The Search for Answers in an Era of Deep Change, Four Noises and The Uncertainty Weathervane
“May you have the hindsight to know what you've learned and where you’ve been. May you have the foresight to know where you’re going and what might be possible. May you have the insight to know when you’ve gone too far or not far enough. And may you have the crossight to avoid the blindspots and find the magical new-to the world in-between. ” Sean Moffitt
For anybody that knows me well, they'll know that I frequently go the extra mile to distill what is really going on "out there" in the world. It can be annoying but I can't shake the belief that just enough is the enemy of great research and intelligence. So instead of doing what the conventional researchers and garden variety change agents do:
And why do I make this effort (sometimes unheathily so)?
Facts, truth, opinions and dogma are at war with each other in our current uncertain and polarized world. Each vie for influence and intersect together inside how people think about a given issue or topic. There is a collossal difference between "your truth" and "the truth" (or at least a smart bet at THE truth). Oprah has done us no good service by popularizing this phrase into our lexicon. Sure it may be great to feed starving children based on your truth - a convenient arrangement of views, but what if your truth supports being a racist, or believing in a flat earth, or steering your company into an abyss.
Time and time again, I see personal belief in the forms of obstinate thinking, soundbyte-y trends or attractive ideologies that dismiss evidence or ignore facts and that subsequently lead to poor quality decisions and outcomes. You may be entitled to your opinion or your truth, but let's call it for what it is. The collaborative intelligence I produce gets closer to understanding how the world really operates. One of the reasons is it's not just me, it's us. It's the hivemind. It's the swarm intelligence and when warranted, it's stepping out from the scrutiny of established views.
Distinguishing between hard evidence, soft evidence, strident opinion or whimsical belief is the essential work for smart leaders and the sweat equity of intelligence experts. Applying the difference between truth and belief, between the preferred, probable and possible, between the fashion, cycle and sustaining trend, is the domain of the leading sensemakers, foresighters and researchers.
What stands in the way of these intelligence whisperers is a litany of cognitive biases preventing us from seeing the truths that may be staring at us right in front of our faces. In writing my upcoming book Futureproofing: The Future Beyond Innovation - I actually codified forty-eight of these that impede our ability to - estimate, decide, prove, attribute, recall and influence- the world around us.
Four Sources of Intelligence Noise
Too often I find four sources of noise that provide little service to the advancement of the world's intelligence:
A Carousel of Research & Intelligence x 21
Moving into 2024, I have parsed out my intelligence life three ways and across twenty-one areas:
Futureproofing Foresight Ventures - in my independent practice, I have a rotating set of seven serial innovation and disruption-focused studies in which two of them get their day in the sun every year plus some passion plays:
Cygnus Ventures' The Radar Collection - future focused studies - the next six up are:
... and the focus of this post...
Cygnus Ventures' Weathervanes - hindsight, insight, foresight and corssight on today's most relevant topics
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Hit me up if you would like to collaborate on any of these. Now onto the feature film of this post.
The Uncertainty Weathervane
The first out of the shoot from the list above is Uncertainty. In November, I have the pressing need to produce the outcomes from our Uncertainity Weathervane.
Uncertainty has been a driving force in what we think, why we believe and how we act, especially as our economy, shitting cultural values, emerging technology and recent pandemic tear at what used to be with what things are now. We thought it might be time well spent studying the topic more deeply.
Is it a research report? Is it a book? It it a community? Is it an event? Well, it's all those things...
We are going to produce a research report that will be the biggest and hopefully best take on this under-evaluated paradigm if a never normal, permacrisis, superCAFFEINATED Uncertain world.
We have already written the book and our second edition is coming out in December:
We are building a Navigators of Uncertainty community that continues to involve our inner circle network on various endeavours attached to this Uncertainty effort.
We are hosting a set of events that convene impoirtant forums on the discussion of Uncertainty as a concept, catalyst, new frontier of intelligence, content and methods.
Now we want to answer our 12 key questions that will be the foundation of an intelligence report published for November.
Only respondents will get access to: toplines of the report, an opportunity to collaborate on deeper research, attend the earliest sharing of results on November 23rd with the potential opportunity to be on our podcast and have the option to author an article of our expanding Uncertainty catalogue.
Take our Uncertainty Weathervane survey here
22 Years of Experience as an Entrepreneur, Mentor, Founder, Coach, Consultant, Trainer. Ridiculously good-looking for brief periods of time. Available to take on additional Non-Executive Director & Advisory Board roles
1yI always admire your amazing work Sean, and how you inspire with insights and distill it so beautifully to the point where you can in fact drink from the fountain and do something with it. It's truly like a work of art that I could stare at and contemplate in a gallery and study for weeks & months. But, alas, I also find the "noise of the crowd" seemingly getting louder and louder recently, and is deafening and drowning out the true insights at times.