Shri Radhe Govinda, man bhaj le Harika Pyara Naam hai
Shri Radha Rani will surely help you as she knows about her Kanha.. As Lord Krishna had 16,108 wives , Radha was not angry on him and not on his wives.. She knew that how so many wives may he have, but he loves her (Radha) the most than everyone, let it be his parents, siblings and wives. If you don’t worship her also, she will help as you are worshipping her lover. As we all know that Radha and Krishna are not different, they are same. So, if you are worshipping Lord Krishna, it means that you are worshipping Lord Radha also.
Once there was a devotee of lord Vishnu who prayed and meditated for years. Lord Vishnu got pleased by his tapasya and asked him for his wish. Then that devotee said “ I want Lakshmi as my wife” and as per the norm once god gets pleased by a devotee he has to give him what he wants. So lord Vishnu assured him that he will get Lakshmi as his wife in his next birth. Little did he know that he was dealing with lord Vishnu. In his next birth goddess Lakshmi took 4 reincarnations as Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati and Radha. Radha and Krishna are their soulmates from their childhood days. She was mad in love with Krishna but ultimately both of them knew why Lakshmi got incarnated as Radha so to fulfill that deed she has to marry Ayan in spite of loving Krishna.
But there is a twist though Vishnu gave him Vardaan to marry Lakshmi, she is the eternal love of Vishnu, she can't divulge with anyone else. So Ayan took birth as a hijra (transgender or impotent). Though they were married they could never become one. Radha’s love for Krishna didn't die even after marriage and they both loved each other and met with each other. Though Radha physically stayed with Ayan her heart always belonged to her love Krishna. Once her husband Ayan saw her going to the jungle and doubted may be because he is impotent Radha is having an extra marital affair. So one day he followed Radha along with some people to see where she actually goes. Krishna already came to know about that and took the form of kali(as Ayan was a devotee of kali) to save Radha from the image of an unfaithful wife. Such was their love.
Everyone including Ayan could see she is praying to goddess Kali only Radha could see Krishna. This form of Krishna kali is still worshipped in many parts of our country. Though Krishna couldn't marry Radha he said Krishna is incomplete without Radha so till the time of eternity they will always be together. There name will always be taken together, worshipped together. Krishna married the other 3 reincarnations of Lakshmi. ultimately he had the whole of Lakshmi(all the four forms). By itself, spirituality is the science of the spirit. The spirit is nothing but the Soul. The Atman, the Ruh, the life power that is in us. Where is this life power located? It is in every cell of our existence.
The Soul came alive nine months before when the zygote was formed, the very first cell. From that cell multiplied the several cells to create our brain, our heart, our kidneys. Therefore, in every cell of human existence, there is the spirit. There is not one cell in which there is no spirit, no Soul. We are unable to realize it because of our ignorance. We don't realize that one day the body will die when the spirit, when the Soul departs. Then every single cell of our body is dead. We are so dead, that our own near and dear ones, will cremate the body, bury it, burn it, only to show that we, the spirit, the Soul, we departed. This is being spiritually enlightened, to realize this truth.
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People of different age groups all can relate with him. Mothers can relate to Krishna as her small child. Small children can relate to Krishna as their friend who do mischievous things like them. Ladies or girls can relate with him as their brother or friend (Sakha) or lover or husband. Boys can relate to him as a friend. People can also relate him as father. People can relate with him as an ideal king. Students can relate him as Guru. (teacher) Devotees and others too can relate him as The Supreme Lord. Some very special beings relate with him as an enemy. Krishna accepts this also. Putana came to Lord Krishna with bad intention(to kill him) but Krishna liberates her, give her the position of mother. Even today there is a temple dedicated to Putana being mother of Krishna.
Every soul can have one of five different relationships with Krishna out of which one is Madhurya bhava. If your soul has Madhurya bhava for Krishna, then you are Krishna's beloved wife since eternity so there is no question of His accepting or not accepting you. You are already His! But there is one problem. Since we are in this horrible material world since so long, we have forgotten our relationship with Krishna. Can you remember all the time you once spent with Krishna in Goloka before you came in this world? No right? So that means maya still has hold over us and our senses and our mind.
So who can help us get out of maya and get back to Krishna? Krishna and His bonafide Acharyas whom Krishna sends to help us. Now what have the great Acharyas told us? We cannot directly jump to the stage where we are Krishna's wife or mother or lover etc. If we do that, it becomes very easy for maya to trick us, turn our love to lust (because she has control over our senses), destroy all the love we had for Him and worse, make us Sahajiya (people who take bhakti to be cheap or take it very lightly). To get Krishna, we have to understand that it requires sadhana.
Firstly, one has to think of oneself as the loving servant of Krishna and His devotees. " gopī-bhartuḥ pada-kamalayor dāsa-dāsānudāsaḥ" I identify Myself only as the servant of the servant of the servant of the lotus feet of Lord Śhrī Kṛṣṇa, the maintainer of the gopīs. Chaitanya Charitamrita Madhya 13.80 See? Krishna in His Chaitanya form has instructed us to think and follow this. By thinking of ourselves as Krishna's servants, we can serve Krishna wholeheartedly. Actually, I too used to think of myself as the gopi of Krishna or His wife earlier. But thinking of ourselves as the servant of Krishna increased my devotion a lot more than when I thought of myself as His gopi though it was difficult at first.
Krishna has clearly said in the Shrimad Bhagwad Gita that we are the soul, not the mind. Because maya is controlling us, we are controlled by our mind and hence, cannot remember our time with Krishna. How can we trust the judgement of our mind in this case? It is better to trust the teachings of Acharyas from the 4 bonafide branches of Vaishnavism mentioned in the Padma Purana. "All mantras which have been given (to disciples) not in an authorised Sampradāya are fruitless. Therefore, in Kali Yuga, there will be four bona-fide Sampradayas. One of them were inaugurated by Śhrī Devī and known as the Śhrī Sampradaya, one by Lord Brahmā and known as the Brahmā Sampradāya, one by Lord Rudra and known as the Rudra Sampradāya; one by the Four Kumāras and known as Sanakādi Sampradāya. Jay Shri Krishna
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2yprabhu ki yahi maya hai
Wow. Beautiful, very beautiful Jai Shri Krishna
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2yVery much true...........