Family-owned businesses are the sweethearts of America. These businesses are why I got into the brokering business. It's every owner's dream to establish a business that sustains the family, allows everyone to work together for years, and then pass the business along to the kids
We had this dream years ago when we were relaunching a yogurt brand in grocery stores and our kids were the ones offering tastes, talking to customer, and helping set up at farmer's markets, etc. I thought that was heaven. I'm not sure they felt the same. The kids got to learn how to read a P&L, we talked about marketing, operations, distribution (which is what ultimately killed the business) and all the ups and downs. It was so much more fulfilling than a desk job and kept our bodies moving too.
Now I work with retiring owners, many who originally hoped that their kids would take over their business. But you know kids -- they want to establish their own interests and future and often times, they don't end up the successors of a business that was intended for them. There is a lot of emotion around this and in a few cases, the owners and their kids have changed their minds a few times along the way.
My tip for you: When you have a business that you think your offspring will want, talk to them early and let them know that if they can't commit by ____(date), that you will need to find an alternative. You can't drag this decision on forever if you need to retire. The good news for you is that in the purchase agreement with another third party, you can include a clause of "first right to purchase" for your kids just in case, down the road they change their mind. Who knows, maybe they'll get it back when they are ready!