Santa's letter to my daughter, this Christmas!
Merry Christmas dearest T****!!
As always, Mrs. Claus and I were delighted and over the moon to receive your Christmas letter, especially as this time it was amongst the early birds. A very small act like this has proved the point we have quoted many times over the years – that you are amongst the brightest of stars we know of, and when it comes to ‘becoming better’ (as your dad says), the motivation that comes from within yourself has no substitute.
When your letter arrived, we were cleaning and polishing the sleigh and the elves have been scampering and scratching their heads on what to wear for their new seasonal outfits.
You may have heard that this year there was a health and safety question about my travel to so many homes. However, I am glad the Irish government cleared my route by allowing access to the Irish airspace, and even the UK government has allowed me to visit the grottos without a mask. Imagine my pain if I had to wear a mask over my big beard.
We are so glad to see the progress that some companies and countries have made to tackle the disease that has caused so much of pain and agony. We have been observing everyone and wishing them strength and courage to see through these days. We also know very well how you have coped up with this challenge. The frustration of all the restrictions, masks and more can be enormous to deal with, especially for children. Yes, we did see that sometimes you also struggled to listen to your parents and at times, even spoke in a manner that was not ideal. But we believe in the resilience of every child and know that these were momentary slip-ups.
This year, we have some very important messages to share with you, dear T****.
Here is the first one.
We know that in the past you have raised a really good question – “Are your mum and dad really Santa?” We understand very well that you want to know the answer, and we had to give it careful thought to know just what to say.
The answer is ‘No’. They are not Santa. In fact, there is no one single Santa.
Yes, your mum and dad are the people who fill your Christmas stocking and also choose and wrap the presents under the tree – just as their parents did for them and you will do for your kids someday. Just doing this does not make them Santa.
I am bigger than any person and my work has gone on longer than any one person has lived. What I do is simple, but it is powerful. I am inside lots and lots of people who keep the spirit of Christmas alive. I live in their hearts, not on the North Pole or Lapland. I am the spirit of giving to others. What I do is teach all children like you, to believe in something you cannot see or touch. Throughout your life, you will need this capacity to believe in yourself, in your talents, in your family, in your friends and in God.
You’ll need to be able to believe in things you cannot measure or hold in your hands. Here, I am talking about love, that great power that will light your life from the inside out, even during its darkest, coldest moments. I am a teacher and your mum and dad have been my students, just like parents of every child.
Now you know the secret of how I get down all of those chimneys on Christmas Eve. I get help from all of the people whose hearts I have filled with joy. With full hearts, people like your mum and dad take their turns to help me do a job that otherwise would be impossible. So No, your mum and dad are not Santa.
Santa is love and magic and hope and happiness. Your mum and dad are on my team, and now you are too. No matter how many arguments and differences you may have with them, like me they love you and always will, until they are gone to another world. So trust in them, be with them and live everyday with them like it is their last day with you, and then you will see the change it brings in you.
Mrs. Claus and I watch you blossoming into a young woman. We do not believe in any stuff that grown up’s call as “troublesome teenage” and we would encourage you to not believe it either. Just recognize the fact that these are ‘growing-up’ years – not just physically, but also in many other ways. Goldsworth, DESS and DC are not the only yardsticks for measuring your growth. Taking up ownership towards your responsibilities and duties means growing up. Continuing to love and respect everyone around you means growing up. Some children grow up faster than others, some don’t. But no one can avoid it. We did feel disappointed by an instance where you fumbled and compromised on the values of honesty and integrity. However, we saw plenty of positive moments that made our hearts swell with pride, because these were proof that there is a Santa inside of you too.
You grew up when you secretly learnt the tune of your dad’s favorite song and played it on the flute on his birthday this year.
You grew up when you walked in early mornings to cover 200+ houses in your neighborhood with your campaign on the importance of reverse parking and saving lives.
You grew up even more when you gave so much time to your little cousin sisters, M**** and M***, on a video call and played with them.
Our faith in your wisdom and the strength of your character remains firm. We know that the path of growth is not smooth. It is just life’s way of testing you, and you will continue to be tested on multiple occasions. Even though you may stumble on the path sometimes, as long as you keeping doing only the right thing, including staying firm on your values, respecting your parents, teachers and all your friends…you will succeed in every facet of life.
Now to my second point.
Last year, our key message to you was to be ‘an Unstoppable Warrior’. However, we saw multiple occasions where you were your own blocker. This year onwards, we want you to follow a very important point – for every “why”, there is a “why not”.
