Today on SHOW TALK WITH ANGELA BUTLER the topic is Taxes, a jury of your peers, and the once size fits all mandatory sentencing guidelines for drug crimes. Also That is unequal for all Americans but especially Black Americans. Also that is another reason why the prison population has increased for all women drug crimes and domestic violence.Silicon Valley within the state of California and a company that has a Black Day or rather Black Days. Which are similiar to sick days and vacation days. Also the "Opiod Epdemic in 2018 and the 1980's "Crack Epidemic. The difference in what is considered a mostly Black Drug and Opiod or herlion. Why here in Florida Oxycontin or "Big Pharma ", is being sued by all of the county Sheriffs. The treatment is different very, very few people are receiving prison time for these pain killers. In Everett, Washington I I did a interview about their lawsuit against the manufactuers of Oxycontin and the uniqueness of their lawsuits compared to other lawsuits. Tune in I will discuss my point of view on all of this.