Short vs. Long-form Content - What Should Your B2B Business Pick?

Short vs. Long-form Content - What Should Your B2B Business Pick?

One of the most beautiful things about B2B marketing is that there is no magic formula. There isn't a single approach to marketing B2B solutions across industries and regions. Factors like technology, customer preferences, ongoing trends, etc., impact the way you shape your marketing strategies.

Marketing experts have swayed both ways when it comes to debating an idea or tactic. Choosing between short-form and long-form content has been a common topic of debate even among experienced B2B marketers. Let's end the debate once and for all today. In this edition of the Elevate Your Marketing newsletter, I explore a balanced approach to this burning problem while discussing all the necessary factors you need to consider.

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What is short-form content?

In B2B, you can create a wide variety of short-form content including (and not limited to):

  • Social media posts
  • Short videos (typically, videos under 1 minute are considered short)
  • Brochures
  • Emails
  • Infographics

Short-form content takes less effort to create. However, it doesn't allow you to dive deep into any particular topic. Short-form content is usually aimed at giving information to your audience in a bite-sized, capsule-like, and easily consumable format.

What is long-form content?

Long-form content on the other hand is intended to explain a topic or concept in detail. Long-form content items usually offer users in-depth insights with detailed actionable tips or information. Examples of long-form content include:

  • Blog posts
  • Ebooks and whitepapers
  • Courses and tutorials
  • Podcasts
  • Videos (those exceeding 1 min)
  • Webinars
  • Research and industry reports

B2B businesses use long-form content to showcase their knowledge or expertise in the relevant niche.

Factors to consider while choosing between short-form and long-form content

All the large B2B brands use a combination of short-form and long-form content. Eventually, you will have to reach a stage where your business is 'omnipresent' in terms of its online and offline marketing efforts. This in turn requires you to create content in all possible formats for the major marketing platforms.

But to generalize and determine what kind of content your business should create now, let us look at all the factors you need to take into account.

  1. Stage of your business
  2. Your marketing budget
  3. Size and quality of the marketing team
  4. Agency or freelancer ecosystem
  5. Audience preferences
  6. Platform and algorithm considerations

Let us dive into each of these in detail.

1. Stage of your business

If you have been in the business world for a while, you know that marketing doesn't work the same for different companies. The same content performs differently depending on the following and reach you have. So, if you have a large following on various platforms, any content you post will get a decent amount of reach.

But if you are in the early days of creating content, you need to be as aggressive as possible with content creation. Instead of picking only one format, follow a balanced approach between short-form and long-form content.

You need to adopt the practice of content clustering and content repurposing to be able to scale content creation without spending too much time. Start by creating what I call the foundational content and repurpose the rest from it.

For example, at Skalegrow, we create a long-form blog post first, which later is repurposed into carousels, videos, infographics, etc. You can do the same with any long-form content like webinars or YouTube videos.

Check out the below video to learn how to do content clustering and repurposing the right way

2. Your marketing budget

Whether you are a startup or an established business, creating the B2B marketing budget before the financial year begins is key to carefully spending your resources. While no budget is ever enough, plan your content creation in a way that fits your pocket.

Long-form content might cost you more depending on the type of content or format. For example, for hosting a webinar, you need a dedicated webinar platform like GoToWebinar or a live stream tool like Restream. Also, if you want to create high-quality long-form YouTube videos, you might have to invest in a professional studio setup, whereas for short videos you can manage with your mobile phone camera and basic lighting & microphone.

In addition, certain long-form content types might need specialists, which means a heavier paycheck. If your budget can't accommodate it, going with shorter formats is a better choice.

3. Size and quality of the marketing team

If your internal marketing team can handle the creation of both short-form and long-form content, my recommendation would be to invest in both, given other factors are favorable.

It is not necessary that you create a large team for creating content frequently. It's often the quality that matters more. Consider building a lean B2B marketing team for this if you are tight on budget.

4. Agency or freelancer ecosystem

One of the ways to create a solid content engine if you don't have the capability internally is to hire an agency or freelancer. If they come with the ability to create both forms of content, you should leverage that. While some agencies are good at short-form content, a few others do a better job with long-form content.

Evaluate your agency and freelancer ecosystem for their ability to create different types of content and arrive at the right content mix.

5. Audience preferences

This doesn't need an explanation. You need to be in places where your audience hangs out. For example, when it comes to social media, LinkedIn is the best choice for most B2B businesses. That's where most B2B buyers spend their time.

Also, today, most prefer snackable content, which means that you need to create bite-sized content. These content pieces can be used to attract your audience to your long-form content as well. At the same time, there is another segment of the audience in any niche that prefers long-form content. Instead of assuming what your audience wants, experiment with both formats and see which ones work the best.

6. Platform and algorithm considerations

Any type of content is platform and algorithm-dependent. Whether it's an SEO-optimized blog post or a video you post on LinkedIn, various platforms have different preferences when it comes to reach. And interestingly, this keeps changing over time as the platforms adapt.

For example, there was a time when carousels would get a ton of reach on LinkedIn. However, that's not the case anymore. Similarly, more words per article/page usually attracted more traffic in the early days of search engines. But now, it's not just the length but there are many other factors that determine the ranking of web pages on SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

But in general, below are some of the current platform trends in the B2B space:

  • YouTube shorts are attracting more views compared to long-form videos.
  • Short videos tend to do well on LinkedIn too.
  • Long-form content helps on YouTube too since they capture more watch hours compared to short-form videos.
  • Longer blog posts tend to do well since they allow you to dive deep into a topic. However, as mentioned earlier, many other factors contribute to ranking.
  • Visual content does well on most platforms. For example, a blog post with images, infographics, and videos tends to do better on search engines compared to one that doesn't have them.

Related: Top B2B Social Media Marketing Trends For 2024

In essence, what works on one platform need not necessarily work on another. Make a choice based on the platform or channel you choose for content distribution.

Final words

The truth is that a 'one size fits all' approach doesn't work when it comes to choosing the right content type for your business. In addition to the factors we discussed, there might be other considerations depending on your niche. It is always recommended to take the advice of a marketing expert if you don't have one internally.

Looking to take your B2B marketing efforts to the next level? Try Skalegrow

Are you looking for a 'no-nonsense' B2B marketing agency? Give Skalegrow a try. No false promises. No 'we will change the world' narratives. We focus on simple marketing tactics that work. Moreover, we spend the time to understand your industry, however niche it is.

Visit our website to learn more about what we bring to the table. You could also write to us at

More learning resources

Skalegrow has a blog that has more than 60 articles on various topics in B2B marketing. We discuss content, ABM, demand gen, martech, LinkedIn marketing, and much more there. Check it out here.

Also don't forget to subscribe to Skalegrow's newsletter where we share 1 B2B growth hack every week.

As always, until we meet next time, happy learning!

Charles Lau

I help biz in AI & Mktg • 17Y MNC (Epson, Brother, Coface) • 5Y Startup


Short-form entices, long-form educates.


By strategically leveraging foundational content across different formats, businesses can optimize reach and engagement. This approach is especially beneficial for startups looking to scale their content efforts effectively.

Experimenting with different content formats based on platform preferences can drive engagement and enhance overall marketing effectiveness.

Sonali Raghav

Skalegrow | Digital Marketing | SEO | On-Page Optimization | Email Marketing | Content Marketing | Website Audit | Keyword Research | Social Media Marketing | Graphic Design |


Content clustering and repurposing is a strategic way to maximize the value of your content assets and reach diverse audience segments across different platforms.

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