Running a charity: Trustee responsibilities and the right resources
As a chartered accountant and auditor that works with a number of charities, each unique in its mission, size, and the approach that it takes to achieving its core objectives, it is always very obvious to me that, for all their differences, there tends to be a convergence when you talk about the challenges that they face.
On the back of Small Charity Week, last month, and having learned of the Charity Commission’s intentions for the next three years as outlined in its latest business plan, I felt compelled to offer my thoughts on ‘responsibility’ and ‘resources’.
Skillset vs. responsibilities
Trusteeship and all that it entails can be overwhelming, but it is really important for Trustees to differentiate between their skillset and what they feel they can comfortably contribute, and what their responsibilities actually are.
It is common for Trustee boards to comprise personalities from various walks of life and each person will bring different motivations and competences.
This is no bad thing and can be what makes a board dynamic and collaborative. However, as humans we often gravitate towards what we think we are good at, and those tasks that allow us to remain totally within our comfort zone.
Where Trusteeship is concerned, I have seen this in happen in many charities; individuals want to only be responsible for certain areas of management that suit them, and to rely on others, who they perceive to be more capable, to handle the rest.
What we always try to instil in the organisations we work with is that all Trustees are responsible for all aspects of managing and running the charity.
I think the Charity Commission’s ideas for the year ahead only serve to further emphasise this point.
Guidance and resources for Trustees
For Trustees that are eager to be effective in their role, not just for the benefit of the organisation but for the benefit of their peers too, the difference that guidance and relevant resources can make should not be underestimated.
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I am hopeful that the Commission’s plans to develop focused and bespoke communications, for Trustees as individuals and not only the organisation itself, will be a game-changer for those who really need it.
Without Trustees taking on the role that they do, there would not be an ‘organisation’ to speak of and so it is right that the Commission’s strategy should answer to their requirements.
Beyond official publications, guides and recommendations, charities and Trustees should also be able to look to their accountant for the support that they need in respect of governance, and the charity’s finances.
For those charities I work with in my role as an adviser, I value the opportunity to attend Trustees’ meetings, at least once each year, so that my team and I can present the headline figures, discuss overall financial performance and, if necessary, the findings of our examination or audit procedures, with all of the board present regardless of their role, and as a result, can be available for their questions.
I also provide groups of Trustees with training bespoke to their charity, on matters such as financial controls, risk mitigation, impact reporting and of course, governance.
If you are a Trustee and you need help to understand your role, or to appraise and strengthen governance within the wider organisation, contact me at, or on 01480 426500.
Further information relating to the Charity Commission’s plans to interact with Trustees going forward and the ways in which we can support charities and Trustee boards can be found here.
About the Author
Toni Hunter is a Partner at George Hay and, as part of her role, specialises in assignments involving charities and not-for-profit organisations, having gained the Institute of Chartered Accountants Diploma in Charity Accounting.
*Any opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of George Hay Partnership LLP, its staff or clients.
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2yVery insightful article thank you Toni Hunter will share with my clients who this very subject may relates to.
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2yA thoughtful article for charities and their trustees