See A Penny Pick It Up!!
My Great Grandma used to say to me, "See a penny pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck". Now I don't know about the good luck part, but if I picked up 25 pennies I could go to Patterson's Grocery and get some Ball Park bubble gum. I can't tell you how many sticks of bubble gum I chewed over those skin-blistering summers in North East Arkansas, but I promise you that was the best gum EVER.
You know, I still keep an eye out for stray pennies.
I don't know how the following comparison came about, but I started thinking about how much money healthcare organizations leave in those proverbial pennies just laying on the "ground" every year in the form of denials, delays, or underpayments of up to 5%, and how many "Pennies" is OK to just leave there.
My buddies over at SlicedHealth have the solution to make sure you get all you can, & never run out of bubble gum. Hit 'em up, and tell them Griff sent you.