee engagement and being genuinely interested in the well-being of the employees.

Many examples and ideas can be added to this list.  The greatest gift is to share, learn, and grow with our employees as an engaged unit that will be proud and successful to represent the company in any arena. 

How will you embrace and implement new engagement activities based on the above-mentioned best practices?  Please leave your comments below, and Happy Labor Day to all employees and engaged employees.

Some of the information in this article is from:

Brett Kirkpatrick

Packaging Advisor / Custom Packaging and Displays / Digital Print


Great article Harry, well done! You are so spot on, as we all need engagement with our co-workers at the highest level possible to enable overall success.

Richard Zegelbone

Retired Ex President at Tropical Roofing Products


Great article Harry!!!

Amy Falda

Human Resources Professional


Excellent article!!

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