Say Hello to the Exponential Generation
I am excited about the Generation Z and their enthusiasm about news ways of working, living and treating other people. A lot of their concepts make a lot of sense and previous generations, especially Xers and boomers are really good at making decision towards a miserable life. We are the self sabotage kings and queens.
However we need to end the conversations about who has to listen to whom and who does not understand the other.
One of the massive mistakes lies in believing that Gen Z are the future. Just to give you an overview on how old the generations are today:
The last member of the silent generation will likely have left us by 2067. The last boomer, by 2088. The last Gen Xer, by 2108, and the last millennial by 2132 — assuming the most generous definitions of those generations. (Source: The Washington Post)
The numbers might be inaccurate but you get the gist: WE are ALL the future.
When we look at purchasing power, the numbers shift even more:
A study by customer review company Consumer Affairs analyzed data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Census, the National Association of Realtors, and the Education Data Board to quantify Gen Z’s purchasing power compared to the purchasing power of baby boomers in the 1970s. Here’s what they found:
• Gen Z has 86% less purchasing power compared to boomers when they were in their 20s
(source: Fastcompany, August 2022)
• Millenials earn 20% less than boomers
• Boomers spend a total of $ 548.1B annually, Millennials $ 322.5B
(Source: The Emerging Millennial Wealth Gap)
The Do What You Love, When You Love and Where You Want — model is the opposite of Blood Sweat and Tears. While the younger generation teaches us on lifestyle, Boomers can be their resilience-showcases. Not one is better than the other, both are great incrediences for an overall happy and confident life.
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I would love to introduce the concept of the “Exponential Generation” and unite the 1960–2014 born into one generation. We trippled the world population from almost 3B to almost 9B and can be hold accountable for both the most important innovations and biggest challenges, we are facing on our planet, today. While the foundation of the biggest innovation is set by the boomers, we could also blame the Gen Zs for their SHEIN, PRIMARK and others waste producing world toxinators. And of course vice versa. Will this lead anywhere? No. In the past 54 years, the greatest things happened and some of the worst. Humans are the smartest species in the world and at the same time dumbest animals, crawling on our blue pale dot.
Here is what the Exponential Organisation talks about:
Competition is an outdated concept
“Competition is healthy” — the mantra of my generation, the Xers. The problem is: when you hear something often enough, you think it is true. Competition means that you have identified someone who is better than you in something, you would love to be better than them. A fact that motivates you, becoming better than your competitor. Sounds reasonable, right?
Fact is, most of the time other people (or companies) don’t care who you compete with. They have their own struggles. I love Simon Sineks talk where he shared about a talk at Microsoft, where 75% of the Microsoft managers spent 75% of the time talking about how they can beat Apple — BUT handed Sinek the latest Surface Pro Tablet (for free). A few weeks later, Sinek spoke to the Apple leaders and 100% of them spent 100% of the time talking about how they can make education better for teachers and for students. And when Sinek got excited about the look and feel of the free Surface Pro, Microsoft gave him, the Apple manager responded: “I have no doubt”.
If you focus on someone who does something better than you, you position yourself as Number two. Now count the competitors you identified to be beaten and aggregate who often you are Number two. This will never up your game to Number one. For Microsoft, Apple is the biggest competitor. For Apple, their fight is about making education better.
The Exponential Generation wants to make education better.
What’s that thing about Collaboration?
Collaboration is a peace concept on paper. Earlier we battled, now we collaborate. While “collaboration” (in business! different beast when we talk about science) sounds like a great concept, in reality it just means: a lot of meetings.
A meeting is a unnecessary gathering to make sure, everyone involved in on the same page and decisions are met, in a group. I am Xer. For me it is really difficult not to follow up with a very cynical sentence. I do not know a lot of people who really love meetings. And I think that a compromise is a solution, where each party is equally unhappy. Collaboration means that leaders manage people. The Exponential Generation manages processes and knows how to design intrinsic motivation to get “your shit done”. In a coordinated process, everyone involved knows exactly their contribution (and timing) to a bigger picture, what to “just do” and what to “make better”.
Adé, customer centricity.
Customer centricity is an incredible improvement, born in the rise of “Design Thinking 2.0” where empathy was added to the innovation process and prototypes outsmarted 1000 meetings. And I endorse all of the above. But customer centricity generates (in best case) products and services for linear organizations that learned, “scaling” is the name of the game. Successful linear organisations scale exponentially. Which means they sell their products and services as many times, as possible. At the end of a product life cycle, they add features and make products complicated, which I would call transforms to a product death cycle (and a lot of waste). Exponential Generations are customer obsessed. Which means, they want to know everything about their people and how to solve their next problem, before it has even grown to significance. Exponential Generations think in Marketspaces and Operating Systems to help everyone fully express (and pursue) their own dreams, visions and ideals. The all time favorite showcase is the (now amazon owned) Las Vegas based online retailed, Zappos: “We are a customer satisfaction company, that happens to sell shoes”.
The race for external status is dead.
External Status is all the baggage we carry with us, that compensates our internal mess: cars, watches, houses, education, associations, atire,… As a Generation Xer, I am peak external status. My parents grew all they had from nothing, my older siblings celebrated the haydays in the 1960ies and since age 10, we have been asked: “what are you going to do, when you are an adult”. My generation is measured by their success. We are the children of meritocracy. Of course we identify by our success and want (need?) to showcase our success with the cars we arrive in, the rolexes and the breitlings, the bespoke leather shoes, the MBAs and the people we know. We are the namedropper-Generation. The inventors of bullshit bingo. Well, maybe the Millennials coined the term from being annoyed about the habit of giving everything a fancy name, just to make it sound important.
Data beats Opinion.
The Exponential Generation is a data driven Generation. The amount of data and information we have to deal with, combined with technology available to us, helps us make better decisions compared to a past, where decisions of experienced people were good enough to steer the ship (company, social life,…) along the sea. We do not want to make decisions, we regret, anymore. We also cannot afford to make a lot of decisions that might solve one problem whilst creating a bigger problem. In a world driven by exponential momentum we also have to accept that a lot of things are not easy to comprehend. Take 30 linear steps, each step 1m, you walk 30 metet. Take 30 exponential steps, each one twice as long as the previous, you surround the planet earth 25 times. This goes beyond our imaginative capacities hence we need to trust data (and stop being scared of data).
We better make sure we are resourceful, also with our mental energy and avoid the “wrong conversations”. Blaming or fingerpointing does not lead to consent nor to the better version of mankind.
The Exponential Generation is better than that.