Shaunna's Shorts ( 250 words or less): #MentalAwarenessMonth
#BreaktheStigma #MentalAwarenessMonth

Shaunna's Shorts ( 250 words or less): #MentalAwarenessMonth

The Mental Health Spectrum: You’re On It 

We are in the middle of Mental Health Awareness Month and I have to admit that mental health has been a journey for me, both as a person and as a caretaker. I began to struggle severely with my own mental health in 2021 after being absolutely too strong to through and beyond a global pandemic, a divorce, a U.S. Presidential Election, and launching out on my own as an entrepreneur. (Yeah, when I do THE MOST, I do THE MOST). 

Then, when I noticed that my 90-something year old grandmother was showing early signs of dementia, I realized how taxing caretaking can be. 

Oh, and when my son who admittedly has an amazing life, supportive family, and huge talents began to struggle with mental health and bullying as an empath, I knew that the mental health spectrum was much more than a notion. 

Let me be clear – NO ONE – I repeat, NO ONE is exempt from being on the mental health spectrum. Challenges with mental health can be sporadic and surprising, other times it can be predictable like clockwork. Sometimes I wonder if we all inadvertently signed up for the mental health journey when we got here; it’s just a matter of which role we are playing in what moment. 

I’ve been the caretaker and the one who needed care at the exact same time. 

Also, I’ve been the one who sat in my own ignorance and prioritized self-determination over depression. In my humble (and aging opinion), self-determination is extremely powerful. However, it’s Steve Urkel compared to the Mike Tyson of dark thoughts, ideas, and seeming entrapment. 

All this to say: 

  • Make YOUR mental health a priority along with your physical health. 
  • Begin to grow your empathy in this area by never assuming that you are impervious or exempt from this lived experience. 
  • Learn more about the spectrum of mental health. It is not binary, being good or bad. 
  • Oh...and don’t forget the caretakers of those who have such challenges. “Who takes care of the caretaker?” is always a good consideration. 

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