SABS Water-Check Program
SABS Water-Check program is accredited following SANS/ISO 17043 Conformity Assessment – General requirements for proficiency testing.
SABS Monitoring and regular water quality testing is critical to maintaining a reliable and safe water source and eliminating potential health risks associated with water pollution.
SABS Proficiency testing determines the performance of individual laboratories for specific tests or measurements and is used to monitor laboratories’ continued performance. It is also called Interlaboratory Comparison or Proficiency Testing Scheme (PTS), knowns as SABS Water-Check. This PTS or SABS Water-Check program is accredited following “SANS/ISO 17043 Conformity Assessment – General requirements for proficiency testing”. SABS Water-Check is designed to allow flexibility in participation. SABS Water-Check offers services to the South African and African continent laboratories.
PTS is a crucial part of the laboratory quality system, and participation is a mandatory requirement of SANS/ISO 17025 accreditation. As this term implies, proficiency testing compares the measured results obtained by different laboratories. Furthermore, SANAS regulatory documents R-48 and R-80 require that Accredited Laboratories participate in Proficiency Testing Schemes to cover their scopes of accreditation.
As far as Dar es Salaam, SABS has more than 150 customers and is the ONLY African Accredited Laboratory. Especially during current environmental changes, it is essential to check the water quality compatibility before use. It can be used for irrigating, watering, drinking and spraying livestock. It also helps you make informed decisions about using water and what to do about its purity. SABS Water-Check program drives quality assurance in Africa!