SDG Rescue Plan at the 2024 HLPF
@UCLG-CGLU/Joel Sheakoski

SDG Rescue Plan at the 2024 HLPF

Welcome to your update on UCLG’s efforts to amplify the voice of local and regional governments in global discussions!


The 2024 High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development saw strong participation from local and regional governments, represented by the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments (GTF). With more than 50 elected officials from various networks, the GTF presented an extensive programme focused on local activities and localization. 

Some of the main events in which our constituency participated:

Transformation from the ground up: Acting at local level

The session "Transformation from the Ground Up: Acting at Local Level," organized by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, focused on the critical role of local and regional governments in driving sustainable development and localizing the SDGs. 

Moderated by UCLG Secretary General Emilia Saiz, the session highlighted the need to empower local communities, which are often underrepresented in global decision-making. Key participants underscored the importance of involving all levels of government to address poverty and inequality effectively.

Local2030 Coalition Special Event

At the Local2030 Coalition Special Event, the Global Taskforce was pivotal in shaping the discussions on “Unlocking Transformative Change through the Localization of the Six SDG Transitions.”

This UN-wide initiative aims to mainstream SDG Localization. The event built on the recent SDG Summit and focused on strategies and innovative financing for localizing the SDGs. 

Key participants, including Fatiha El Moudni, Claudia Salazar Hurtado, and Michal Mlynár, emphasized the need for multi-stakeholder and multi-sector collaboration to drive ambitious action and link the 2030 Agenda with other major global milestones.

Local and Regional Governments Forum on the 2030 Agenda

The Local and Regional Governments Forum (LRGF) on the 2030 Agenda, co-organized with United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs,UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme),UNDP, and Local2030, is an essential political space at the HLPF showcasing the commitment of local and regional governments to the 2030 Agenda.

This year, the LRGF underlined the importance of local action and governance to achieve the SDGs, especially the five under review in 2024, through multilevel cooperation. Mayors and governors from around the world discussed commitments to localize these SDGs, under the Presidency of Uğur İbrahim Altay, Mayor of Konya and President of UCLG. The Forum featured strong partnerships with UN agencies and the participation of high-level officials who highlighted the importance of a transformed multilateral system. Panels focused on hunger and poverty eradication, climate action and localizing SDG 16, with leaders from various regions committed to equitable public services, transformative climate partnerships and safer, more democratic cities. The event enhanced the need for multi-level dialogue and cooperation to achieve the global development goals.

More information here.

8th Towards the Localization of the SDGs Report

The Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments' “8th Towards SDG Localization Report” provides a detailed analysis of SDG implementation at the local level. The 2024 report, based on 196 responses from LRGs and their associations in 70 countries, outlines LRG initiatives to localize the SDGs and highlights the need for greater LRG involvement in national coordination and reporting processes.

The report sheds light on the interconnections between SDGs under review at the 2024 HLPF and the role of LRGs in addressing issues like poverty, climate inaction, and violence. It includes three working papers on localizing SDGs 1 and 2, SDG 13, and SDG 16.

Read the report here.


Co-organized with UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) and United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the third edition of the VLR/VSR Days took place online on July 15th and 16th during the HLPF. 

The goal of the event was to highlight the importance of VLR and VSR processes in order to promote SDG Localization at a global level. The event facilitated discussions among stakeholders such as LRGs, national governments, international organizations and other partners. 

In two days, four thematic sessions took place and focused on VLRs and VSRs as strategic tools to boost topics linked to multilevel governance, trust, urban basic services. The seven VSRs that have been presented this year (from the associations of Costa Rica, Ecuador, Brazil, Mauritania, South Africa, Nepal and the Nordic countries) as well as several VLRs were center stage in the two days.

Participants learned how VLRs and VSRs integrate the SDGs into policymaking, track progress and showcase sustainable development success stories. These key frameworks have transformed sustainable development, ensuring that all levels of government are committed to and aligned with the collective goals.

More information here and watch the videos here.

President Altay meets with UN Deputy Secretary General Amina J. Mohamed in the framework of the 2024 HLPF

Rooted in the 17 Goals, there are six key transitions that can have catalytic and multiplier effects across the SDGs. This includes (1) food systems; (2) energy access and affordability; (3) digital connectivity; (4) education; (5) jobs and social protection; and (6) climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. 

