School Librarians Are Cost Effective
An Author-Educator's Viewpoint
Hazel Edwards O.A.M.
School librarians are cost effective. Pay now and benefit now AND later. It’s an economic investment. Cheaper to invest in libraries than prisons.
A child needs & wants to be enthused by an idea, at the right time for them. So does an adult.
Librarians are the lynchpin of ideas, readers, books and acquiring problem-solving skills.
‘Try this…’ at the right moment, can spark a lifetime of interest in how things work, why people acted in that way, Antarctica , dinosaurs or funny stuff.
Idea-dating you might call it. Putting the right book or idea in front of a receptive mind at just the right moment.
‘Try this…’
Easy access is vital. With enthusiasm. And the person who does the introduction, needs to be able to select that idea from a range of possibles. They need to have already sifted from their library of experience.
The book needs to be there
So does the enthuser.
The person who is in love with ideas and words might be a parent, teacher or librarian. Or even an author.
Some children are lucky enough to have resident ideas people in their own homes. Parents or family who are enthusiastic about words, ideas , science or nature.
Those who use the Socratic Method even if they don’t know that label.
‘And why do you think that might be so?’
‘Maybe we can find out…’
Others don’t have that luxury.
In a school, the enthusiasm for learning matters more than the size of the budget, but if library staff are not in that budget, we all lose. Skilled educator-librarians who speak the language of their students are the best investment against boredom which subsequently destroys community property and lives.
The danger is when there are too many rules. Or it’s too hard to get hold of the book which shows how someone else did it or solved that problem.
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Teacher librarians can introduce fiction for diverse readers ‘Try this, the character has an issue like yours’ or ‘ This is one of my heroes. She started a hospital for women….’, but also provide tools for tackling the unknown. 'Or the central character in 'Wasted?' is a refugee boy.
A closed Library door. Only available from 12.05 until 12.25 pm doesn’t work.
Avoid barriers of big words like pedagogy.
‘Try this…’ is simple and effective.
A library is an ideas hub. But it doesn’t work unless there is a widely experienced and well read ideas person who is enthusiastic and not exhausted from doing all the other jobs in the school too.
We need to encourage young problem solvers who ask ‘Why? And then Why Not?’ We don’t want to BORE them with bureaucracy. And if we don’t provide solutions at crucial moments, we’ve lost them forever.
Try this…can open a mind to possibilities
· Enthusiasm
· Access
· Sifting skills
· The right moment.
Try this…
But we need teacher-librarians in schools to enthuse and skill our youth when those significant moments arise.
It’s an economic investment. Cheaper to invest in libraries than prisons.
Hazel Edwards OAM is an author- educator . Latest books are ‘Wasted?’ (Bookpod) a YA#Clific novel and 'Kaleidoscope of Ideas; Hands on Activities for Gifted Minds' (Amba Press)Kaleidoscope of Ideas, (free downloadable sampler) but best known for 'There's a Hippopotamus on our Roof Eating Cake' series. In 2024 she celebrates her 50th year of being a published author.
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6moOne of your students lives with an alcoholic or has a friend with an alcoholic parent. My wife recently published a young adult book about a 14 year old freshman girl growing up with an alcoholic mom and not getting help. “I wrote L.E.A.P. (Linn’s Emerging Adult Plan) as a way to acknowledge my biggest regret—allowing others to stop me from seeking help for my younger brother and myself in dealing with our mother’s alcoholism.” Toni Bellon EdD L.E.A.P.: Linn’s Emerging Adult Plan by Toni Bellon is an honest view into the life of a teen living with an alcoholic parent and the systemic dysfunction that happens in a family that tries to pretend everything is normal. Readers will love Linn and her insightful, pragmatic nature. Bellon is a masterful storyteller and Linn’s journey toward adulthood is entertaining, heartbreaking, and hopeful.” Kim Ottesen, Programming Manager Forsyth County Public Library You can “test drive “ LEAP by reading the first few chapters free!
Primary Teacher Librarian, Primary Creative Technologies Tchr & Primary eLearning Leader, Book Creator Certified Author, Students Need School Libraries Campaign Coordinator, Twinkl Librarians Ambassador
6moIt takes a village and yes us Teacher Librarians and qualified library staff are keen, excited and ready to connect books to students, teacher and parents. Having as much accessibility for students, (means having library staff present) having wondeful library events such as Book Week & other events to connect students to the library, reading & literature. It should be the norm not the exception for students to have access to school libraries, a well resourced collection and that included access to qualified librery staff, regular library sessions for students right up to secondary level. Thank you for your support. #studentsneedschoollibraries
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6moIn any school a library should be the hub of all learning, plus bring back daily PE 😀