Service leadership and more!
I often get the question, "How do you do it as a mother of 15 children?" However, when people hear that I was a military spouse people just keep the questions around what was it like? How did I manage - now that my husband is a retired Major in the United States Army. I would sum it up to saying that I have learned how to navigate chaos. LOL. I often share that chaos is the norm and peace is what I have to practice because we still have 10 children and 1 grandchild under our roof. My journey with a history of 13 years of depression and 3 hospitalizations has taught me a lot about patience, consistency, patterns, habits and mindset. I am blessed to have 31 years of marriage to my husband and we were equipped to navigate our life with a large family.
We strongly believe that God is the one who gives us strength to endure life's challenges. He also the glue that holds us together as we continue to navigate the milestones of parenting and marriage. As we celebrate another Veteran's Day, I would like to thank my husband for his service to this country and other Veterans in the world today. Life would be different if he did not serve and even though it came with some sacrifices - I would not change a thing. I am happy to share an interview with a fellow military spouse La'Quita Monley and we are happy to join our spouses tonight on a special podcast on LaQuita's Toolbox!!!
We recently had a wonderful time sharing our journey as spouses on the Parade Deck stage at the Military Influencer conference here in ATL. We had a great time and are looking forward to next year's event. Thank you Signia by Hilton Atlanta for creating a wonderful and welcoming environment.
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If you have some time this evening. I would love for you to join our live video event in honor of Veteran's Day! Join the conversation and share your insights with everyone.
Today's tip: reach out to Veterans that are in your network and simply thank them for their service. You may also offer them a discount on a service or product. I have a private community with a weekly masterclass on topics to help build your brand.
If you are a veteran you can join me for FREE as a special guest. Simply click the link and reserve your spot. Blessings LaChelle #americassupermom
Mother of 15 kids | Community Builder | TV Producer & Media Strategist |
International Speaker | 🎤Top 2% Globally Ranked Podcast Host|TV Producer |Military Spouse|3x Amazon Best Selling Author 💫2023Career Mastered Emerging Leader Award Recipient
3moThank you Nancy Acosta for being a guest tonight.. I look forward to working through your journal
International Speaker | 🎤Top 2% Globally Ranked Podcast Host|TV Producer |Military Spouse|3x Amazon Best Selling Author 💫2023Career Mastered Emerging Leader Award Recipient
3moTo watch via YouTube click the link below 👇🏾