In the countdown to 2030, President Uğur İbrahim Altay met with UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J Mohammed during #HLPF2024. The President and Deputy Secretary-General Mohamed discussed the key role of the local and regional governments constituency in the localization of the six SDG transitions. 

Ahead of the UN Summit of the Future and the upcoming World Summit on Social Development, local and regional governments are ready to accelerate the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and it is up to our constituency to lead the localization movement.

Third meeting of the Co-Chairs of the UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Group on Local and Regional Governments with USG Guy Ryder

The Cochairs of the UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Group on Local and Regional Governments, Fatimetou Abdel Malick, Governor of Nouakchott UCLG Copresident; and Pilar Cancela, State Secretary for Migration of Spain, met with the UN Under Secretary General Guy Ryder 18th to present a policy brief on how to strengthen cooperation between national and local governments, and UN Country Teams, to advance national planning processes, anchored on local realities, to accelerate the attainment of the SDGs, and other international agreements and instruments. 

The policy brief was the third out of four outputs that the Advisory Group is set to present as concrete policy recommendations to the UN Secretary-General to strengthen the strategic engagement and contributions of local and regional governments in intergovernmental processes, enhance coordination and collaboration between levels of government and the UN system, foster country level cooperation, and contribute towards  a narrative that elevates the visibility of local and regional governments and their key role in advancing the 2030 Agenda.

The fourth and final deliverable with the recommendations to the UNSG will be presented at the UN Summit of the future.

The Award UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21 2024

On 25 July 2024, Mexico City hosted a successful UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21 International Award Ceremony. The ceremony recognised outstanding contributions to cultural rights and sustainable development, celebrating Gwanak-Gu (Republic of Korea) for its ‘Capital of Youth Culture’ programme and La Paz (Plurinational State of Bolivia) for its ‘Traditional Medicine Information and Guidance Centres - Qullañ Uta’ initiative.

Individual awards were presented to Alfons Martinell Sempere and Milena Dragicevic Sesic for their outstanding contributions to the promotion of cultural rights.

The event was led by Argel Gómez Concheiro and Jordi Pascual, who highlighted Mexico City's leadership in the field of cultural rights. The winners from the cities of Gwanak-Gu and La Paz presented their projects, while the individual laureates reflected on the role of culture in fostering solidarity and new opportunities.

In addition, the day included an international seminar on cultural innovation, which explored themes such as rights-based cultural policies and the integration of cultural goals in the SDGs.

More information here.

End of the Online Course on Decentralized Cooperation & SDG Localization with Platforma

The second edition of the moderated online course "Localizing the SDGs through Decentralized Cooperation: tools for projects, policies and partnerships", organized with PLATFORMA ended this July with more than 50 new cooperation projects and policies of Decentralized Cooperation aligned to the SDGs. 

During two months, more than 90 active participants participated in the webinars and accessed the exclusive contents at the Learning With UCLG platform, exchanging knowledge and best practices of cooperation to improve their policies and achieve the SDGs.

As a final result of the course, more than 50 final projects and policies were designed, and more than 90 participants became new local trainers to design and implement decentralized cooperation initiatives aligned to the SDGs.


First rollout Module 2 on Planning for Change with the SDGs within the Georgia National Urban Forum

Together with UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme), we successfully launched the updated Module 2 on ‘Planning for Change with the SDGs’ during a training workshop at the National Urban Forum in Georgia. The event, which was attended by 45 local and international participants, focused on integrating the SDGs into local planning through strategic and spatial guidance. The workshop included interactive sessions and exercises to improve understanding of SDG principles and their application in urban initiatives. 

More information here.

Next on the Agenda!

4th Regional Forum on Local Economic Development for Latin America and the Caribbean

From August 26th to 28th, the 4th Regional Forum on Local Economic Development for Latin America and the Caribbean will take place in Montevideo.

This dynamic event serves as an interactive space for dialogue between local authorities and community members, facilitating discussions on urban development, public services and social issues.

More information here.

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