“Serbia will forget NATO aggression only when all Serbs disappear.”
“Serbia will forget NATO aggression only when all Serbs disappear.” That is how reacted yesterday the Serbian President Vučić in connection to the 24th anniversary of the NATO aggression in former Yugoslavia.
We were in 2016 when the Clinton campaign was trying to convince that Russia influenced the election of Donald Trump against all the odds. That year with my name on the ballot right after Trump and Marco Rubio, I had no doubt that we would win, and talking to my constituents I declared that we “were on the right train”, weeks before the elections.
What gave me that sense of victory?
Broward County, even deeply Democrat County, consists of many Eastern Europeans. Not Russians only, any kind of Eastern Europeans and also other western Europeans. And between them Serbs, Macedonians, Romanians, Bulgarians, all close by countries to Yugoslavia, who were not directly involved in the Clinton war in Yugoslavia in 1999, but mostly supplied sanctioned oil, that made the biggest mafia groups stronger in the region, and even the prime minister of Bulgaria Boiko Borisov was actively delivering forbidden goods, violating the NATO and EU embargo. Big fortunes were made on the embargo, as is happening now with the oil and gas embargo from Russia.
Russians and Serbians are Slavic brothers, they would be connected by their religion, that was attacked and manipulated mainly in this conflict in Yugoslavia, and also the similar languages and traditions. Russia actively helped Serbians in the conflict. You can’t easily beat a nation with strong religion. But NATO prevailed in 1999, using the ethnic differences on the Balkans.
The beginning of the conflict started with the terrorist attack, massacre on the Markale market in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a city that was like Jerusalem in Europe, mixture of different religions and nations. It was an operation of CIA, who were funding and delivering weapons for the Muslims Bosnians to fight Serbians, mostly orthodox Christians. Even the terror was accounted on the Serbian army then, commanded by general Ratko Mladic, I watched that massacre drinking coffee with the CIA agent sent for the operations on the Balkans and the ambassador of France in Bulgaria. The situation in the room was a little bit tense when terrible death, distorted bodies and body parts appeared on the huge screen all over the market after the explosion. I just couldn’t stop myself asking, “did you do that”? My companions just turned into French, thinking that I wouldn’t understand the conversation.
These years the NATO command was situated in the close by countries, and every day as journalist I was dining with the commanders to get some news for the war.
Later the United Nations released a document presented by the Swiss Intelligence, which they admitted was provided to them by CIA, document stating that the US used the same paramilitary forces in the war in Yugoslavia as in the previous war in Afghanistan against the USSR, which later became Al Qaeda. And in this paper was also mentioned that the Bosnian military forces committed the crime in Sarajevo against their own population
The UN mission officials later concluded that Sarajevo was not a Serbian act.
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That war in Yugoslavia in 1999 was organized by the direct command of President Clinton. Who under the pretext of genocide and ethnic cleansing, and widely advertised PR campaign, convinced the population and financed the population, Muslims mostly, to ask for independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and other Yugoslavian Republics, that is considered big tragedy of division on the Balkans, that are typical mixture of different religions. Also the idea was the islamisation of the region, creating an Islamic corridor through the Balkans to Albania, weakening and dividing the region.
NATO Alliance troops attacked a free country, justifying the bombings as an attempt to avoid a "humanitarian catastrophe".
“You did not prevent any humanitarian catastrophe, you armed the rebels of a sovereign country” President Vučić said. - When the initiators of the aggression realized that they would not receive the consent of the UN Security Council, they did without it. 19 members of NATO attacked Yugoslavia.
NATO bombings have killed more than 2,500 people, including 87 children. Medics are still recording the effects of strikes with depleted uranium munitions.
The campaign of Clinton mistakenly concentrated on that area of Miami surroundings, Broward County, one of the most populated territories in Florida. Packing the county with black Africans immigrants and Muslim Yugoslavians from the Balkans to fight Donald Trump.
The biggest fraud was committed in 2016 in Broward county, by Brenda Snipes, supervision of elections, a friend of Clinton, that I reported to FBI, because the Republican Party had witnesses who saw the Democrat Snipes to organize filling of empty ballots 2 months before the elections to replace the real ones. The ballots were obviously not enough, because the black voters also opposed Clinton, for their own reasons - for the mass incarcerations the so-called “War on drugs”, also initiated by President Clinton. But they were also angry on Obama for the fraudulent foreclosures organized by companies close to the administration, like Ocwen Financials. People in the area were losing their homes by greedy attorneys working under the umbrella of Obama FBI or were paying racket to them to keep them in their homes. That happened to the big majority of the Spanish speaking, Cuban residents. Not even one Cuban voted for Clinton, that I know for sure from their boss in the area.
And the Slavic population and the Christian population, Eastern Europeans all voted for Trump. This included big Russian diaspora. So Clinton is right when she said, “Russians influenced the elections”, yes they voted for Trump unanimously.
Chances were strongly on the side of Trump, but winning the second in amount of voters county in Florida, could have led to winning Florida, that was a swing state then, and among the three most important in the country. I myself, and also Clinton, has calculated the same thing, and has targeted that area long before the elections, including the chairman of the Democrats Debby Wasserman Schulz, who was actively supporting Clinton against Sanders. Bush won by winning Florida. That was the calculation that came wrong by one more war in Eastern Europe.