Dreams come true only from action. No “why” can or should ever stop an Unstoppable Warrior. Any doubts in your mind are just a game that your mind plays on you. Don’t let any doubts win over you. Remember that any opportunity you let pass by, may never come back to you. Trying is a win in itself. Not even trying is just abject surrender to the doubts.
I am proud of your dad who ventured towards writing a book. We all know that he had never thought of this before. But he tried and did not surrender to his self-doubts. He will leave behind the book as a memory for you, something that he believes would motivate you to remain unstoppable. He could not have succeeded without you being there.
Your mum is working incredibly hard to inculcate the right behaviors in you, making sure that you remain at the top in your growth and progress. Imagine, despite having issues with her joints, she exercises and jogs with you. I do not know of many mums who do that.
Not every child has such examples in front of them. You need to ask yourself then – who should be winning – you or your self-doubts? The answer is within you. Your parents can, at best, create opportunities for you and for that, you should remain eternally grateful. Every time you reject an opportunity, you are kicking your good fortune away. You do not want your parents to stop believing in you.
Now let us get to your list of wishes for this year.
You have a funny and unusual skill of tripping us every year. Last year it was some cropped hoody thing (yes, I still remember); this year it is something called Tik-tik!! Since I did not have this thing with us, I sent Bushy Evergreen, one of the elf to pay a sneak visit to your country and find out more. It seems Bushy ran into a big, angry cat and had to run for his life. Amidst all the huff’s and puff’s, all I could comprehend from Bushy was that this Tik-tik is something that lives inside a smartphone and you watch it too often. Now, what I am even more confused about is that how can this machine in your hand be called ‘smart’. I always knew that humans are smart. Perhaps humans have started thinking that they are not that smart anymore…but that’s for another day.
I am afraid I do not understand this Tik-tik. However, I do remain confident that if your mum and dad are not permitting something, they have a valid reason to do so. Surely, you would not want Santa to go against their decision.
By the way, every time I say this name Tik-tik, our fastest reindeer Dasher runs away, as he thinks it is a command I use when navigating the sleigh. Rudolf and Prancer find this very funny.
Dear T****, did you know that there are more than 180 different currencies in use across the Earth? Therefore, we have never kept cash with us. However, I am so thrilled to hear that you have been saving for a new phone. This is a great example of how motivation comes from within you. Just make sure that you use the monies for the right reasons and not because of any peer-pressures.
Take these messages away to see the big picture. Do not let opportunities go waste – motivate yourself to try everything possible – be that unstoppable warrior that you are – fight the right battles and eliminate the doubts your harbor in your mind. You have to have a single-minded pursuit to excel in anything that you do.
T****, for the past few years, I remind you of your promise from 2016 - of becoming better organized. I can see that you are continuing to try and I know you can do much more. Just keep on applying some of the techniques - using a checklist, doing some daily tasks and following a timetable of work at home. You need to take ownership of your responsibilities and you will be just fine.
Well, I am so glad that your letter came in early this season, as it gave me much more time to write this long letter. I love writing long replies, but only if I could get that time.
I hear Rudolph calling me outside – seems some problem with the sleigh. I take your leave now but I want you to remember to be honest to yourself and to everyone who cares for you. Respect everyone, not just in action but also in your words.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2021! Remember…you will remain the unstoppable warrior and you just should not let the opportunities go by. Be curious, be happy, always!
Santa Claus
(Sources: Multiple)
Here's wishing everyone of you (in your capacities as parents and children, both), a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2021! Each one of us needs to remain those unstoppable warriors that we all are.
Apple Certified Engineer
3wIt was super super amazing 🙏🏻
Supply chain & logistics professional & Operation Expert | Certified Six Sigma Green Belt | Certified in Supply Chain and Logistics |Mentor, Academic Coach & Social Counselor . Extensive experience of 32 years in UAE.
3yIt was a 15 minutes read for me.... every sentence is profound, wonderfully woven... will not ruin it with my expression.... loved it!!! Catch up soon!!! & wish you and your family a great new year!
Product Manager / Product Owner / Scrum Master / Program Manager
4yVery well written Sandeep - do pass on my compliments to Santa, whoever or whereever (s)he is, for penning such a wonderful missive.
Brand Marketing Manager - LEGO Certified stores Middle East
4yLoved it - As a parent and a daughter!