Seafood Export to SEA - February 2024
The first two months of 2024 shows an overall value increase in Norwegian seafood export to Southeast Asia and Taiwan. The total value was 1,592 MNOK, which is an increase of 24% compared to the same period in 2023. The most important species in value are Salmon (789 MNOK), Trout (257 MNOK) and Mackerel (145 MNOK). During the same period, salmonid volumes increased by 11%, while the salmonid export value increased by 7%, a reflection of decreased salmonid prices.
For detailed Dashboard reports (PDF) for each of these markets click here (open access). Interactive South-East Asia report (limited access).
Media workshop for Mackerel in Thailand - first time ever
In order to increase the knowledge for Norwegian Mackerel or Saba among Thai consumers, we are organizing media workshop for the first time ever in Bangkok. We will be hosting this workshop on 25th April 2024 for 10-12 medias and the very famous Thai chef will be teaching them how to handle and cook Norwegian Mackerel. Together they will be cooking 3 dishes. This is a great opportunity for NSC to spread awareness on how Norwegian Mackerel is the best, juiciest and sustainable!
Save the date - Thaifex Anuga Asia 2024
Visit the biggest NSC pavilion ever with 288 sqms islands in Bangkok, Thailand during the last week of May. We have 21 Norwegian exporters who bought their own space in the Norwegian Pavilion. Do not forget to save the dates for our events! Details below: Thaifex Anuga Asia 2024 – 28 May to 1 June 2024 (1 June is a public day)
In order to attend our events, you need to register here.
Invitation - Norway's National Day celebration in Vietnam
The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Hanoi would like to show what Norway stands for in Vietnam by including the Norwegian companies and organizations in the country. Norwegian Seafood Council is honored to be a part of the National Day Celebration on 17th of May, and we will use this opportunity to invite our partners in retail and foodservice to promote the Norwegian seafood’s origin.
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Salmon Academy in Vietnam
In June, Salmon Academy will be organized in Vietnam for our local partners. Since the consumption for Norwegian salmon in Vietnam has been rising for the past years, the demand for acquiring further knowledge on this specie has increased as well. Many partners have gained interest for NSC to organize the Salmon Academy since they first learnt about it during Vietfood Expo 2023. The academies will be organized both in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh.
Keeping a strong relationship with stakeholders in Taiwan
This will be the fourth year of the campaign with Carrefour, focusing on Norwegian salmon and Mackerel from June onwards until the end of September. We plan to support visibility in-store and seasoning giveaways to encourage end-consumers for an easy cook for Norwegian Seafood to become everyone's 1st choice. We will also be hosting Salmon Academy in April and press briefing in May to announce our campaigns for 2024.
Second time participation in the Seafood Expo - Singapore
After receiving a positive response for Seafood Expo 2023, we will be organizing a Seafood from Norway joint stand at Seafood Expo in Singapore during 4th - 6th of September 2024. For all the Norwegian Exporters, this year you can buy your own space. Do not forget to contact us if you would like to join Seafood Expo, Singapore. This year, similarly, we will be the medium to connect the SEA local partners to the Norwegian Exporters during the expo, seminar session and seafood dinner. Please block the date in your calendar and come visit our pavilion and seminar at the Seafood Expo in Singapore.
NSC launches new country pages
All information about Southeast Asia is now gathered on one page. For more information, please visit the NSC website.
On boarding the new SEA director
Our new director for SEA – Åshild Nakken has already joined NSC and will take over the SEA office in July. During these months, I will be helping to onboard her in each market.