Saving the dying institution
The modern educational institutions are depriving us of our age-old institutions. One such institution is our Joint Family. When three generations live together, it is called joint family. The Joint Family system is the backbone of our culture and our heritage. When this will break, our culture and heritage will be lost. The modern educational institutions don't respect or don't propagate joint family institutions. Joint family institutions have immense benefits for our society. In a time, when we don't have good social security or health-care infrastructure, we need to invest into our joint family system. Look at some of the benefits of Joint family system:
Economic Support
Emotional and Social Support
Childcare and Elderly Care
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Cultural and Traditional Continuity
Safety and Security
Psychological Benefits
Educational Support
Every higher educational institution should start training the students in how to live in Joint Family system. It should be moral responsibility of every teacher and every academician to teach students about merits of Joint family system. They have taken so much benefits from Joint family system - now it is their responsibility to revive this system and strengthen it. Let us pray that our age old institutions like Join Family system survive and our generations derive full benefits of this great system.
Visiting Faculty at University
7moWell, there are various reasons why people frequently adopt the Nuclear family option. some are as follows: Independence and Autonomy Economic Considerations Social and Cultural Factors Parenting and Child-Rearing Conflict Reduction People have reasons to justify also their point of view BUT I would still say go with the Joint family option. Eventually, all will get real happiness and peace of mind.
Today, everything is towards the Nuclear concept, starting from family to nation to the world... Nuclear weapons, Nuclear war. Everything looks Nuclear, with an overall aura of nuclear influence across different spheres.
BSc. MBA . (Research scholar)
7moJoint families are very prevalent in all old civilizations . Being part of it makes a person well versed socially in my opinion. More nuclear families will lead to more individualism. In itself individualism is not a bad thing but it gives birth to other behavioural patterns which are not so good.