Sacrifice a path of DEVOTION to Serve

Sacrifice a path of DEVOTION to Serve

An interwoven Master Plan all cleverly orchestrated to keep the victim consciousness ACTIVE – a path to CONTROL the masses... in false lighting.


2020 and 2021 saw a SURGE in individuals being called to SERVE. A sudden awakening to their own suffering and beginning to ‘book time in for self.’ To see what was out of balance in their life.

What changed for me in my day to day activity in 2020, NOTHING.

Why, as this booking time in was a daily discipline and a way of BEING it had been so for a decade. Mind-body-spirit and a 49-year old LIFE preparing me as I am one of the chosen 144,000.

Those saying they were 'Serving' there was a HUGE piece missing, TIME of integration and disciplined investigation into their OWN shadows. A process of EMBODIMENT and emergence. Limited INNER WORK.


The Spiritual JOURNEY to know thy self takes years of daily discipline behind closed doors and for many it has become a path of influence sharing their PAST stories and pain on-line and many riding a celebrity status which is USING others and the way the vampire plays out. The CHALLENGE is, this past story has not gone through a HEALING Process (behind closed doors and without any EXTERNAL VALIDATION!!)

If you are TRIGGERED... then I am who you need to walk towards and not run in the other direction. I walk in neutrality and I am here to ASSIST.

This is another way that the Spiritual path has been DISTORTED - DILUTED with DISTRACTION of the 'Poor me.' This further reinforced the 'Story of the Victim'. It is so cleverly orchestrated to CREATE a WAVE of the collective consciousness that BASE self-worth on the likes, ‘social popularity’ online. It is like watching the games I played and mastered until 2014... I became AWARE of some in 2004, 2005,2009, 2012, and I many patterns HIDING in 2015 and even NOW (you get the picture!) I am still exploring 'what hides'.

I have to be BRAVE to be HONEST of the LIE and be-lie-fs I was feeding myself all to fuel the insecurity and SPECIALNESS of the EGO.

All to GAIN 3 things:

- Attention

- Affection

- Acknowledgment

EACH Human has a DESIRE for these 3 things - To RISE beyond the EGO and transcend the Clever GAME... they have to be ATTAINED, NOURISHED and DEVELOPED within.

Watching Youtube and then regurgitating the practice as a teaching is not being in integrity. Before you teach, you must have mastered a level of COMPETENCE to pass it on. To do the former is arrogance and can be dangerous as only the surface level is learnt from Youtube.

This sense of URGENCY to help, save and fix others as in doing so I took away their own surface level pain/ DISCOMFORT and beneath it IS UNADDRESSED FEAR. So, the ADDICTION begins where to victim that is unaware is feeling that they are SAVING humanity…. And the addiction to the program of co-dependency starts to FORM Tribes for safety in numbers…. Where each in the tribe are in a pattern of SURVIVAL.

  • Onto the hamster wheel AGAIN - nothing has really changed!
  • Further feeding the victim consciousness.
  • The CHASE to success and COMPETITION to be heard.
  • The EGO is in self-protect mode and if challenged will bite back.

To see others suffer becomes inconceivable AS, they are suffering deep within. The Fear is getting pushed to one side as the jacked up EGO pushes back...'I'll show you, I am invincible and underneath is the pain, fear, LONELINESS... and much more.

Many are NOW serving for FREE and yet energy exchange comes with a BALANCE…

Saying you are going to ‘help fix and save’ another is USING them to FUEL FALSE power and it is self-serving and has not yet TRANSITIONED to SERVE in #integrity.


If someone offers to ‘Read your energy’ for FREE – it is a RED 🚩

If someone messages you to say, ‘You are blocked here’ – RED 🚩

ASK, has this person been exploring the inner work for more than a few years.

INTERVIEW them and get a feeling of where they are at.


I have called this inviting the LOST onto the Titanic and you know how that ends. I am calling it out so if you are playing this in all your good INTENTIONS...

I am here to assist guide, mentor and mirror for both men and women.

As this game CREATES a HAZE of spirituality.

When you are INVITED to serve, you have to be READY. It is a path of SACRIFICE.

Yes, sacrifice and devotion to give your heart to God/Source/Higher self and the PATH least travelled. The path into the UNKNOWN. Not one test... 2020, was nothing!

To serve ‘self-care’ is not something you do it is a way of being. It is a NON-NEGOTIABLE meeting with Self. It is the disciplines integrated over years, (MIND-BODY & SPIRIT) often a decade at a minimum. The inner work and shadow work DAILY is high priority to unsure the slippery slope of the ego takes over. Many spiritual so called, Gurus have slipped down that path, it is a fine line.


Sacrifice and letting go of ALL attachments, perhaps, money, objects of desire and people. And sacrifice of letting of the identity of self, as an individual. And the OUTCOME.

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With sacrifice come BIG tests that will challenge your TRUST in Spirit and TRUST in everything you have ever known. To give it all up, everything you hold onto to allow INNER wisdom to flow in and present itself. In FULL ALLOWING and fearlessness.

Tested in your FAITH and I am not talking going to church either… your TRUST and FAITH in the PATH and to be in compassion WITHOUT fixing and changing the individual you are serving and be with them in their SUFFERING.

To SERVE has no sparkles of pink fluffy clouds and is NOT for everyone.
It may not be your path at this time, be patient and make healing YOU the highest priority 🌺


Be called to share your gifts YES, once you have explored the SHADOWS of them as these are TRUE gifts that once activated RADIATE from within. Beyond the gifts are your Superpowers and not the sparkly ones as there is NO EGO playing within the SIDDHI.

Every experience you have had reveals a lesson and a gift to share and we can all serve those in our community as this is where it begins, LOCALLY.

If you think you are here to change the world and your children are lost and crying out for your attention... here is your PATH... begin with your family as your children as this is beginning locally. Many that serve do so behind the scenes that you may never KNOW.

If you FEEL you are here to serve then I invite to walk alongside a mentor/a mirror to GUIDE along the path, the path of Shepherding. Connect and let's begin to have a dialogue as this is a magical path as takes courage.

Life can unravel in the most mysterious ways that YOU may never think was your path.

This is a role I am playing along with SERVING in healing and activating codes within to assist HU-manity. To assist the path of embodying more LIGHT and to shift beyond the collective consciousness of the victim and for each to be FREE.


As until WE are all FREE we are all SLAVES.


Zoe-Anna Bell

#spirituality #freedom #toserve #faith #trust #healing

Zoe Bell ❤️🔥🧙

The Alignment Wytch | Founder of The Mystics Temple | Wayshower | Author & Artist "For Those Ready to Remember Their Power" ~ Elevating Visionaries To SOAR ⚡️


This will be a path revealing over the next 10 years where more will embark upon this path deep into the shadows of codependency and to begin to reveal & activate their intuitive gifts and connection to all that is and much within the unseen ... until the path of sacrifice - much in solitude and often not noticed as not a path in the spot light as this is the path of the Future Human being. With many making the choice to get the jab only time will reveal to the extent of these consequences on being human and future generations, ability for procreation and evolving consciousness. The next 10 years are huge. Do you have the tools ⚒️ torch, compass, map & resources to navigate the darkness? Hit me up - to ge the leader & explorer of Self. Beyond biology I work with Souls.

Kyle R. Bell 🛎🔔

Killer B2B Fintech copywriting and marketing strategies (I generate new leads and revenue for B2B Fintech companies)


Without personal sacrifices you won't even scratch the surface of your ultimate potential.

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