Since the lock down started, there has been a flurry of charity and relief operations. Right from PM-Cares to your friendly neighbors, all of them have started in some way to give back to the destitute and marginalized. However, not all donations are driven for a noble cause. With the economy diving south, many unscrupulous people have started charities to pocket some monies while keeping an outer shell of benevolence and good-will. Worse, they divert much needed donations away from legitimate charities and causes.


Remember the small Plexiglas charity box kept in front of the cash registers in stores? In 1992, NY Times released an article which stated that the stores paid 2$ per month fee to use the charity’s name — and whatever gets collected in the charity box was at the disposal of the store owners. As you may have guessed, many store owners pocketed the donated monies! At least, developed countries have organizations that classify charities and warn people on the various ongoing scams. This works well to identify scam charities that work with the precision of crime syndicates. What about developing countries? What about identifying those that come in the guise of an office colleague or college friend starting a dubious charity drive where you are obliged to chip in?

Here are ways to avoid fake fund-raisers that come your way:

START WITH “INVESTMENT” MINDSET INSTEAD OF “DONATION” MINDSET. When you invest your money, would you go to a local cooperative society bank or a large nationalized bank? Think of your donation as an investment, where you are putting your hard-earned money into something that will bring intangible benefits to you (besides tangible benefits to others). Make sure you are handing over the money to an organization that will make the best use of it and drive maximum benefit.

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 I DON’T DONATE MONEY TO ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION WHERE THE MONEY TRAIL CANNOT BE AUDITED BY A THIRD PARTY. Asking donation money to be put into personal accounts is as unethical as asking a doctor to write a death certificate without seeing the dead individual. Personal accounts are not only difficult to audit but also attract direct personal taxes. Donating money to an organization doesn’t guarantee that your money will be well utilized. There are umpteen examples where money was laundered out for personal usage. So regular audits and availability of these audit reports are so important.

ARE YOU RAISING MONEY FOR A CAUSE YOU ARE PERSONALLY INVOLVED OR ARE YOU DOING IT BECAUSE IT’S THE LATEST FAD? BECAUSE, I DON’T DONATE TO FADS. Many lose their loved ones because of mental health issues and they become lifelong fighters for better mental health care services. However, we see such high buzz around Mental Health, that many fraudsters know it’s the right fashion statement to loosen your purse strings. There is a huge difference between someone collecting money for Covid prevention because they lost a family member, and someone collecting money just because its easier to get monetary support on the latest fad of the season.

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NO SKIN IN THE GAME, NO MONEY! Most scammers don’t invest in their own initiatives. They find a variable cost initiative which helps them scale up or down depending on the amount of money they get, without raising any suspicion. Compare these two charities — A TV Reporter collecting money for treatment of poor Covid patients and a college friend seeking your support to help run a school she has built for poor children and is running it over last 7 years. Here, your college friend has incurred a fixed cost (school). That’s skin in the game. Something that the TV Reporter lacks completely. The only way the reporter can get my money is by matching my donation amount with an equal amount from his pocket. In some way, you need to see skin in the game before parting with money!

I ONLY DONATE TO INITIATIVES WHICH ARE RUNNING FOR FIVE YEARS +. Sounds mean to starters, but this is a great way to weed out people who are fad-driven over cause-driven. Veering away from the cause is easy during initial years. If someone is running a health camp for last five years plus and has now shifted gears to cover Covid as well, I would write a check. But if someone has started asking for donations 10 weeks back to buy toys for poor kids(variable cost again), then I stay away.

HOW ARE THE DONATIONS GETTING USED? DO THEY REALLY NEED YOUR HELP? I came across a hilarious donation drive lately where request was made to donate money to purchase PPEs/Masks for doctors. I asked which doctors? They said this is for all practicing doctors who have passed out of a certain medical college in Delhi. I asked, most of these practicing doctors are now private practitioners — why would they need donated PPEs/Masks? They can buy PPEs themselves! Or their private hospital employers will provide them with PPEs (and charge it to the patients of course!). Such scams are common even in the USA.

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I DON’T DONATE MONEY; I DONATE MY TIME AND EFFORT. Most scammers avoid this situation like plague. They don’t want you to get into internal works. They don’t want you to know how much money is getting collected. They don’t want to invite you into their inner circle. They certainly don’t want you to start counting their money. If you are from Finance, tell them you can help them count money and remain audit ready! And watch them run away! In contrast, a genuine person will be happy to get any help and will ask you back — How many hours can you donate? Or, if you can’t give money, can you help me buy these sizes of shoes for the children I am helping? You know instantly that these are genuine people who are trying to get any help they can get, and not looking for a quick buck to make.

If you have come this far, let me confirm your worst fears — The scams won’t stop. Nor would the scammers change their ways. The outrageous nature of these scams is the very thing that makes them so effective. It is hard for nice people like you to turn down solicitations. Altruism makes people feel good about themselves. However, before the happy hormones take over your heart, make sure you put the charity through this litmus test.

(original illustrations by dibba.rangeen —

Scam a Day is the #newnormal and you are absolutely right out "Fad" based alignment of many ...even educated of the most unfortunate part though is the political drive to create the "fad" in the first place...

Dr. Kshama Kothari

Healthcare Professional | Physician


Crisp read. While the title is cautionary, the tone hovers on ' what and how to do better', especially about #SkinInTheGame.

Shabzeer Mohammed

Practice Manager -KSR Leadership Hiring at PERSOLKELLY | Science - Consumer- Industrial- Technology Segments


Thanks fr sharing

Dr. Balkrishna "BK" Korgaonkar

Building human-centered health systems | General management | Strategy | New ventures | MBA, IIMA | Doctor


A question I have struggled with myself.. lot of valuable suggestions there! Thanks Dr Somnath Datta, MD,MBA

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