The Secret to Achieving Goals
Without Action Goals cannot be achieved. In the quest for achieving our goals. Any action is better than no action. Far too often we spend so much time planning and second guessing ourselves that we deprive ourselves valuable execution opportunities.
Why is it important to take actions on our goals and plans? The answer is quite simple and intriguing, the best of plans may fall apart at the get go of implementation and therefore plans for achieving our goals and sometimes even our goals may change or need adjustments as rubber meet the road, as events and circumstances unfolds.
In his book Good Strategy and Bad Strategy, Richard Rumelt states that "bad strategy lacks actions to take. Bad strategy mistakes goals, ambition, vision, values, and effort for strategy (these things are important, but on their own are not strategy). Good strategy is designed to be coherent – all the actions an organization takes should reinforce and support each other "
What are your strategy for achieving your goals? Are you taking actions on these strategies?In conclusion, If you are always just thinking and you are always in the idea phase, you may never be able to achieve the result or goal you want to achieve.
Take coordinated actions today and see them through.I wish you success in achieving your goals.